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Cadets 2015

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I think it is amazing that there are calls for a shake-up in the design team. This is the show we all have been clambering for. If the guard was cleaned up a bit more we would not be having this discussion. We would be talking about how next year the concept would be 11 for titles won. The year isn't over, and regardless if this show wins or comes in fourth, the show is epic. If BluRays are produced, this is a show I will watch over and over again.

I loved their choice of MUSIC. I hated their choice of theme, which is connected in no way to the music.

THAT, folks, is the main reason this show is being passed by other shows with more coherent, aesthetically and musically meaningful show designs.


Bluecoats, Crown, and BD have better, more innovative, and creative design teams. And they're being rightfully rewarded for their skill and vision in the scores. As they should be.

What is a shame is that the Cadets play and march better than the other three corps, in my opinion, and the Cadets show is more demanding. It's not being rewarded because what the MMs are doing out there doesn't have enough connection with the music, and the "story" to be told isn't a story, it's kindergarten counting. Which is silly. Abstraction for the sake of abstraction just doesn't connect as well, because it doesn't connect to the music. It's disconnected, and thus every gesture is random, or cheese (dancing with the guard), or body movement for the sake of movement, etc.

I can picture the brainstorming conversation last year.

"Let's do Shostakovich 10!"

"Great idea!"

"What's our theme then?"


"How about 10?"


"It's the tenth symphony, so there's that.

"And at one point, Shostakovich was, as a matter of fact, ten years old."

"Holy crap! You're right."

"And he experienced a lot of tens in his life too!"

"Like twice a day, when it's ten o clock!"

"Wrong wrong wrong. Try 24 times a when it's ten after."

"But what about ten till?"

"I'm seeing a lot of tens everywhere we look people. We're on to something. We're really on to something."

"I agree. This might be brilliant. Tell us more."

"But first, let's forget about Shostakovich. He's too political and historical."

"And communist."

"Was he a communist?"

"He wasn't an American and he certainly wasn't a capitalist. And our show last year was all about America. And this corps is about America. We wear West Point uniforms. We never change our uniforms. That's why people love us."

"Let's talk Exactly. Imagine The Cadets doing a show that's promoting socialism. That would ruin us! Ruin us!"

"I agree. Let's push this ten idea. Just the 10. Not the Shostakovich crap, though."

"How about ten little indians maybe."

"Nah. Not P.C. Almost as bad as the Washington Redskins. Indians shouldn't be referred to as little. Not unless they play baseball in Cleveland."

"Booyah! Go Yankees!"

Everyone stands to salute the best team money can buy.

"But what about if we did a show that told the story about Shostakovich and his music? Like tell the story of the music itself? Maybe one man's voice against the oppression of the many? A show about freedom and freedom of expression? I mean, maybe Dmitri wasn't communistic or socialistic. Maybe he was telling a story that's the opposite of socialism?"


"Nah! Let's do the 10 thing. Judges and audiences don't want meaning. They don't want stories. They don't want cheesy emotion. They want simple ideas. They want abstraction. They know how to count to 10. So let's give them that."

"Yeah! We can use tarps and make every number 10. 10 10 10 10. It'll be 10 everywhere."



"Let's vote. Who wants 10?"

All ten hands are raised.

"OK, we're done here. The design team has spoken. Who wants a latte?"

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Ten out of ten people thinks a show about Stalin would suck.

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I loved their choice of MUSIC. I hated their choice of theme, which is connected in no way to the music.

THAT, folks, is the main reason this show is being passed by other shows with more coherent, aesthetically and musically meaningful show designs.


Bluecoats, Crown, and BD have better, more innovative, and creative design teams. And they're being rightfully rewarded for their skill and vision in the scores. As they should be.

What is a shame is that the Cadets play and march better than the other three corps, in my opinion, and the Cadets show is more demanding. It's not being rewarded because what the MMs are doing out there doesn't have enough connection with the music, and the "story" to be told isn't a story, it's kindergarten counting. Which is silly. Abstraction for the sake of abstraction just doesn't connect as well, because it doesn't connect to the music. It's disconnected, and thus every gesture is random, or cheese (dancing with the guard), or body movement for the sake of movement, etc.

I can picture the brainstorming conversation last year.

"Let's do Shostakovich 10!"

"Great idea!"

"What's our theme then?"


"How about 10?"


"It's the tenth symphony, so there's that.

"And at one point, Shostakovich was, as a matter of fact, ten years old."

"Holy crap! You're right."

"And he experienced a lot of tens in his life too!"

"Like twice a day, when it's ten o clock!"

"Wrong wrong wrong. Try 24 times a when it's ten after."

"But what about ten till?"

"I'm seeing a lot of tens everywhere we look people. We're on to something. We're really on to something."

"I agree. This might be brilliant. Tell us more."

