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year1buick last won the day on March 26

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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    1991 Sky Ryders; 1992, 1994 Phantom Regiment
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  • Location
    Fort Worth, Texas

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  1. I’m not sure, to be honest. I’ve heard of it (and the Netflix series) but don’t really know anything about it.
  2. They should paint it black and play Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden.
  3. I’ve read the series several times. (And pretty much everything else King has written.) It’s basically Stephen King’s Lord of the Rings. (Mike Flanagan is supposed to be working on a streaming adaptation, and I can’t wait.) Roland isn’t intergalactic, per se, but he does, on occasion, slip between worlds. Even though the actual story is probably a little dense for translation to the field, the aesthetic— basically the old west, with scattered technological remnants of a civilization long gone (the “old ones”) that the current inhabitants don’t really understand— would be cool as hell. With the occasional monster thrown in for good measure. Oh, and it would give them reason to work Hey Jude into a show.
  4. By far, the craziest was randomly running into JD Shaw (dressed in a tuxedo) at a model train store in Dallas in 1999.
  5. A couple months ago I got to talking with the grandfather of a patient and it turned out he almost marched 27th Lancers. (I think he had to drop out right before the start of the season.)
  6. There was an uptick in my area in back in early July. (We all got it in my family.)
  7. It’s been so long, I don’t really remember much about Allentown. Other than the hill. And the Buicks performing, um, commando in 94. 😐
  8. I was more thinking of dental restorative materials, LOL.
  9. Absolutely. I’m all about the “now” and super excited and proud of what the corps is doing. I can’t wait to see where they take the program.
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