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The Blue Devils 2024 - Rise after the Storm

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2 hours ago, Chief Guns said:

And from a "business perspective" (not a fan perspective) if you were overall in charge of BD, and you just racked up your 10th title in the last 15 competitive seasons Saturday night, and someone comes in your office Monday morning and says the formula needs to be scrapped and we need to do something else for 2024 to appease some people online, what would your response be as the Director of BD?

Pretty sure all DCP participants would be expecting a call from BD to flesh out some of our opinions. We're that wise and important here, right?

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49 minutes ago, resipsaloquitur said:

Just a wild guess

Yeah. If it's the case out of guessing, it probably won't focus on Carl but his ideas, and work would still be a big part of the main theme.. Out of guessing out loudly 😁

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May i say.. I feel like BD show 2024 Might be a bit of tonal shift, still effective BD way, musical non the less, for eg.. say to 2011 and other past shows from 80s like 88 or 89. I do not know anything though just my intuition.

I am only trying to feel out their direction like i did in 22 for 23 and i think i have proven myself right.. I could sense the tone and vibes and i keep seeing yellow when i broke it down over time, it explains BD direction for 2023, and yes it was correct from an intuition perspective.

Edited by theonlyfizzle
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I would be happy if Blue Devils went back to the Dance Derby of the Century show and did it right. Only call the show Dance Derby from Then to Now!

Think slow opening with a modern arrangement of Moonlight Serenade (Glenn Miller), then Benny Goodman's Sing Sing Sing or something similar, then move to Stan Kenton's Cuban Fire (listen to link below). After this section move to a percussion feature with a modern version of Dave Grusin's Mountain Dance (see 2nd link below). Do some original music with split percussion ( or pit vs battery ) with some dance-off fun, then close with Gordon Goodwin's Sing Sang Sung (link below). I think it would be a killer show...and with their guard -- Oh heck yes this would be incredible. 



Dave Grusin - Mountain Dance

Gordon Goodwin - Sing Sang Sung

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1 hour ago, theonlyfizzle said:

Yeah. If it's the case out of guessing, it probably won't focus on Carl but his ideas, and work would still be a big part of the main theme.. Out of guessing out loudly 😁

Blue Devils will have billions and billions of titles …

-Carl Sagan 

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3 hours ago, Deguello said:

To shut down the nattering nabobs of negativism that run rampant over DCP, BD will have to win 2024 for a no-quibbling-about-it three-peat, and then win 2025 for the first-ever four-peat. (And they can do it, mind you.) But someone is ALWAYS gonna put an asterisk next to this three-peat.

Thanks, Spiro....  :)

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3 hours ago, NakedEye said:

DCI officially called it a three-peat. End of story for whatever delusional asterisk lovers are out there.

The ironic thing is, if anything, it was even more impressive than one in non-worldwide pandemic times, because to get the second one, they had to assemble an almost entirely new corps, after two years of inactivity. That makes it worth at least the equivalent of a five-peat. 😂

Oh great....now you're gonna trigger the Minnesota Brass alums!!

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