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Need help with BD Chop and Paste, Walk and Stand approach to design

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2 hours ago, Stu said:

Granted that you may indeed find edification in the brass/percussion sounds of many DCI shows today.  But it is akin to someone being enlightened by Free Form Jazz; it only appeals to a very narrow range of listeners.  And the designers of DCI need to be careful as they continue to progress in this manner.


There are no DCI designers. The member corps do as they please artistically. Some corps care more about scores than others. Some have far more resources than others. Some have a specific style they are known for and that's what they do, regardless.

DCI could no more dictate show design or direction to a member corps than you or I could. And, frankly, you and I might have more power by attending or not, buying merch or not.

These arguments have existed for as long as this activity has existed. Not everything is made for everyone. There are corps that are not my cup of tea for a variety of reasons. I don't take that as a personal slight, or even a statement about the "direction" of DCI...which is, quite literally, simply the aggregate of all member corps directions.

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I worked for decades in the Christian music industry in Nashville. When churches began to sing, and then perform, "new" contemporary music in their services, most who grew up singing hymns from hymnals, with music, harmony and instrumentation that literally hadn't changed in centuries had a violent reaction against it. There were a few very compelling arguments "for" the traditional music of the church, but no one could intelligently argue "against" new expressions of faith in music.

Many churches at that time refused to allow drums or (gasp) guitars in their church services. 

But now it's not even passé to discuss such ideas. The vast majority of Christian churches play and perform all sorts of music with literally all varieties of musicianship. And underneath it all is a truly amazing and vibrant community of writers, arrangers and musicians that continue to create and teach music to churches for use in services. 

I sometimes feel like I don't belong when listening and watching some dci shows. Most of you have infinitely more history and ability within drum corps. You know and hear different things than I do. But I find that fascinating and one very strong indication that the activity is thriving and growing.

Yes, for sure, a lot of music is being over-arranged IMHO. At the same time, I have come to realize that there are hundreds of thousands of people who love this art form because of how highly the activity elevates original arrangements and arrangers. It is truly unique. And while I have been among the critics of BD, the evolution of Bluecoats have helped me understand that it is very hard to have long term success in any creative venture. And when you do hit on something that works, you are probably wise to continue doing that.

BD isn't always my cup of tea. But I realize that, as one of the few destination corps, they attract kids and arrangers who want the kind of innovative arrangements and musicianship that BD accentuates. It's just not always about my personal musical enjoyment.

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I can relate to this Blue Devils "Metamorphosis" show better than any other since "Winged Victory" in 2007. 

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3 hours ago, Stu said:

Look up and read the per-season information provided by the BD design staff concerning their 2012 show (which was intended to educate us on DaDa and the Caberet), and also listen for the crowd reactions to their scores throughout the season compared to other corps responses.

My husband took me to DCI finals in 2012 for my birthday.  It was my first show that I had been to since the Pittsburgh show in 2005.  It was my first time seeing BD live and I was super excited especially after seeing Crown.

I actually have been lurking and following DCP since then even though I just joined because I needed to understand a few things better ;-)

This thread has gotten way out of hand and I don't find it appropriate to share my personal opinion on the 2012 blue devils show but to come to Stu's defense it was far from the crowd favorite...at least from where I was sitting. And there is a nice YouTube video you can find about when they accidentally announced BD as the brass caption winner that year(which has nothing to do with visual design) but it is a crowd reaction reference.

Lol but the poor OP was talking about this year's design transitions. This year is another animal in show design.

Edited by ThePlanets
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2 hours ago, afd said:


Omg. Wow. No words. Sorry for saying this you are just pathetic. 

Comments concerning differences of opinion, appropriate. Comments of a personal nature, as in calling someone pathetic, a loser, a moron, very inappropriate and a sign of, or lack of, respectful character.

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14 minutes ago, ThePlanets said:

My husband took me to DCI finals in 2012 for my birthday.  It was my first show that I had been to since the Pittsburgh show in 2005.  It was my first time seeing BD live and I was super excited especially after seeing Crown.

