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Everything posted by MsBusDriver

  1. Leave it to the Drum Corps Oldies to show their patriotic side... Either that or they just couldn't resist playing to a crowd... any crowd! http://www.theblaze.com/stories/the-blaze-reports-from-inside-the-comrades-ranks-occupy-wall-street-day-of-rage/ About halfway down the page... "Then, in perhaps the most surprising turn of events all day, a counter-protest erupted from the other side of the Plaza. A full brass band, Primetime Brass, bellowed out patriotic tunes, including “The Marine Corps Hymn.” This clearly stole the protestors’ thunder for a while. The best they could do in response was yell at the band “play the Internationale!” "
  2. What a beautiful poem... Thank you for sharing it with us.
  3. My thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families. Never forget...
  4. Well, at least they didn't put an "S" at the end of our name.
  5. Santa Clara was doing arcs as far back as '70. OTL "Procession of the Nobles" was a series of arcs continually expanding out of the corner of the field like a drop of water . Totally new I think. Not sure about other corps back then if they did arcs in their drill except maybe for Troopers with their "Sunburst" drill. Not all shows were totally symetrical in the early '70s. Check out SCV '73 if you are so inclined.I think that '73 was also different and influential because of YPG. Anyone who has fannetwork should check out "Brass Roots". There you have the original DCI guys talking about who had the most influential shows during the first 25 years of DCI. Lots of history to be learned from those guys.
  6. Northtown Mall theaters Spokane WA. After near riots (kidding) the first year, they have managed to turn the sound up and keep it up since. Thanks NMT...
  7. Yeah, but just think what all that Methane gas would do to the atmoshpere! "Global warming" uh, I mean "climate change" anyone?
  8. Actually, I pretty much gag on PB&J sandwiches now. Total overload during the marching years... That goes for "Cold Duck" too
  9. When you always step off with your left foot (except for a Cadet alumnus). When you have no problem downing a glass of "whatever" no matter how lukewarm it is. When showering BY YOURSELF still makes you a happy camper. When someone offers to carry your suitcase and you say "I packed it, I carry it". When you ask to sit "High on the 50" for tickets at the local theater.
  10. The guys didn't wear hairnets at SCV, but us girls did which when we took our Aussies off tended to make us resemble this lovely lady. Those were the days my friends.
  11. O.K. I've been busy and haven't had time to read every last post on the subject. Saw the show last night on fannetwork and for the life of me I can't understand why they didn't at least break 80. I saw more emotion and power from them than from any time before. Guard is definately cleaner and so are their sets. Drums are as awesome as ever and even the hornline sounded more confident and louder. Any explanation? Love 'em no matter what....GO SCV!!!
  12. I'm really really starting to resent that phrase. Anyway, nice to know that SCV has been improving day by day. Keep up the good work guys!!
  13. Wish we could have afforded to go to Miami that year. It would have been interesting to see where we would have placed... Not that I'm unhappy with where we placed at American Legion Nats.
  14. Sometimes I feel that way. In fact it almost looked like I wouldn't make it down to California for DCI West and I wasn't even upset that I would miss seeing my beloved SCV live along with all the rest. After 40 years of DC, I figured that I'd finally burned out. But, now that I'm definitely going, I'm beginning to get excited about it. And I know for a fact that when I hear the drums and horns warming up and I see the guard doing their thing, my heart rate will rise and I'll be into it once again. So hang in there Kiddo, it will all come back to you...
  15. He probably had one of his own in his desk drawer. He was a "HS" principal after all... (d@mn kids)...
  16. Sweet... Thanks! Now if we could only get DCW to release the Jim Jones video (DVD) collection of DCI finals '73. (Hint, hint, hint)
  17. Now THAT I could agree with considering I was honored to be made Guard Captain in '75 right along with Judy Edwards. We were the first "Co-Captains" in SCV History.
  18. Not to be a smartmouth , but really? Heading to the corner the first half of the show, and then marching down the 50 for "Color-Pre" and then back to the corner of the field for the rest of the show wasn't what most of the Guard tried out for BITD... Not that it wouldn't be an "Honor" to carry the A-flag, don't get me wrong, I just believe that doing a *little bit* more on the field was what most people tried out for. Hate to say it, but making the A-Squad usually happened to those who couldn't quite make it in the general flag or rifle line... We loved them anyway though I whole heartedly agree!
  19. Just got home from work and read this. Haven't read all the posts. My thoughts and prayers to the Troopers and I am so glad that everyones doing well under the circumstances. It's every drivers nightmare that something like this could happen. Kudos to the driver of that bus for doing so well. Really. The force behind a blowout and the weight of the bus could have caused something much worse. I'm sure he did the best he could to keep it under control to minimize the damage. Hope he gets back on that horse... Considering the thousands and thousands of miles that Corps travel every season, we are very lucky that stuff like this happens only rarely . That in itself speaks for the expertise of most of the Corps Drivers. It speaks for the love of "their" kids and the desire to keep them safe. So keep everyone in your prayers guys. Not only for the Troopers but for everyone who is about to hit the road.
  20. That's a great story too Kevin. And you are right, Paul was ALWAYS a very nice guy. He was unassuming and never fussy or stuck-up about his talent. He is sorely missed. BTW, we're old here. It's O.K. to hi-jack a thread once in awhile with a fond memory or two, right?
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