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Everything posted by dckid80

  1. Hmmmm...Crown with the best horn line EVER? That is a bold and subjective claim all at the same time my friend.
  2. The stream that you see now on the Fan Network is a replay of this afternoon. Just move the time cursor forward a bit and the 1stcorps will show up. You can watch whatever you missed that was broadcast earlier up to Crest.
  3. Thanks for bringing back a little fun and music Surf!!!!!
  4. Nice show OC!!!!!! Little bits of lots of things for us dinos to love.
  5. Consider if you will an alternate universe.... One in which DCI has done the best it could to respond to and try to manage an environment that is ever changing and usually not in a predictable or favorable way for the activity. A universe in which the best decision has been made given the information at hand as opposed to looking back in hindsight with the perspective of many years of trends and data. I'm not saying that the ball hasn't been dropped in the past and won't be again in the future but it's easy to criticize knowing what we know now. Pick any moment in time and define the problem that you think DCI was facing and what countermeasures they should have put in place to address that problem. Do all that wihout the knowledge that you have gained since that point. Now project that to today and tell us what would be better or worse as a result of your plan. OK...it's 1982 and we are losing corps: What are the reasons? Are there larger forces at play that we need to consider? What can we do to stop this from happening? Can we stop this from happening? Should we stop this from happening? Do we sacrifice some to save others? It's not quite so easy to be a visionary.
  6. You slam a response because of his age? I'm from your time and regardless of the numbers and whether I agree with you or not, you invalidate your own position with such a stance.
  7. Point taken Michael. I went for quantity and you correctly pointed out that quality meant more.
  8. Is the increase in ticket sales the actual number of tickets sold or the increase in the price per ticket? Big difference.
  9. I always take issue with references to SVC '80 as a game changer. In actuality less than 2 minutes of the show was asymmetrical. The largest portion of the show was still done on a 50/50 split but with a rotated axis.
  10. A show designed by Jean Luc Picard would most likely be efficient and effective but not the most entertaining.
  11. You are confusing "educator" with "business person". Teal needed the latter.
  12. My grandfather ran his own butcher shop for 30 years. When he retired in the early 70's, they found a tin with index cards indicating how many customers had been extended credit and still owed him money. The family did not go after any of those people because they recognized that my grandfather did not overextend himself or put his financial well being at risk. If fact, what they found was that he had extended credit to those people in the community who were less fortunate. Every small business owner faces the same dilemna. So to it appears did Teal Sound. As others have said, it is difficult to believe that the corps management was not aware of the financial shortfall caused by members not paying dues. To call that out as the primary cause, after the fact is dishonest. They should never have gone on tour in the first place. When people's safety is in the mix, there needs to be a point during the off-season where a go/ no go call is made. This should be an open and transparent process to all the corps members and their parents and it clearly was not.
  13. I'm not sure beating BD by a tenth qualifies as putting everyone else to shame.
  14. Transportation costs are among the highest that a corps has to bear. Does anyone know if there has been an effort on the part of DCI to try to negotiate a contract with either a national or series of regional carriers for transport that might return a more favorable price in return for a specified number of miles? Could DCI negotiate with a Sysco or Marriott Host Services for a specified number of meals in a summer and maybe lower the costs incurred by each corps procuring their own food? Any other areas that this type of strategy might be applied?
  15. Just watched the vid...... LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can tell they love performing it and I can tell you that no one will care where they finish this year. Maybe the big boys will take a hint and play some real music in the future!!!!
  16. Hey ozark...when Jerry Noonan played his solo in Ole for North Star the rest of the corps stopped....completely. No drume line playing, no horn line playing, no equipment work from the guard and no one was marching. As well...the crowd almost always went silent becauase they knew what was coming and wanted to hear it. ...and he sounded great every time!!!!!!!! That said...I agree with the others that find the current state of soloists not being able to be heard a design issue.
  17. We competed against the Queensmen in '78 and '79 in Class B in both the EMASS and CYO circuits as well as the World Open. At that point they were a bit small but still very good. One of our drum majors from '79 had been with them the year before. Class outfit.
  18. We sure did. One of the corps moms was a school bus driver in her town, had some pull and got us free rides for all the local shows.
  19. HM: 1. Bridgemen guard standing in a tight arc on the 50, tearing off their shawls and tossing them to the ground in front of them. 2. A couple of corps have done this in the last few years.... Drums and horns go silent while the whole guard snaps their silks around 180 degrees...love that sound. The tops: Phantom '05 - everything that Sage did from the silks to the costumes to the movement IMHO was the most complete guard routine I have ever seen put on the field.
  20. Classic DCP thread.... I'm a dino who also happens to be a big Idol fan. Have watched it religiously from day 1 and I did not recall Shaun. Doesn't matter in the least. What does matter is that between this guy who is striving to be a mainstream artist, the folks over at Glee and others who I probably don't know about, the arts as it relates to our youth are being shown in a positive light. Seems like a good deal to me. I took the time to watch the vid and it's pretty good. If I were a marching member and saw my corps(and possibly myself), I would be stoked. Only the most jaded or bitter among us will have hard time seeing this as a positive. By the way, I recall Al Chez playing the national anthem to open shows on more than one occasion back East.
  21. A. I joined to meet girls B. I stayed when I quickly realized that the level of excellence I was experiencing was incredible. C. Drum corps taught me how to push throgh what I thought were my mental and physical limits. At the same time it taught me the concept of delayed gratification that has served me fairly well in my working career.
  22. Thanks for the clarification gentlemen. It appears that the problem is one of comprehension. I referred to SOA's performance that night strictly in the context of most inspired. If you go back to my post, you will see that noted in the 1st line. I said nothing about the drill(which I have critized many times as a very easy follow the leader drill) or the quality of the output of the hornline(which I leave the the perception of the individual listener, taking note of the fact that the field judges had them 2nd across the board and the GE judge had them 5th on that night). I never said that I preferred one era over another with respect to performance, content or design. I think my continued presence as a supporter of the activity makes my position clear. If not, just ask and I will be happy to discuss that with you as well. My memory has everything to do with the emotion that was wrapped up in that performance. It was an emotion that everyone in the crowd and who had been on tour that summer tapped into quite easily. If you want to argue that we gave them a type of pass that night then so be it. Even today we talk about the loss of Jim Ott and the influence he had on the activity and on that night we mourned as a community. Inspired(from Dictionary.com) - aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence
  23. Thank for the history Jim. I was kind of thinking that it all started with George B. His influence looms large in our activity. He took chances that others might not have and we are richer for it.
  24. Translation.... You either did not read my post completely or you did not comprehend what you read.
  25. Most Inspired and not one mention of Spirit 1980? I guess you had to be there to understand.
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