"But first, let's forget about Shostakovich. He's too political and historical."

"And communist."

"Was he a communist?"

"He wasn't an American and he certainly wasn't a capitalist. And our show last year was all about America. And this corps is about America. We wear West Point uniforms. We never change our uniforms. That's why people love us."

"Let's talk Exactly. Imagine The Cadets doing a show that's promoting socialism. That would ruin us! Ruin us!"

"I agree. Let's push this ten idea. Just the 10. Not the Shostakovich crap, though."

"How about ten little indians maybe."

"Nah. Not P.C. Almost as bad as the Washington Redskins. Indians shouldn't be referred to as little. Not unless they play baseball in Cleveland."

"Booyah! Go Yankees!"

Everyone stands to salute the best team money can buy.

"But what about if we did a show that told the story about Shostakovich and his music? Like tell the story of the music itself? Maybe one man's voice against the oppression of the many? A show about freedom and freedom of expression? I mean, maybe Dmitri wasn't communistic or socialistic. Maybe he was telling a story that's the opposite of socialism?"


"Nah! Let's do the 10 thing. Judges and audiences don't want meaning. They don't want stories. They don't want cheesy emotion. They want simple ideas. They want abstraction. They know how to count to 10. So let's give them that."

"Yeah! We can use tarps and make every number 10. 10 10 10 10. It'll be 10 everywhere."



"Let's vote. Who wants 10?"

All ten hands are raised.

"OK, we're done here. The design team has spoken. Who wants a latte?"

This kind of stuff reminds me of Dance Moms: https://youtu.be/i3KiixUUIcA

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The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Da Feet.............these Cadets have marched harder than every one this year ten fold, and their dogs are barking, they have out played them, out drummed, and out guarded them. But most of all...... they have out passioned them. Show your love and support for them this weekend and everything will be fine. I believe in the Power of TEN !!!!

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I loved their choice of MUSIC. I hated their choice of theme, which is connected in no way to the music.

THAT, folks, is the main reason this show is being passed by other shows with more coherent, aesthetically and musically meaningful show designs.


Bluecoats, Crown, and BD have better, more innovative, and creative design teams. And they're being rightfully rewarded for their skill and vision in the scores. As they should be.

What is a shame is that the Cadets play and march better than the other three corps, in my opinion, and the Cadets show is more demanding. It's not being rewarded because what the MMs are doing out there doesn't have enough connection with the music, and the "story" to be told isn't a story, it's kindergarten counting. Which is silly. Abstraction for the sake of abstraction just doesn't connect as well, because it doesn't connect to the music. It's disconnected, and thus every gesture is random, or cheese (dancing with the guard), or body movement for the sake of movement, etc.

I can picture the brainstorming conversation last year.

"Let's do Shostakovich 10!"

"Great idea!"

"What's our theme then?"


"How about 10?"


"It's the tenth symphony, so there's that.

"And at one point, Shostakovich was, as a matter of fact, ten years old."

"Holy crap! You're right."

"And he experienced a lot of tens in his life too!"

"Like twice a day, when it's ten o clock!"

"Wrong wrong wrong. Try 24 times a when it's ten after."

"But what about ten till?"

"I'm seeing a lot of tens everywhere we look people. We're on to something. We're really on to something."

"I agree. This might be brilliant. Tell us more."

"But first, let's forget about Shostakovich. He's too political and historical."

"And communist."

"Was he a communist?"

"He wasn't an American and he certainly wasn't a capitalist. And our show last year was all about America. And this corps is about America. We wear West Point uniforms. We never change our uniforms. That's why people love us."

"Let's talk Exactly. Imagine The Cadets doing a show that's promoting socialism. That would ruin us! Ruin us!"

"I agree. Let's push this ten idea. Just the 10. Not the Shostakovich crap, though."

"How about ten little indians maybe."

"Nah. Not P.C. Almost as bad as the Washington Redskins. Indians shouldn't be referred to as little. Not unless they play baseball in Cleveland."

"Booyah! Go Yankees!"

Everyone stands to salute the best team money can buy.

"But what about if we did a show that told the story about Shostakovich and his music? Like tell the story of the music itself? Maybe one man's voice against the oppression of the many? A show about freedom and freedom of expression? I mean, maybe Dmitri wasn't communistic or socialistic. Maybe he was telling a story that's the opposite of socialism?"


"Nah! Let's do the 10 thing. Judges and audiences don't want meaning. They don't want stories. They don't want cheesy emotion. They want simple ideas. They want abstraction. They know how to count to 10. So let's give them that."

"Yeah! We can use tarps and make every number 10. 10 10 10 10. It'll be 10 everywhere."



"Let's vote. Who wants 10?"

All ten hands are raised.

"OK, we're done here. The design team has spoken. Who wants a latte?"

why don't you find another forum to annoy. you are not welcome here. geez what a jerk.

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