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  1. Past hour
  2. That was moi. And I mean it. They have a way of taking music you’re only vaguely familiar with or not familiar with it at all, and making it feel like you’ve heard it all your life. That’s what they did in 2014. That probably only makes sense to me.
  3. Today
  4. well the recordings i heard weren't sunshine and rainbows LOL. DCA missed the bus on multiple issues. Some of us had been saying it for 20 years, but what do us DCP hacks know? And yes other corps missed opportunities to up their games. when it comes to cost, that again was DCA's worst enemy on multiple levels...they often made decisions...the corps individually and as a circuit...on the cheapest alternative. As for the age of membership, it's been getting younger for a long time. I was an old man at 27 in my corps the last year i marched. the last year i taught i can remember maybe only 2 members of the battery 25 or older. Open Class in DCI is judged on the same sheets as World Class with the same tolerance. it's why few OC corps even sniff mid to high 80's the last several years. But the merger with DCI has led to the chance MBI comes back. that alone is a huge bonus.
  5. Moved into the PC role in 2003 iirc, but yeah has been with the corps much longer.
  6. I think he became their program coordinator in 2006. He was the color guard captain head before that but ever since he became PC he elevated BD to another level. 10 titles since 2007 and if they didn’t win it’s 2nd.
  7. Not being the biggest BD fan, my “love love love” progression isn’t as linear, oop. For me it’s ‘22 > ‘23 pretty comfortably in terms of the rep, BUTTTTT, this show and rep all look really really promising. The concept really allows for an even more “passionate” and “unhindered” BD sound to potentially come to the field this summer. I’m in the camp of productions across the activity this year will get into the realm to where an “all-time” year is in the cards for spectators, and a potential BD all-timer in the cards would be the icing on the cake for many BD fans!! I imagine it will be the show I will enjoy the most of the past three years, and I think spectators will have a great treat this year with BD and others as well! The rep looks to be non-stop good vibes and RAW energy mixed in throughout👀👀 Edit: someone in the adjacent announcement thread said this could be a successor to 2014, it very well could be!!
  8. A repertoire full of melodies? In Drum Corps? How positively refreshing! That Shanefield guy will crush this, and the Crossmen will be a crowd favorite.
  9. Yesterday
  10. Scott Chandler’s creativity and talent is not of this world. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t moved on from Drum Corps to some type of major producing in Hollywood, Broadway, Television, Sports, etc. Until he does, Blue Devils will continue to dominate.
  12. Bluecoats have? They've released a repertoire but I don't see an official show reveal.
  13. No ticket sales as of yet for the open class show in Cincinnati in July. I was really looking forward to this one because I haven’t been to an open class show exclusively in quite a few years. I hope it comes off.
  14. 🤷🏽‍♀️This thread is going about as well as the other did. Erasure and closure likely incoming. My apologies to @anomaly, but hopefully you're getting a sense of how these things can go in the wild.
  15. I've been to that rodeo, and never again for free, because there is a lot of emotional labor involved, as you can see from all the pushback. And I don't do this online with strangers. Call me crazy, I guess.
  16. You certainly are something else on here, Reddit and other outlets. I'll give you that! I've been reading your comments for an extended period of time now, and it is clear to me (and probably to others) that it's either "your way or the highway". While the perception may be to most that you are giving "respect" to others who have differing opinions from yours, my OPINION is that you are looking down on those who don't have the same viewpoint as you do. Regardless of your experiences and the experiences of others, the way you come off is "holier than though", as another user put it. You clearly are a wordsmith, and I think that is fantastic! However, you use words and the intricate art of using words to belittle people, without them even realizing it. Honestly, it's not a good look and it contributes to some people taking you seriously and figuring out what your overall agenda is.
  17. Pretty sure denverjohn was not claiming equality of opportunity exists. Rather, that equality of opportunity is the goal to strive for.
  18. Hoo boy. Talk about not being ready for a dialog. But maybe I still have learning to do. Or am not a grizzled veteran. Etc
  19. I didn't imply "uneducated over all," I implied not educated in DEIBJ. There's a huge difference. To engage in basic DEIBJ, curiosity is a better first approach than detraction and bad faith. Also, one can have a less formalized, non-academic education and still show buyin and curiosity, to further my point. And I never said one shouldn't question motives or bring up unaligned points. But this work is best done with basic, respectful buyins in place. This thread doesn't have it overall, as most detractors are not displaying those signals by any stretch of the imagination. I've also never said people are wrong here. I've merely brought up opposing points of view. There's a huge difference. Edit to add: This is a good example of unwanted cross talk, attempting to paint my addition to the discussion as close-minded and holier than thou, which is far from the truth. Some people know more than others about DEIBJ, that's a fact. Plenty of you know more about a lot of things than I do, which is great. If some don't want to accept that, fine, but that doesn't change the facts. It doesn't make me smarter or better overall, and I never claimed as much. It just means I know more about DEIBJ.
  20. Respectfully, it’s the holier than thou, “you’re just not educated” stance that is causing the issue. People can have differing opinions. That isn’t an “uneducated” stance. It’s a different opinion. People can certainly question motives or bring up points that don’t align with everyone’s opinions. It doesn’t make either party right or wrong.
  21. Size of our baritone section was sometimes determined by who was in jail or not.
  22. If nothing else, the OP is getting a huge lesson here in how one encounters resistance via gatekeeping when doing advocacy work.
  23. I don't have to do anything here aside from following the rules, which I'm actually pretty good at. But fear not, I'm not bent out of shape. I'm standing firmly in the work, as I have worked in it, and my own lived experience which precious few can refute. What's likely perceived as "being bent out of shape" is merely that and nothing more. The "angry woman of color" fallacy is real and present on DCP and in the real world, but it's a fallacy. Telling someone what they are and aren't ready for is not a great way to start a dialogue. You're repeating yourself and this perspective and that's fine. I'm not trying to stop you and couldn't even if I wanted to. I'm merely saying I disagree and sometimes explaining why. I don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me. Not sure how many times I have to say it but: I'm not here to please everyone. I'm here to stand in my truth and let the chips fall. If they fall away from me, fine, I won't go chasing after them. I'm dedicated, but not that dedicated. Moving forward in this thread, if I engage, I'll be clear that I'm not interested in cross talk and won't respond further. My goal is to share outward to interested parties, not grapple or engage with folks who still have learning to do or who are engaging in bad faith. I recommend that OP consider doing the same.
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