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Madison Scouts 2011

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Hey, how about them Scouts. WooHoo!


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You're missing the point, their one point jump means nothing, what is interesting is the spread with Crown opening and the spread with Boston closing. Madison needs to find a way to add some demand across the board if they want a shot at top 8 IMO. The harder shows will simply outpace them in the end as the demand cleans up.

More demand? More demand than Who? Boston has one of the easiest show's on the field this year. How about 20 tubas spread from end zone to end zone doing an accel from approximately 70bpm to 180 bpm? How about the entire hornline jazz running at around 17O+bpm for the entire length of their second production (minus the few moments of 70bpm in the accel)? How about mellophones holding a quiet sustain while marching double time in Empire State Of Mind? These are levels of demand that NOBODY else besides the top 3 are executing. FACT!

Point intended: Madison has more demand to clean up than the corps currently below them and anyone who denies this is lying to themselves to make themselves feel better about the corps they have a vested interest in that is currently not scoring as well as Madison at the moment. Just sayin...

Edited by stevedb1975
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I love the gaps closing now. The staff knows exactly what to do from here to the end, and in my opinion, will hold a very big key to the end result in Indy. The reason is - this show is exciting and energetic right from the beginning. I felt it in the stands, and I am SURE the boys feel it on the field. Holding back the emotion a little so as to not peak to soon will be a challenge, but I bet the staff knows how to do it.

I love this show, and can't wait for the tours to meet up and see how they fair against the rest of the competition. Regardless of where they end up, this show, and these kids rock the house! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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More demand? More demand than Who? Boston has one of the easiest show's on the field this year. How about 20 tubas spread from end zone to end zone doing an accel from approximately 70bpm to 180 bpm? How about the entire hornline jazz running at around 17O+bpm for the entire length of their second production (minus the few moments of 70bpm in the accel)? How about mellophones holding a quiet sustain while marching double time in Empire State Of Mind? These are levels of demand that NOBODY else besides the top 3 are executing. FACT!

Point intended: Madison has more demand to clean up than the corps currently below them and anyone who denies this is lying to themselves to make themselves feel better about the corps they have a vested interest in that is currently not scoring as well as Madison at the moment. Just sayin...

I've wanted to say this to SOO many people, but always got too frustrated to articulate it. Thank you.

P.S. During ESoM, I believe the whole ensemble is playing...double time...at a quiet volume. The ending is so sophisticated it's unreal...class act. I seriously can't get over this show.

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haven't seen the show live yet, but just talked to my brother who went to the Lynn show. He said the first half of the show up until the devastation of the towers was amazing and exciting drum corps, but then the ending (Req & NYSof M) he said left him flat. He said they had such a great production up until that point and then felt that they missed the mark and didn't go anywhere with the ending. He always seems to call the shows correctly and his is an opinion I put much faith in when it comes to the effectiveness of a show.

I am looking forward to seeing Madison and everyone else in Allentown in august.

Can't wait till the East corps meet up with Bluecoats in Akron on the 7th for Innovations in Brass.

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You're missing the point, their one point jump means nothing, what is interesting is the spread with Crown opening and the spread with Boston closing. Madison needs to find a way to add some demand across the board if they want a shot at top 8 IMO. The harder shows will simply outpace them in the end as the demand cleans up.

Translation - My Corps is not doing as well as I think they should be so I'm gonna knock the Scout's show design.

:thumbup: I agree completely with the translation! :thumbup:

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And once again anyone voicing an opinion that doesn't have Scouts in the top 5 is drawn and quartered for voicing said opinion on an internet discussion forum. Stay classy, (and logical?), Sconks .

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And once again anyone voicing an opinion that doesn't have Scouts in the top 5 is drawn and quartered for voicing said opinion on an internet discussion forum. Stay classy, (and logical?), Sconks .

C'mon man. By now you should know you're gonna take heat in a Scouts thread. :tongue:

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C'mon man. By now you should know you're gonna take heat in a Scouts thread. :tongue:

I just can't help poking the monster from time to time. :cool:

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You're missing the point, their one point jump means nothing, what is interesting is the spread with Crown opening and the spread with Boston closing. Madison needs to find a way to add some demand across the board if they want a shot at top 8 IMO. The harder shows will simply outpace them in the end as the demand cleans up.

LOL, you are not very subtle......but you do know Blue Stars wont beat Scouts finals week...right ??


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