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Everything posted by PopcornEater1963

  1. Proud of my Cavaliers. They’ve markedly improved show to show. And there are a couple of weeks left…Their job as performers are to get better night over night. Thats exactly what they are doing. Get it,men!
  2. The 2019 Hornline was on fire. Took 3rd in caption and had a ton returning. It’s crying in my oatmeal, but the table was set in 2020 for something special as off season recruiting was going really well… until COVID. Love the Cavaliers then and now, but I’m extra thankful my Cavalier was there from 2017-2021… and got to wave his hands in front of that 2019 hornline.
  3. Crown brass still sets the standard… after all these years. What a phenomenal run for their brass team.
  4. Kinda reminds me of my first read on Tilt back in 2014. With “sleds” instead. Brass strong as always. But this currently won’t beat Devils current offering. May not beat Crown tonight. They obviously know how to design a show. I’m a fan. But I was hoping for a 2016 kinda feeling tonight. I knew on opening night they’d win in 2016. Not the same tonight. That said… it’s their very first show.
  5. Not from my experience with my son in the corps from 17-21. Average, maybe smaller than average. 2020 season surely cut down on the number of 4-5 year guys.
  6. My son (who went on the march 5 years with the Cavaliers) and I saw “Downside Up” in a movie theater in 2016. We both walked out with your take. That’s the only season before or sense that’s ever happened. That show was that different (at the time anyway) and that good.
  7. I held off a prediction til I saw the Redcoats tonight. Blue Devils will win… again.
  8. Audio quality on Flo much better tonight. The synch with video is off, but at least it sounds better…
  9. Okay… I’ve rewatched Cavaliers. Soloist problems magnified my concerns. Those are fixable. They’ll be okay. The show does have a viable foundation to build on. Just not used to hearing intonation and phrasing problems that noticeable in a top tier drum corps.
  10. Surprised by Phantom in a good way. Surprised by Cavaliers in a not so good way. Unsurprised by Blue Stars. Blown away by Boston. It’s day one… so we’ll see.
  11. Through my sound system, Phantom’s overall sound is a hundred miles ahead of Bluestars. Like not even in the same universe. Pun intended.
  12. so this it? This is the final boundary of “drum corps”? No more innovation? No more creativity?
  13. Make the product 360… and sell the other 65 percent of the seats.
  14. Home sweet home from DCI 2023! And pondering “what’s next” in the activity. I love these shows. And the kids and the staff that produce them. Over the past 30-40 years we’ve seen the implementation of Asymmetrical drill, sound systems, props of all sizes, performers “above” the field on ramps, athletic wear replacing traditional uniforms, the body work of plies, “poop squats”, the switch to Bb horns from G bugles, the mandatory 32nd note triple tongue runs that start at the trumpets and end at the tubas, upside down quad drummers, and more. And I LOVE every bit of it…. But what’s next? When 4-5 corps each year end up micropoints apart near “perfection” it seems it’s time for more innovation to break open the current configuration of a drum corps show. And to that I say this… we’ve gone “theatrical” with set pieces, narraration, tarps, and sound equipment. Why stop there? Why not put wireless stage lights on those sky- scraping props. Incorporate special effects like wind, explosions,earthquakes, waterfalls, etc? Put silks on drones, and fly them in time to music over the field. Put MEMBERS in hovercraft and take “3D” to a whole new level? Can’t happen you say? In the late 70’s, most drum corps experts would have said NONE of what is currently happening would happen. The activity now has a “compulsory checklist” mentioned above and the shows while entertaining as hell check off those unwritten compulsory boxes. Where’s the next George Zingali, who once asked in the late 70’s… “what if we tied helium balloons to every shako” almost jokingly. And then went on to revolutionize drum corps. Some of my best DCI friends will think I’m being cheeky… I’m not. You know what if took to break Blue Devil dominance year over year? The 2016 Bluecoats innovating like hell in Downside Up with ramps, electronics, athletic wear over uniforms, etc. Well guess what… Blue Devils are now dominating again. And they get comfortable when no one is changing the way the game is played because they are better at the current game almost 100 percent of the time. Who’s the next George Zingali and what will he or she bring to DCI Production? We’ve gone “theatrical”… let’s go all the way.
  15. Was at Legend Field that night. Wholeheartedly agree… still sad that SOA didn’t medal after being in 3rd tfe night before.
  16. Their horn line isn’t any louder than anyone else’s … but their PA gear is for sure.
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