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Santa Clara Vanguard 2024

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54 minutes ago, Terri Schehr said:

I was just trying to be fair to both sides, too. Oh well. 

No good deed goes unpunished Terri

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14 minutes ago, scheherazadesghost said:

You sure showed him. 😜

When I competed in the late 70s had a guy who worked with the Baris who used psychology. He knew we were a bunch of “self starters” who did not respond to yelling or insults. It was “huh… thought you could do better than that…” 3 second pause (for the meaning to sink in 😡) “ok try it again”. 

Edited by JimF-LowBari
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Today SCV announced a partnership with DeMoulin.


Guess that means they won’t be using Stanbury anymore. How long was their run with Stanbury uniforms?

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5 hours ago, olddrummer34 said:

Care to tell us what those rumors are? Some of you are just so eager to tear down these drum corps. It is exhausting. Go start your own forum where you can talk trash all day long. Just leave the negativity off of here. Seriously. It is getting so old to open a thread and see the same 3 people (Jeff Ream, ShherexadeGhost or whatever) being completely insufferable. You have ruined this place

i don't wish any corps to fail. but rumors were of food and rest issues. i remember seeing stuff on reddit both seasons.


and there's tons of threads on here i havent posted on. go read them.

Edited by Jeff Ream
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4 hours ago, Jimmyjames said:

It is beyond hilarious you think they are talking trash. You know you could leave. and you wouldn't have to read anything here. 

no it's ok, i'll stay on his lawn. a lawn i've been posting on since day 1

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4 hours ago, olddrummer34 said:

No, this place is not positive. And I used to enjoy reading, for YEARS. never posted. Decided to make an account to post because of all of the negativity. 


And go back and read Jeff Ream's  posts. You will see deeply unhappy people that just want to make us all see how miserable they can be. 

i'm actually very happy with life. i'm not happy with one of my all time favorite corps being run like a #### show.

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3 hours ago, scheherazadesghost said:

I don't know what constitutes a personal attack to the mods here anymore but this seems like one to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️

please. far worse has been said about me by far better. 

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2 hours ago, scheherazadesghost said:

The latest CEO update indicated that they plan to have the 2022 audit submitted by the end of this year. I think that means the audited financials will be available to the public in January.

As I've always said, even if the finances turn out to be spick and span, I still have safeguarding concerns. Those never went away. And before anyone comes at me with the rest of the safeguarding updates they've already publicized... you have to demonstrate consistently that your environment is safe, not just make rules on paper saying that it is.

good news they are at least saying something

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