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How Can DCI and Corps Engage us Next Couple Weeks?

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Agreed. In 2010 my corps found out we got the rights for one of our movements less than a week before championships. I'm no expert on the topic but I would guess that piracy and YouTube galvanized more stringent rules regarding music use.

If your corps staff knew that it was going to be an uphill battle to secure rights to a particular piece, why not just pick a different piece early on in the design process and avoid waiting almost a year then to get permission? I'm sure no one wants to be the corps that gets "blocked" on the DVDs or audio recordings, making it look like they didn't do their due diligence. Why put yourself in that position in the first place? It's not like there isn't more music to choose from during the offseason...

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If your corps staff knew that it was going to be an uphill battle to secure rights to a particular piece, why not just pick a different piece early on in the design process and avoid waiting almost a year then to get permission? I'm sure no one wants to be the corps that gets "blocked" on the DVDs or audio recordings, making it look like they didn't do their due diligence. Why put yourself in that position in the first place? It's not like there isn't more music to choose from during the offseason...

IF a corps kept the exact same staff for years and years OR if that same corps could plan ahead for several years, securing rights should be no problem.

But even the music that you had the rights for previously, in most cases, have to be re-applied for.

I believe it has come to the point where corps need a negotiating staff for music rights!

With older music selections, where the composer/writer/producer has passed on - who now owns the rights?

'Getting permission' has gotten very complicated! How will the music selection be arranged? That must be agreed on with the owner of the music. Getting permission to perform the music on the field during the season seems to be relatively easy. Audio recordings are another step. Video with audio recordings, along with whether or not it will be sold as a live stream, a file that can be accessed for a fee later or sold as a DVD can be a nightmare!

Then there is the cost! Yes, permission costs! Just as we negotiate for a new car or home, corps have to find the proper person to negotiate with. Signed, legal paperwork is written up, sent back and forth, until a use and a fee is agreed upon. We can be talking thousands of dollars per music selection! Where does that money come from?

...then, what do you do if the music selections just don't work out and you have to add some new ones? Start over with this process?

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Is this still even a realistic possibility three weeks before the first competition?? What happens if they don't get the rights in the next three weeks - will they start canceling appearances at competitions? What possibly can be a backup plan with three weeks to go?

Sorry, I'm not buying it. If it takes this long to get rights, then you either had incredibly poor organizational skills and didn't start nearly early enough planning your show, or you should have chosen rep that would have gotten approved quicker than 9-10 months. That just seems totally unrealistic to me.

Drum Corps never had this issue 10-15 years ago - DCI Today always had their preview issue that got snail-mailed to you with the shows in it a few months before the season started. Were rights so much easier to get back then?? Then all of a sudden, a few years back, Blue Devils made not releasing a stitch of info about your show the "cool" thing to do. Now everyone's doing it (except Cadets and a small few others)...

Yes. music publishing companies move at their speed, not ours,and a lot of it may depend on the artists and their management. DCI is organized on this.

and yes this wasn't an issue 10-15 years ago...because rights weren't really required, and lots of rules have changed since then that make it tougher. Plus you have video sync rights.

And as we saw with Phantom in 08, even if you do all the right things and get the clearances, the artist can still come back and yank permission.

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Must be illegal nowadays to have press release saying as much then...

in the public ( DCP) court of opinion it is. See above,.....if you don't have rights, people will come on here and blast you, no matter how hard you have tried.

We are our own worst enemy on here. We went from an age where you needed friends to call you or Drum Corps World to get any scoop, to a world where people expect to know everything within 5 seconds...look at that one cellphone commerical..."that's so 5 seconds ago".

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With older music selections, where the composer/writer/producer has passed on - who now owns the rights?

I think you will find that it is often not the composer who owns the rights, dead or alive.

'Getting permission' has gotten very complicated! How will the music selection be arranged? That must be agreed on with the owner of the music.

Yup...with the band I write for last we had to send the rights holder a copy of the score of each piece I arranged (we did music from "Sweeney Todd"), and I as the arranger had to sign the contract as well as the band director. Same thing this coming year.

Then there is the cost! Yes, permission costs! Just as we negotiate for a new car or home, corps have to find the proper person to negotiate with. Signed, legal paperwork is written up, sent back and forth, until a use and a fee is agreed upon. We can be talking thousands of dollars per music selection! Where does that money come from?

Again, yup! We are paying $1,000 this year for the three pieces we are using, $400, $300 and $300, two concert band charts and one tune from the film "Moulin Rouge".

Sometime it is pricy, and sometimes not. When we did Tan Dun's music from "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" two years ago...he (in that case it was him) charged us $75 to use whatever music we wanted!

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So...with another off season filled with whispers and secrecy about what is going on with the corps almost behind us (Thankfully), what could DCI and the corps do in the next couple of weeks to get fans in gear for the upcoming season?

Your ideas....thoughts ?

How about a daily video report from the corps? Features what's going with some video!

Edited by charlie1223
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in the public ( DCP) court of opinion it is. See above,.....if you don't have rights, people will come on here and blast you, no matter how hard you have tried.

We are our own worst enemy on here. We went from an age where you needed friends to call you or Drum Corps World to get any scoop, to a world where people expect to know everything within 5 seconds...look at that one cellphone commerical..."that's so 5 seconds ago".

you are so right ..and in many cases it comes back to bite you in the ###.....I Dont think theres some grand secret conspiricy, maybe they just plain ole don't feelin like sharin at this moment and want to open themselves to a critique.

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you are so right ..and in many cases it comes back to bite you in the ###.....I Dont think theres some grand secret conspiricy, maybe they just plain ole don't feelin like sharin at this moment and want to open themselves to a critique ( which here would take about 5 seconds )i DO KNOW OF AT LEAST 3 DIRECTORS SAYING THIS............ its almost june ..Gezzzz...HANG ON IT'S JUST DRUM CORPS..LOL

That's just plain silly.

Cadets post every detail on the web and while there's been some negative commentary, the overall response is HUGELY in the positive. Why? Because fans like to feel part of the process -- even if it's only as an observer. And you want the fans on your side., right?

If a corps director thinks DCP is going to hurt them competitively....I'm not even sure how to finish that sentence without breaking some rule or other. Seriously?

If a DCI judge is going to be influenced by the pre-season speculation on an internet forum, I'd seriously question their ability in the first place. It's not like DCP is the only place a judge might hear drum corps gossip. Is the non-DCP gossip influencing their read as well? Because there's PLENTY of that stuff flying around that never hits the boards here.

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That's just plain silly.

Cadets post every detail on the web and while there's been some negative commentary, the overall response is HUGELY in the positive. Why? Because fans like to feel part of the process -- even if it's only as an observer. And you want the fans on your side., right?

If a corps director thinks DCP is going to hurt them competitively....I'm not even sure how to finish that sentence without breaking some rule or other. Seriously?

If a DCI judge is going to be influenced by the pre-season speculation on an internet forum, I'd seriously question their ability in the first place. It's not like DCP is the only place a judge might hear drum corps gossip. Is the non-DCP gossip influencing their read as well? Because there's PLENTY of that stuff flying around that never hits the boards here.

1ST Having some very close contacts to the Cadets....press releases are for reasons..sometimes for info, sometimes to let people know a little, sometimes merely to stir up some drama. As far as directors, like it or not , it is fact. Im not agreeing or dis agreeing, just sayin what it is.

Part of the process?

Im not sure what you mean by that.

As far as judges, I do know some who lurk around and read some of the drama, this is why many directors insist that their members DO NOT post anything on some of the social networks. Again not making a judgement here , just saying what my experience has been in summer as well as winter programs.

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