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Some of you users make me absolutely sick, and ashamed to be part of the Drum Corps International circuit.

Might it have been a bit better to address the SPECIFIC comments rather than make such a blanket statement to everyone here at DCP and DCI for that matter?

If you want to know who is destroying drum corps, it is this website.

I love this activity and I LOVE this website...the good and the bad. Aren't you being just a bit over dramatic?

We aren't all here to entertain you. We do the activity to achieve excellence, and follow our dreams, and performing to amazing fans is an added bonus.

Perhaps you might think about others rather than yourself...With all the negativity going on in the world right now, people need an escape. When you give them a great performance, it allows them to escape for at least twelve to thirteen minutes. They're not thinking about bills or the economy when you create that kind of experience for them. Is that REALLY too much to ask?

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I will not be replying to anyone, this is simply how I feel, from a member perspective.

Kid, you are in for a rough life if you cannot handle criticism. EVERYone is not going to like EVERYthing. Your refusal to engage in debate, to honestly listen to what others have to say, says much about you.

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So, can we get clarification? You're not just a member, but a "Top5" member? Golly.

You don't need clarification. He's entitled to how he feels. Clarification is besides the point. Your not going to change the way he feels. He is just tired of the ranting about the changes, props, who likes this and that about DC instead of recognizing all of the corps efforts for what he truly believes the activity is about. That is young people coming together to fulfill their dreams and extreme levels of performance excellence.

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Is DCP so negative? I re-read the most recent fifteen posts to the five most current threads (except this one) and found these positive comments:

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"Total of three rings. Not bad." -Ghost

"Awesome." -soccerguy315

"Wow! Congratulations, young man. Here's to a great season! I read an article in this month's DCW about a young lady who started at 14 and is now in her sixth year with the Troopers. I love these kinds of stories. Oh, to have those years back." -Daave

"I remember seeing him in December. I'm really happy for him for making Academy, and I'm happy for The Academy that they have someone of his virtual-fame and talent in the line!" -Barifonium

"Crown does appear to be ready with their show complete and that should help them, particularly in the early going." -BRASSO

"I'm with you -- I think I will like them both. Seems to me the Maroon team still has a lot to figure out. Going to be fun to watch them put the wrenches to the show." -corpsband

"I'm really looking forward to listening and watching them live this summer--twice!!!--in Warrensburg, Missouri and I got tickets to the World Finals in Indy." -msumello

"I listened to both Crown and Cadets and would say I was at least equally impressed with Cadets brass line and maybe would give them the edge over Crown. Was also impressed with both guards. Thought they were both very mature in performance. This was based on the YouTube video of Crown which I watched three times before it disappeared and the one on Cadets' FB posted by a friend of the Cadets. Obviously not the ideal venue, but have to say I think I will love both of these shows. Ironically, I'm not in love with the direction of DCI shows and these two corps are much more artistic in their approach this year and I like it a lot. Maybe I'm maturing artistically." -newjerseycorpguy

"I couldn't see much of the guards, and I know they play a big part in the final scores--BD's is looking pretty good. I noticed that Cadets' and Crowns' guards are fairly close. Cadets' guard seems to be a little ahead of Crown as far as rifle tosses and catching, while Crown's guard look more together with their flag movements. I usually focus on the music this early in the season since good videos of formations and guard movement isn't noticeable--because the videos being recorded tend to be taken close to the ground so you don't get the best visuals like you would from a higher point of recording." -msumello

"No matter what: good luck to one and all. How about another round of predictions the week leading up to Minneapolis? Things will be taking shape by then. Travel safely everyone." -7567BC

"Cavaliers--Since 1985 Cavies have been lower than 5th only twice. Last year was a fluke!" -boxingfred

"I really think BDB is going to place higher. Top 12 in percussion I think." -flammaster

"Wow, that was a lot of coverage. Honestly, I was expecting like 15 seconds. Props to the channel for making the time to do it right and making the super-early morning worth it for the corps." -soccerguy315

