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Paid attendance figures for DCI World Championships

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Actually, because it was not free to them, the fact that they were kids, at the end of tour, and had no money ( most of them), the fact they would have to pay to get in, actually kept the vast majority of them from buying a ticket, and thus being included in the paid attendance at the Montreal site for Finals. Furthermore, nobody has really broken down the reasons why people buy a ticket to Finals for ANY year, as far as we know. Some are no doubt also a parent(s) ( or grandparents ) who barely give a hoot about the shows, if at all.. They are primarily there to see their child, then pick up their child after the show and transport them back home, and other similar reasons for attendance. Whether it was 1981 or 2015, we don't ask the ticket purchaser why they are there with the ticket purchase. Its irrelevant to the paid attendance numbers published in any given year. Paid attendance is paid attendance. Period. Same as it ever was. And the same as it ever was for any concert, sporting event, etc. too.

Actually like they do in WGI many corps paid the amount

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..... and for the record, I feel certain the paid number released by DCI is legit. My point is, differently managed events during other eras might NOT have been legit.

Whoa... the DCI published recent paid attendance figures are legit, but somehow the previous years DCI published paid attendance figures ( your words ) "might not have been legit".? .... for some yet unexplained, non submitted reason ? This is getting weirder by the minute. I was there in Montreal for both the 1981, 82 Championships ( Prelims, Finals ), and I certainly did not believe the DCI Finals paid attendance figures " might not have been legit ". We're you part of the paid attendance at DCI Finals in Montreal in 1981, 1982 ? The reason I ask is because if you were there you probably would not be vulnerable now to some sort of current silly conspiracy theory that somehow DCI cooked up the paid attendance figures for BITD ( as Guardling said here " to make them look better" )and that as a result they " might have not been legit ". If DCI's paid attendance figures are " legit " now, why would they not be in previous years ? We have no evidence of DCI changing the methodology in which they calculate the paid attendance figures from year to year either. So, " paid attendance " is " paid attendance ". ( Est. 36,000 at '81 Finals, but 32,427 were " paid attendance " at Finals that year according to DCI official published results ). I knew former DCI Executive Director Don( and his wife Mary ) Pesceone ( he just passed away ) There was nothing in their DNA that would encourage DCI to not make the paid attendance Finals Nite figures " not legit " or made to " make DCI look better at the time " BITD. Thats very regrettable that a few misguided folks now thinks this was the case. These are scurrilous, untrue, non evidentiary,and flat out ridiculous charges. I accept DCI's officially published Finals Nite paid attendance figures. Both the current years, and the previous years... all of 'em. They are ALL 'legit " as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by BRASSO
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Actually like they do in WGI many corps paid the amount

as they say why trust facts when you can just trust what you hear...lol

Isnt the thread about this year? Not 30 plus years ago?.Maybe its both

My original answer was to the point that the vast majority did not stay out( as posted by another person ) they were in the show and paid. At least that was my experience with corps back then. But of course it went off on other things. Kids were prepared and corps to pay to get in like you said WGI

Any of this matter now? No i dont think so and if circumstances were different , as they could be . No doesnt matter at all. IMO

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Along those same lines (and someone might have already asked), how many $15 Indiana resident tix were sold? I was hanging out near the box office hocking an extra ticket for semis, and saw a few people walk up and buy those. Not that they'll tell, but would love to see a breakdown of full price, discounted, and IN resident $15 tickets sold. I know there was a big turnout due to the highly competitive top four, but I can tell you that ticket costs aren't helping to grow attendance. $255 for three nights (in addition to hotel, car, flight and 25 sinus-clearing cocktails at St. Elmo's) gets a bit pricy, even for those of us that can afford it.

Something does not jive here. Indiana discounts were only available when the gate opened on Saturday. The day of finals.

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Whoa... the DCI published recent paid attendance figures are legit, but somehow the previous years DCI published paid attendance figures ( your words ) "might not have been legit".? .... for some yet unexplained, non submitted reason ? This is getting weirder by the minute. I was there in Montreal for both the 1981, 82 Championships ( Prelims, Finals ), and I certainly did not believe the DCI Finals paid attendance figures " might not have been legit ". We're you part of the paid attendance at DCI Finals in Montreal in 1981, 1982 ? The reason I ask is because if you were there you probably would not be vulnerable now to some sort of current silly conspiracy theory that somehow DCI cooked up the paid attendance figures for BITD ( as Guardling said here " to make them look better" )and that as a result they " might have not been legit ". If DCI's paid attendance figures are " legit " now, why would they not be in previous years ? We have no evidence of DCI changing the methodology in which they calculate the paid attendance figures from year to year either. So, " paid attendance " is " paid attendance ". ( Est. 36,000 at '81 Finals, but 32,427 were " paid attendance " at Finals that year according to DCI official published results ). I knew former DCI Executive Director Don( and his wife Mary ) Pesceone ( he just passed away ) There was nothing in their DNA that would encourage DCI to not make the paid attendance Finals Nite figures " not legit " or made to " make DCI look better at the time " BITD. Thats very regrettable that a few misguided folks now thinks this was the case. These are scurrilous, untrue, non evidentiary,and flat out ridiculous charges. I accept DCI's officially published Finals Nite paid attendance figures. Both the current years, and the previous years... all of 'em. They are ALL 'legit " as far as I'm concerned.

