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DCP No Longer Important?

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DCP "no longer important?"

Heck, I don't think DCP itself ever saw itself as "important" ... just a new media that takes info in and processes it out. Like a shipping and receiving warehouse in many ways. :beer: I do, however, believe that many of the members of DCP find themselves to be very "important" ... to themselves most of the time, but certainly in "what should be happening in drum corps and how bad it was back in the old days and who should be playing what and who will or won't make finals" etc etc... as if making finals is the most important thing there is about being in a drum and bugle corps.

I think it is the forum here itself that is the cause/catalyst/reason for so many to believe that DCP itself is driving the propaganda or hype, the opinion or oversight, etc etc that many people get uptight or excited (or both) about. If a person isn't a member of another forum like this that is associated with something completely different than Drum & Bugle Corps (say: dirt biking; hot rod cars; hiking; stamp collecting; gardening; motorcycles... etc etc...) then they aren't realizing or seeing that almost ALL chat forums or websites are almost exactly like DCP in some form or another and relevant to their subject... some with even more volatility and debate than what we get here.

DCP no longer important? It may not have been "important" from the get go... but it is a fun place to come and see the latest news (there ARE other places on DCP other than just the discussion forums, you know... :laughing: ) and stay connected with old friends and to your corps. I stop by here everyday. I'm not surprised to see a few people that are critical of DCP not miss an opportunity to comment in a thread like this one, which indicates they, too, must come here quite frequently themselves... even though DCP isn't that big of a deal. :lol:

Edited by GGarrett
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Are you kidding me??? I think you are talking about the wrong site. Threads that ARENT controversial die a quick death due to lack of interest, while threads that have the tiniest bit of controversy can reach 20 pages in a few hours. If anything, the opposite of what you suggest is true, as others on this thread are alluding to.

Would I kid You ? Sort of think I'm on the right site for the last seven years! If you call topics like " Best fourth place finish after a championship" or "memorable 11th place shows of the ninety's" thought provoking, and comments that make your blood boil, then you are really slugging it out.

On the other hand, if you were to call someone that has dragged drum corps to its lowest level ever, a rotten #%$&@* %+$%&3 and tell him/her to chin himself/herself on the curbstone, it might generate a few lively responses (not that I advocate that) ;- )

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DCP may be "a joke" to many corps, to staffers in particular . . . that much I'll admit. I marched my last summer the year before DCP came into existence, so I don't know what it's like from a members perspective, but I once volunteered at a high-level world class corps, and the staff routinely made fun of DCP in front of members. However, the way they made fun of it, rather than showing disdain, in fact showed how seriously they took it. They could be astoundingly thin-skinned, and always had a knack for sorting through hundreds of positive posts to find the one mildly negative one, which would be printed out, ridiculed, and presented as the opinion held by all DCPers. I know for a fact other corps do this as well. A lot of folks associated with a certain cream colored corps were convinced that DCP was out to get them this summer, even when they are almost universally loved and praised on here.

DCP may lean a bit towards the traditionalist side -- though there are several very vocal and intelligent "progressive" posters, but today's staffers and designers succumb to the same type of groupthink we see on DCP, and are bound and determined to make drum corps look like the other circuits and activities they spend their falls and winters working in. DCP's influence may be limited, but it's an important counter-weight to that attitude.

Mr. Hopkins, The Cadets Director, ( on another thread here) is struggling to find out why fans do not seem to be responding to Corps shows as they used to. He says as much on his recent post on his blog. After reading about how at least one " high level, world class staff " makes fun of fans, it seems we may have some insight as to perhaps one one reason why more and more fans seem increasingy disconnected from some staffs that are in charge of these shows. DCI fans are a diverse group. DCP is likewise a diverse group. What is appauded ( and complained about ) in DCI audiences is reflected here. It is sad is that at least one staff has such a low regard for people who continue to support the activity with their time, money.... and some with participation. I know of no commercially successful musical artist or show designer that has a low regard for fans. They usually fail commercially with such toxic attitudes.... and some wind up then teaching H. S. or college Band, unfortunately. Such displays of ridicule toward fans of the activity may be one of the things Mr. Hopkins may want to explore as he tries to figure how why these shows designed ny current staffs are not receiving the degree of reception that earlier staffs were able to provide for their members so that they could wow the thousands of fans that supported the activity.

