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Holy #### dude. Before you say anything, let me establish that I'm a Regiment homer that is enjoying BD's show more than anyone else's this season. Now that I've established that (so you can't accuse me of being a darn Cadets or Bloo honk)....

George Dixon was giving his opinion on Crown's show. He stated what he didn't like and he gave reasons for why he didn't like it. He also stated what corps he believes should be in Crown's place (Bluecoats). I vehemently disagree with him on that particular point but everything he stated was his own opinion and was supported by his reasoning. Those are the type of posts we need on DCP. Not your trashy personal-attacking posts that you've made a trademark of on DCP. Grow up.

Thanks. I was actually trying to encourage discussion. HONEST discussion. I spent a lot of my post complimenting Crown. I also gave an example of show-construct I felt would be more effective

I also was talking specifically about the closer and show "arc" - I enjoy the show

No - I don't find the giant banner and another crown set particularly fantastic. But it's just my opinion and I respect others feel differently

And btw - I love Crown. I donate to Crown. I have friends involved with Crown.

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Crown might have something up their sleeve ;)

Their arms? :tounge2:

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Congratulations to all the corps for a great show and exciting season! I know a lot of attention here is paid to the top of the pack but the non top 12 continues to massively improve and impress. I have to say I am very proud of PC for putting on an excellent show despite the unfortunate performance order and performance issues in SA, the members kept pushing and back in the race with their peer group!

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Thanks. I was actually trying to encourage discussion. HONEST discussion. I spent a lot of my post complimenting Crown. I also gave an example of show-construct I felt would be more effective

I also was talking specifically about the closer and show "arc" - I enjoy the show

No - I don't find the giant banner and another crown set particularly fantastic. But it's just my opinion and I respect others feel differently

And btw - I love Crown. I donate to Crown. I have friends involved with Crown.

I feel like they need an impact moment where the actual transition from hell to not-hell. The part after the ballad needs to be a big transition. It starts dark and quiet, and gradually gets lighter, louder and more joyous... until the Ode.
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Isn't Crown 2015 just a retrograde version of 2014? In 2014 they took us on a journey to the heavens and back, and this year we go with them to hell and back. It would seem that hell has more GE.

Crown 2014 - "Out Of This World"

Crown 2015 - "Under This World"


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Was at the dome last night and as I see it Cadets and Crown are going to peak before finals and as usual Blue Devils are masters at pacing and I'd bet there is yet more new material to come from them. The gold thing adds to Crown's show for sure, but there's not much you can do after that/ if any.

SCV is getting the shaft, IMO. They were great last night and are getting really clean.

Maybe it was the dome, but at times it was actually hard to hear Cadets brass, it was so softly played. Their show is kinda like a metronome. It starts and stops. That's it. Gets boring to me.

It was amazing to hear Bluecoats live, such innovation in electronics, also SCV.

The top 5 corps are definitely in a horse race. So nice to see that for a change.


Crown may peak - we'll see

Cadets will come down to execution - they are struggling a little (especially in visual) and the other corps are cleaning up around them - hurting GE.

Also agree with your thoughts about Cadets getting a little soft lately - they've cleaned the sound out so much it's become sterilized. It's helping the music score but hurting GE IMO. I think this is what a lot of folks are reading as "the corps is tired, they need sleep"

I agree SCV is being underscored in GE - and somewhat in visual. I feel the same way about Bluecoats

At this juncture I'd say BD has the best shot of winning in two weeks.. I base this on gap the judges are showing in the scoring (content/achievement etc)

I also feel Bluecoats still has a great shot of a medal

Two weeks is a LONG time.

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I've only seen one show this year (Atlanta), so I have a very limited scope from which to draw an opinion, but I agree on SCV. They were fantastic last night. Would've put them ahead of Coats and The Cadets last night.

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I feel like they need an impact moment where the actual transition from hell to not-hell. The part after the ballad needs to be a big transition. It starts dark and quiet, and gradually gets lighter, louder and more joyous... until the Ode.

agreed... teasing it a little more. Then a statement. They do some of this. Some pit parts possibly...

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