I actually have been lurking and following DCP since then even though I just joined because I needed to understand a few things better ;-)

This thread has gotten way out of hand and I don't find it appropriate to share my personal opinion on the 2012 blue devils show but to come to Stu's defense it was far from the crowd favorite...at least from where I was sitting. And there is a nice YouTube video you can find about when they accidentally announced BD as the brass caption winner that year(which has nothing to do with visual design) but it is a crowd reaction reference.


I tend to think there was a time in which Blue Devils sort of relished the fact that most fans didn't like their shows. But I don't feel that way anymore.

I don't know if there is a video of the finals retreat that got really ugly (Merry Had a Little Lamb), but suffice it to say there once was a really bad arrogant attitude around BD that I believe badly hurt the activity. Those days are gone, hopefully forever. Maybe seeing the activity that afforded them their livelihoods brought to its knees made them appreciate that they need other corps, other views, to have the jobs they have.

I never marched. But now that I have watched this activity closely for several years, I have come to appreciate the corps that are truly committed to telling a story. Of some type. Any type. Not all corps directors are innately good at this. A precious few are very good at it, so good that they can't do it any other way. The folks behind BD are exceptional at story telling. So good that they create a dramatic story around some of the most obtuse concepts. 

That's not always bubble gum fun, and it doesn't always work well. Somtimes it scores well. Sometimes they overuse ideas that have worked for them. But, look around the activity, and you will see the corps that are perennially at the top repeat things that worked for them.

This is part of the reason I love Bluecoats. They completely reinvented the concept in a way that no other corps has ever done. Yes, most of what they are doing other corps have done, but Bluecoats are committing all in to their concept, just as Blue Devils and Crown have done, and Cadets, SCV, Cavaliers and Phantom each did when they went on successful runs.

Successful people either become arrogant or confident. Arrogance I have no use for. Confidence is required to be a consistent winner at anything. The confidence that the BD organization has oozes from everything they do. I pray the arrogance never returns, but he confidence is infectious, and has had a huge positive impact on the entire activity.

Edited by MikeRapp
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3 hours ago, ThirdValvesAreForWimps said:

Drum corps should still be focused on brass and drums with drill and guard designed to support the music NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.  The MTV/VH1 generation nearly ruined drum corps with the "visual uber alles" approach.  It left the fans feeling empty leaving the stadium.  Drum corps should be steak, potato, and whiskey -- not tofu, quiche, and herbal tea.

1 - I should've known that, at some point, this thread would devolve into a "Millennials are bad" thinkpiece. Save it for WaPo, honestly. Young people are not the reason drum corps has moved on from the 70s. History is why drum corps moved on from the 70s: because we no longer live in the 70s...? Why do we keep having to argue this?

Entirely new forms of music have emerged since then, and people like Schoenberg existed way before then, so more than anything, this ongoing idea that a hummable "melody" is the be-all end-all of music is amateurish griping from people who don't seem to realize what a vast, magical thing music can be. Worse, it's completely ahistorical, which is a weird thing for nostalgia to be.

2 - Leave quiche out of it! What did quiche do to you?????? Have you never had it with ham in it? 

3 hours ago, ThirdValvesAreForWimps said:

  It's little wonder there's no emotional connection with corps these days.  Watch Spirit of Atlanta play "Let it Be Me," or the Madison Scouts play "Ice Castles," or even my Cavaliers play "Softly as I Leave You" -- the entire piece -- without tearing up like a little girl in the front row of a Jonas Brothers concert. I dare you.

3 - Since this is a BD thread, it's worth pointing out that PLENTY people have emotionally connected to BD's ballads of late, which have also tended to be entire pieces played straight through, plenty of melody, not much chopping. 

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30 minutes ago, saxfreq1128 said:

3 - Since this is a BD thread, it's worth pointing out that PLENTY people have emotionally connected to BD's ballads of late, which have also tended to be entire pieces played straight through, plenty of melody, not much chopping. 

Count me in with one of the PLENTY this year.   Love the ballad.  Love, love, LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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