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Everything posted by dagenh

  1. According to these scores if Cavies get clean they’ll get fourth and contend for bronze. Really high ceiling. Either way, they’re so exciting. BD was so great tonight too. I can’t wait to get SCV in there to see how much of spread for 1st there will be.
  2. Prob because he thinks if Cavies go against Crown right now they’ll win. Me too.
  3. That last minute or so of Cavies show is fire!
  4. Love those props! I love the way the colors progress throughout the show, and I love how quickly it all passes by..... always the sign of a GREAT Cavalier show.
  5. Why was that particular picture used on the petition? Did you ask those guys? They’re not all dead.
  6. I've posted very few comments, but I've read every post on DCP for 12 years. My name is Neil Van Natta. I'm a Cavalier. I marched 97-01. I was horn sgt. with my friend in 2000-2001. I love drum corps. It's one of the few things I care about. This guy beating this stadium guy up is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in drum corps.
  7. For me this is easily the best designed Cavaliers show since 2008 and on a personnel level my favorite since 2002. It does seem like it will be in 6th though looking at the numbers.
  8. The Cavaliers also have a Ted Cruz banner. Doesn't the Hillary banner come out during the meow, meow, drink coke part and stay for the ominous ending where there are like 50 signs? Just seemed like more advertising propaganda to me. My opinion is it would be silly to ignore the billion dollars spent on this election cycle. It'll be fun to watch years from now no matter what happens.
  9. A dot is a dot. Unchanging, absolute. Yes, you use the tools each field gives you to get to your dot, but don't imply that that is similar to adjusting your dot itself to fit in a form. That is a completely different skill set that is pointless in a dot system. There is NOTHING that can be achieved in a "form" system that cannot be achieved in a "dot" system. Trust me, it can be written down. Every single count is a dot, and the best "dot" corps know what they are doing every half count. I remember one of George Hopkins DVD commentaries stated straight up that an entire section of the Cadets show at the end of a song was taught to the "dot" because if someone messed up there would be major accidents. If you handed a "form" corps's drill sets to The Cavaliers they could convert it to dots, I don't care what they are doing on that field, it can be dots. Cadets 1998 could be dots. Cavaliers 2003 could not be done by a "form" corps, unless over half the show was done dots only. No "form" corps could do the Cavaliers drill without changing systems back and forth. Unless of course, they are only a "form" corps in name only- for traditions sake.
  10. Obviously Phantom usually scores lower in Vis GE than their placement because they aren't very good at Vis GE. It's not bias to think someone doesn't excel at something. When she praised Cavies she was taking about a specific show in a specific year, and all the judges agreed with her. And don't forget, she is the reason Cavies didn't outright win DCI in 2000. She put them in 3rd which was out of line with everything all year. I guess she could slot corps of it makes you happier.
  11. This Nimrod is curiously devoid of anything resembling emotion.
  12. It doesn't matter how many people say they won't go. Literally only under a thousand people will even know about all of this behind the scenes stuff. The overwhelming majority of people will only see a ######## lineup. Then after seeing how much better the show is with instant encores and fan voting and such they will see G7 as DCI's premier events. And band directors will want to take kids to G7 for many obvious reasons.
  13. G7 shows will draw bigger crowds than top 12 shows within a few years. Instant encores, fan participation, fan judging. It will be pretty wild and wildly competitive. I'll flat out state that I'll rarely attend a show that isn't G7, it means I won't have to search through the schedule to find shows with at least 4 top corps. The marketing of all this will be so money.
  14. Disney World did not ask The Cavaliers to do that. That's pure delusion. The Cavaliers guard always wears the corps proper in parades and standstills that aren't encores. They've done this since at least 95 which is before the Disney years.
  15. How is this an issue? He (probably) wanted sex and got in trouble for trying to get it in public. So what? How could this possibly affect the kids? And how is what this guy did legally any different than what membership does? I guarantee that a huge percentage (more than a third) of marching members have sexual relations in public at some point during the season. If they like someone in another corps there is nowhere else to go. Ever been by the Citrus Bowl tennis courts after a show? Deviants! If you don't trust your kid to make smart decisions in this area they should not march any corps.
  16. I'll clear it up. David Bertman did resign, it was before today though.
  17. Plenty of people have left BD for other corps.
  18. I got 280 seconds for Cavaliers. That's 4 min. 40 sec. I swear this is accurate. Some places I never knew about before I calculated it, like I never noticed the low brass is playing at the very first downbeat of the show. Also, I included in the opener when the mellophones are in the snake moving and playing and the tubas are moving and playing as well but the trumpets and baritones are parked. That's half the hornline so I rounded up. Even when they pause for only a second I took it out. Cavaliers Total 280 seconds 4 min. 40 sec. 42.3% I'd also like to note it's the 2nd year in a row The Cavaliers play more on the move than the Phantom Regiment. As if it matters in the grand scheme of what is difficult.
  19. The Cavaliers are that much better in visual GE than Crown. SCV is amazing in visual GE this year as well, in my opinion.
  20. I agree the Cavies music ensemble score suffered, but they added tons of music changes in the last 3 days. I'm hoping they can really perform it even better by Atlanta. Which I'm sure they will.
  21. All five of the Blue Devils 2nd places in subcaptions tonight were in repertoire. That is a clear opening. The judges are already saying they perform better than what they have been given. About this time last year the judges judged Cavies like this, and there was no way out for them. (and there was one fourth place in music repertoire I just noticed)
  22. That's the best Cavies show since 2002. The camera angles were god awful during The Cavaliers. Why did they zoom in on the four guys making mountains twice when all that craziness is going on? Also, three minutes into BD there sure has been way too much synth.
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