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Cadets Narration 2007

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Well, unless Hop slipped something into the proposals...I don't recall any use of pre-recorded sounds in either the amp or the yet-to-be-voted on electronics proposal. The whole "one stroke, one note" deal...

"Professional narration" implies to me something like a dramatic read from a actor, or a voice-over artist like Lafontaine...neither of which is legal, as far as I know. Getting a "professional" under-21 in there...short of hiring one of the 'tweener pop stars, or stars of "High School Musical" etc (lord, can you imagine DCP if that happened? :P)...seems kind of unlikely.

I dunno. I just don't get where that's coming from.

I have an idea. Why don't they take the narration and put it in text form in the event program? That way, it doesn't interrupt the musical portion of the show. :)

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Relying on narration denotes a lack of creativity from the design team.

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I can go along with that. But lets not pretend that Phantom told their story better than The Cadets or any other corps. If you liked Phantom, then awesome, but don't pretend it is because they were ablt to tell the story of Faust without using amps and voice.

How blind. Its a fact Phantom told their story better than Cadets, proof ?? Its called crowd response and connection with the audience. Case closed.


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Relying on narration denotes a lack of creativity from the design team.

Repeating a show wholesale from one year to another denotes a lack of creativity.

Purchasing pre-existing charts from a publishing house is not particularly creative.

Borrowing drill sets rather than coming up with your own doesn't speak highly of the creative effort.

However, I fail to see how adding narration denotes a lack of creativity on the part of designers. The argument doesn't hold water. I'm no fan of narration and amped vocals but I simply don't understand why some of you insist that using such is, somehow, uncreative. To come up with the narration, integrate it into the show, and utilize it as a means to enhance the meaning of the program sounds pretty creative to me. I may not like it but I'm willing to recognize it for what it is rather than trying to dismiss it as some sort of cop-out on the part of a design staff that's out of ideas.

Edited by ChicagoFan
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Please get over yourself already. I can truly understand why you are quick to befriend any and all obnoxious vocal-haters like yourself, but seriously... give it up. I have never seen such an immature poster as you. EVER. And I guess thats why your age doesn't surprise me. You have transformed this community into something much worse than it was before you.

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Same vicious cycle goes 'round and 'round.......ok, now you can put that mirror back where it belongs.

Truth hurts. Cadets + narration/singing = Crap. Today, tomorrow, six months from now, next year. Predictable effort garners predictable reaction.


Hmm, 99.15+all winning/some perfect captions=crap.

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However, I fail to see how adding narration denotes a lack of creativity on the part of designers. The argument doesn't hold water. I'm no fan of narration and amped vocals but I simply don't understand why some of you insist that using such is, somehow, uncreative. To come up with the narration, integrate it into the show, and utilize it as a means to enhance the meaning of the program sounds pretty creative to me. I may not like it but I'm willing to recognize it for what it is rather than trying to dismiss it as some sort of cop-out on the part of a design staff that's out of ideas.

I guess it's good and bad.

To wit:

Good: Rather than spend precious time out of eleven minutes trying to display or non-verbally communicate a direction for the show, or a concept...the decision is made for you. The point is direct, and the design becomes obvious. There's no deviation: this is the idea, this is where we're going.

Conversely, it could be said that this limits you to an even smaller sphere of design: Cadets 2006 was Alice, it was Twilight Zone and Dani...but there wasn't room for a whole lot else (not speaking of on the field action [i know there was a lot going on], but conceptually) for the viewer/judge since that path was set outright.

Bad: Art is intensely personal. What one person might draw from a show like, say, 1998 Cadets, will differ greatly from another. Taking away the engagement you may have in a show...and figuring out how to relate it conceptually to yourself as art...is a big deal to a lot of people.

Conversely to this point as well, there's something to be said for not having to "explain" yourself constantly to a litany of judges at critiques and fans in the stands. The less time spent with the message, the more to spend on its systematic execution.

I tend to favor a certain way, but can see how others might not...

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Yeah. A lot of that I think they deserved, but once you start personally insulting individuals, that's where I draw the line.

Hahahahahahahahahha. Seriously, you are kidding right. 135 individuals being boo'd and put down, is A OKAY but... God Forbid we call out a single member... Wow. You really crack me up with your ignorance, lack of integrity, and poor choosing of words. I don't think you or anyone agreeing with you should ever be allowed into a stadium with any corps playing EVER again. Because to "FANS" like you, its all about you. Never about the hardworking members, only about you, yourself.

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