"The video sounds pretty good. Can't wait to see it all on the move. Hopefully Crossmen will solidly keep their spot in Finals this year." -fsubone

"The news had a good bit of 'Goodbye Blue Sky' on it. I really liked how it's intertwined with 'The Sounds of Silence.'" -mr.mello

"I think you're nailing the big question. Nice corps, sounds good. Neat music. Now make it work. Concept shows are so difficult to pull off. Don't get me wrong: I'm hoping big time that they're able to do it, but man it's a tough sell." -rayfallon

"Can't wait to see how they work the Pink Floyd into their show. My favorite album ever, so can't wait to see how it gets worked in." -fsubone

"I thought it was cool how two of their anchors had band experience and kinda knew what they were seeing." -barigirl78

"It's great to see one our local stations giving the corps a good amount of exposure. Props to WOAI." -CUDAKITE

"Group sounds great for pre-tour" -MalEightball

"Corps sounds terrific; guard looks strong." -rayfallon

"Saw them rehearse last night. It's still very early, but I like what I saw. It sure looks like they have the vehicle to keep them where they belong" -CUDAKITE

"That is great. I bet it will look great, after seeing the pics at the standstill." -MikeD

"After seeing them with eyeballs, the uniform works really well -- even the purple pants. And the stripe is ... striking." -corpsband

"And you're quite right -- the MM's love the uniform." -corpsband

"He's one of my students. For the record, the MM's in Crown LOVE the uniform." -Lead

"It looks pretty comfortable, too. I don't miss the days of the stock FJM jacket that just about every group wore." -ShutUpAndPlayYerGuitar

"I love this time of year. Me = happy armchair uniform designer." -MikeN

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So in 75 posts, 28 contained unambiguously positive comments. That doesn't mean the other 47 posts were negative! Most would be best described as neutral, not expressing an opinion, just carrying on the conversation.

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Kid, you are in for a rough life if you cannot handle criticism. EVERYone is not going to like EVERYthing. Your refusal to engage in debate, to honestly listen to what others have to say, says much about you.

LOL.... last night there was a YT post about a cat and dog play fighting and some comments about pro/cons of declawing. I made a comment about the vid and said our cat was declawed.

This morning I had one email/YT msg calling me an ####### and another saying I should have my finger tips amputated to see how it feels. And you think DCP is rough....

Edited by JimF-LowBari
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My compliments to the previous posters. You have articulated nearly every one of my reactions.

The only one I feel the need to add is this. Websites do not create negativity - people do. Whatever grievance the OP has is not with the Drum Corps Planet website. DCP provides news releases, a number of categorized subforums, and the moderation necessary to achieve a higher signal-to-noise ratio than unmoderated sites. The OP grievance is merely an adverse reaction to the opinions of certain people. Wait till he sees the rest of the Internet!

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You don't need clarification. He's entitled to how he feels. Clarification is besides the point. Your not going to change the way he feels. He is just tired of the ranting about the changes, props, who likes this and that about DC instead of recognizing all of the corps efforts for what he truly believes the activity is about. That is young people coming together to fulfill their dreams and extreme levels of performance excellence.

In all of my time on DCP I cannot recall seeing a post that demeans, or otherwise puts down the marching members. The vast majority of DCP members have marching experience be it band, DCI, DCA, or WGI. I think all members are aware of the hard work and dedication it takes to be in drum corps, especially at the top levels. We all respect the current MMs and what they accomplish. The problems arise primarily from content. If you or people like the OP take the time to really read what is posted you will see that. Marching members - praised. Content creators - criticized (often quite harshly). Again I will restate the OPs refusal to participate in discussion says a lot about him, and it is not positive.

OP - If you are reading this please feel free to email me offline: ichigo.dave@yahoo.com

Please. I really do want to talk with you. I may speak strongly against your beliefs, but I will in no way insult you.

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