Edited by BRASSO
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Would I kid You ? Sort of think I'm on the right site for the last seven years! If you call topics like " Best fourth place finish after a championship" or "memorable 11th place shows of the ninety's" thought provoking, and comments that make your blood boil, then you are really slugging it out.

This is one of the most ridiculous straw mans I've ever seen.

Yes those threads do exist on DCP. No they are not the ones the person you are responding to was talking about. If you don't think there are plenty of threads about controversial topics on DCP you are being willfully ignorant

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Mr. Hopkins, The Cadets Director, ( on another thread here) is struggling to find out why fans do not seem to be responding to Corps shows as they used to. He says as much on his recent post on his blog. After reading about how at least one " high level, world class staff " makes fun of fans, it seems we may have some insight as to perhaps one one reason why more and more fans seem increasingy disconnected from some staffs that are in charge of these shows. DCI fans are a diverse group. DCP is likewise a diverse group. What is appauded ( and complained about ) in DCI audiences is reflected here. It is sad thatat least one staff has such a low regard for people who continue to support the activity with their time, money.... and some with participation. I know of no commercially successful musical artist or show designer that has a low regard for fans. They usually fail commercially with such toxic attitudes.... and some wind up then teaching H. S. Band, unfortunately. Such displays of ridicule toward fans of the activity may be one of the things Mr. Hopkins may want to explore as he tries to figure how why these shows designed ny current staffs are not receiving the degree of reception that earlier staffs were able to provide for their members so that they could wow the thousands of fans that supported the activity.

There is a difference between fans and message board posters despite the fact that the two overlap at times. The average drum corps fan probably has no idea that DCP even exists

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DCP doesn't matter. It has never mattered. Half the crap on here is just b.s. brought up by idiotic fans with the intention of pissing other people off. I come here to get my laughs.

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Mr. Hopkins, The Cadets Director, ( on another thread here) is struggling to find out why fans do not seem to be responding to Corps shows as they used to. He says as much on his recent post on his blog. After reading about how at least one " high level, world class staff " makes fun of fans, it seems we may have some insight as to perhaps one one reason why more and more fans seem increasingy disconnected from some staffs that are in charge of these shows. DCI fans are a diverse group. DCP is likewise a diverse group. What is appauded ( and complained about ) in DCI audiences is reflected here. It is sad is that at least one staff has such a low regard for people who continue to support the activity with their time, money.... and some with participation. I know of no commercially successful musical artist or show designer that has a low regard for fans. They usually fail commercially with such toxic attitudes.... and some wind up then teaching H. S. or college Band, unfortunately. Such displays of ridicule toward fans of the activity may be one of the things Mr. Hopkins may want to explore as he tries to figure how why these shows designed ny current staffs are not receiving the degree of reception that earlier staffs were able to provide for their members so that they could wow the thousands of fans that supported the activity.

Oh please, I should have seen this coming.... Reading (and laughing at) an absurd review that lambasts the corps and says we're ruining drum corps with our awful show is not the same as having a 'low regard for those who support the activity'. You also may want to be less selective in your arguments, since I believe I mentioned that were often read a good, thoughtful review along with the bad. Really, its something that probably happened 4 times in my career, but if you want to go ahead and make a blanket statement out of it, go ahead.

I can admit that Hop probably doesnt always have what the audience wants as his first priority, but the man who gave us 2005, 1998, and 1985, also gave us 3 versions of west side story, 2 patriotic war shows, and a show featuring the musis of disneys millenium celebration. Thankfully, there are directors out there that are willing to not just give the audience what they think they want every year. A high percentage of the 'classics' in drum corps became that way because someone had to try them first.....before anyone knew they wanted them. How many people were clamoring for a Bjork ballad with crazy backround percussion that made no sense prior to 2005? (yes, I realize coats did it before). How many people now list it as one of their all time favorites? Sure, there are plenty of misses, but that's what happens when you shoot.

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