Cool your jets, Commander BRASSO!

I think you misinterpreted my words as I referenced other events during different times. I wasn't being DCI-specific, was I? I meant drum corps events of all colors and stripes, not necessarily other DCI events.

By the way, YES, I was in Montreal. Actually organized a group travel experience of 65 people to that week. Not only that, but during those years, WAS what you would consider a DCI insider with some influence. Knew, worked with, dined with, and had the trust of all the Pesceones and Whiteleys of that era. Same for the DCA side. Look, I will never say or write anything I don't truly believe from having had direct experience and knowledge with the subject. I believe Mr. Guardling recently made a similar comment. Visit my DCP Profile, I guess. Anyway, I enjoy these exchanges and hope to continue.

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Cool your jets, Commander BRASSO!

I think you misinterpreted my words as I referenced other events during different times. I wasn't being DCI-specific, was I? I meant drum corps events of all colors and stripes, not necessarily other DCI events.

By the way, YES, I was in Montreal. Actually organized a group travel experience of 65 people to that week. Not only that, but during those years, WAS what you would consider a DCI insider with some influence. Knew, worked with, dined with, and had the trust of all the Pesceones and Whiteleys of that era. Same for the DCA side. Look, I will never say or write anything I don't truly believe from having had direct experience and knowledge with the subject. I believe Mr. Guardling recently made a similar comment. Visit my DCP Profile, I guess. Anyway, I enjoy these exchanges and hope to continue.


Its not misinterpreted , it's spinning a subject. If we disagree and not just hear say we are misguided, silly, misinformed. Doesnt matter that we actually may have also been there and not just sitting in the stands and MAY have some insight also..Oh well Another day another issue...lol,DCP at it's finest. ( watch how this spins now..lol )

Appreciate the post Fred. and your contributions. i knew of many but reading back again is very impressive. Mine is also quite extensive to this day but here sometimes that gets challenged also. People sometimes do to want to know how it actually is or even was just as they think it should be.Not that anyone has to agree with it, Human nature i suppose.

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Cool your jets, Commander BRASSO!

I think you misinterpreted my words as I referenced other events during different times. I wasn't being DCI-specific, was I? I meant drum corps events of all colors and stripes, not necessarily other DCI events.

By the way, YES, I was in Montreal.,

Well, if you were in Montreal in 1981, 1982 for Finals Nite, then you would not be claiming that the DCI official published Finals Nite paid attendance of 32,427 ( with an estimated 36,000 ) " may not have been legit " charge of yours is bogus, and without a submitted shred of evidence by anyone here that ( as Guardling said above ) " may have been said to make them ( DCI ) look better ". Its a feeble attempt at revisionist history to serve a current agenda, and is without merit, nor standing. We can applaud todays increased Finals Nite Paid attendance, and can do so without impugning the motives of the Hall of Fame DCI'ers who are dead and gone now and are thus no longer with us as a result to defend themselves now from this scurrilous and lame attempt to impugn their Finals Nite Paid attendance figures from BITD. Thir numbers WERE " legit " whether you or others want to now impugn their integrity for them now or not........ You're the one that" needs to calm down", as you introduced above the outlandish notion of the illegitimacy of the Finals Nite Paid attendance from BITD, but without a shred, nor scintilla of evidence to back up that absurd, conspiratorial based, bogus claim of yours.... Commander Windish.

Edited by BRASSO
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Well, if you were in Montreal in 1981, 1982 for Finals Nite, then you would not be claiming that the DCI official published Finals Nite paid attendance of 32,427 ( with an estimated 36,000 ) " may not have been legit " charge of yours is bogus, and without a submitted shred of evidence by anyone here that ( as Guardling said above ) " may have been said to make them ( DCI ) look better ". Its a feeble attempt at revisionist history to serve a current agenda, and is without merit, nor standing. We can applaud todays increased Finals Nite Paid attendance, and can do so without impugning the motives of the Hall of Fame DCI'ers who are dead and gone now and are thus no longer with us as a result to defend themselves now from this scurrilous and lame attempt to impugn their Finals Nite Paid attendance figures from BITD. Thir numbers WERE " legit " whether you or others want to now impugn their integrity for them now or not........ You're the one that" needs to calm down", as you introduced above the outlandish notion of the illegitimacy of the Finals Nite Paid attendance from BITD, but without a shred, nor scintilla of evidence to back up that absurd, conspiratorial based, bogus claim of yours.... Commander Windish.

Ahhh Brasso, always looking to make mountains out of molehills.

FYI it was a different era and some stuff may have been nudged up for a lack of technology to give true accounting. Back then a lot of stadium events used turnstile counts. Doesn't mean entry was paid, it just tells you how many came in.

Having housed players for the former Expos AA affiliate, I've gotten to know people involved with the stadium. They even admitted numbers weren't 100% accurate back then

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