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Can Cadets medal?

Can Cadets medal?  

153 members have voted

  1. 1. Can Cadets medal?

    • Absolutely.
    • No, there are too many corps that are just better.
    • No, the design is not a Top Three design.

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1 hour ago, Cappybara said:

Senility? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

 Wow... just wow.... requires no response. It just needs to sit there, No reply needed, imo.

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2 minutes ago, BRASSO said:

 Wow... just wow.... requires no response. It just needs to sit there, No reply needed, imo.

But you replied anyway proving once again that you have to have the last word no matter what  the situation.

Most would judge it to be a poor self image problem or the inability to maintain filters and boundaries. Sad. Cappy may be correct here. 

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5 hours ago, fsthnds said:

I agree, After seeing them in Lynn I feel Xmen brass are outperforming Cadets right now. Granted fatigue from parades could be a factor, but all the corps did parades that day. From my viewing point Cadets are more like a whole point behind Crown and Xmen should have been 2-4 tenths above Cadets. As the shows get larger the gap will be greater.

 You could be right on the fatigue factor here as the Corps did have several commitments with parades and whatnot, fsthnds. Enjoyed reading your take, and thanks for taking the time to chime in. Don't be a stranger. Do you intend to go to any other shows this season ? If so, which ones might that be ?

Edited by BRASSO
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My read so far on top 6...Cavies 6th. Cadets 5th. Crown 4th. SCV 3rd. BD 2nd. BC repeat. Could argue SCV 2nd and BD 3rd.

I can see Madison in at 12th. Phantom at 9th. Boston 7th. Toss up between Bones and BK at 8th. Blue Stars 10th...but I think Bones 10, Stars 11. Now, if Phantom doesn't clean it, I see 11th. 

BC takes GE/Visual . BD Guard. SCV drums. Crown may take Brass, And the spread between them and SCV is razor close... 1 tenth?

Edited by JKT90
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2 minutes ago, JKT90 said:

My read so far on top 6...Cavies 6th. Cadets 5th. Crown 4th. SCV 3rd. BD 2nd. BC repeat. Could argue SCV 2nd and BD 3rd.

That could happen!!

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1 hour ago, BRASSO said:

 No. Only if you insult the new guy on here for telling us that he was at the show and says he thought the Crossmen should have topped the Cadets.  The guy gave his opinion, then Cadeters came on here, citing and listing all of the judges at the show, and saying the new poster is not as qualified as they are and blah blah blah, so on and so forth. Is that a " cranky " response to the new poster here just providing us his opinion on Cadets/ Crossmen at the show he was at ? I think so. But thats just my assessment as to how the brand new poster here on DCP was greeted by essentially just the Cadets alums/fans. I welcomed him here. I hope he stays... and yes, its probably because I happen to agree with him. But even If I did not agree with him, he did not need to have all the judges names listed at the show as the Cadets response, and then made to make him feel small. Thats my take anyway,

First off, quit referring to him as a "new guy" or "new poster" or "brand new poster" as if he/she is a newly-budded rose that needs protection - he/she joined DCP in 2008!

Second, I posted all the judges from all five shows they've competed together, not just one show.   Of course it's just "his opinion" - none of these posts are presented as fact.   But if he/she is going to post how Corps A is performing X Points above Corps B, then we are certainly entitled to post that the combined analysis of 5 separate show panels are completely to the contrary.  

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1 minute ago, Eleran said:

First off, quit referring to him as a "new guy" or "new poster" or "brand new poster" as if he/she is a newly-budded rose that needs protection - he/she joined DCP in 2008!


 I will refer to him ( or her ) as I prefer. I treated him with respect in providing us his opinion, and welcomed his comments here. If he has been here since " 2008 ", thats even better. So thats all I'll say on him... as thats all thats really necessary from me, imo

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6 hours ago, Eleran said:

Well, I guess R. Kemp, M. McGahey, J. Orefice, B. Kuhn, D. Torchia, A. Cook, N. Jones, J. Webb, B. Thomas, C. Hestin, D. Niebauer, H. Nguyen, C. Marra, M .Kelly, D. Argul, S. Adamo, M. Thompson, A. Cook, J. Bell, C. Raichle, J. Kennedy, and P. Furnari should all retire, because in the 5 shows where Cadets and Crossmen have gone head to head, not a single judge has scored Crossmen higher than Cadets in any caption.  

Well that was a bit overboard on the snarky meter.  

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11 hours ago, cixelsyd said:

That will not hold if they keep performing as they have recently.  Either they got a bad batch of instruments this year, or they are not receiving the intonation training they need.  I never heard the Cadets of 2016, 2015 or 2014 playing this out of tune.  Balance and blend also need work.  I am hearing 40 individuals cutting in and out as they stagger-breathe through sustained chords.  Better if I heard 70 individuals; best if they blended so that I hear sections instead of individuals.  Crossmen are clearly out-performing Cadets in brass right now, but no judge has the guts to make that call yet.  They will if things do not improve.

I disagree with this. I did not hear this at all when I saw Cadets in Massillon. Yes, this is a less experienced brass line from them, but they played very musically. Intonation was very good, even if not perfect. Most drum corps this time of the year are not perfect. I think what throws some folks off with Cadets brass this year is that they are not trying to blow the roof off.  Honestly, I much prefer their approach this year to the one they've taken over years past. I love the musical shaping, the artistry in phrasing they are exhibiting, and the book is quite demanding. Their balances are more reminiscent of the late 80s and early 90s for me. 

Also, don't underestimate DCI judges. Judge have the guts to score things as they should be scored. No judge is going to just give the Cadets or anyone else the benefit of the doubt. Too professional.  We see comments like this from time to time, and they can stir folks up and bring out fear of cheating, favoritism, politics, etc.  It does not work like that.  If the Crossmen better the Cadets in brass or anywhere else I promise you their score will show it.  Perhaps over time Crossmen will beat Cadets in brass.  Boston already has this year. Boston has an amazing brass line. Judges did not have a problem scoring them correctly.  I have yet to hear Crossmen live, so I will refrain from my own personal opinion on where they belong. You may be right.  But my instinct is to believe the judges.  I know many of them (have worked with some) and they are very professional and very good. 

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