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  1. I am frankly surprised that it hasn't dawned on anyone that perhaps the reason why the Cadets organization isn't giving specifics may be on advice of legal counsel. Given their history with their former director, this wouldn't seem too far fetched, would it?
    3 points
  2. Our current statements, and future ones, have and will continue to clarify/expand as we can. We don't speak as a BOD via DCP and I do not speak representing the BOD here, but as my own voice. We speak as one via our statements. I do see that my general post you are responding to did not sink in, based on your question and it's accusatory tone. That's disappointing as I'm trying to help within the previously stated parameters all boards are governed.
    3 points
  3. Yeah. That’s a controversial word. Let me try a reply that doesn’t use that word. My problem here (MY problem, others are entitled to their opinions and I respect that), I think, is that I’m just not buying the explanation provided by the BOD member. Paraphrasing (in other words, how my brain interpreted it) - some bills came in late that we weren’t expecting, and busses were an issue and we won’t skimp on that kind of stuff. And that’s why they can’t tour in 2024. I’m not buying it. There is more to the story here. That’s where I am with this.
    3 points
  4. Of all the schools and courses I did in my Navy career, TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Course) was top five most intense and one of the best. I would put it up there with SERE school. TCCC is CPR training on steroids times ten. I told myself if I ever became MCPON, I would require everyone in the Navy to go thru that course.
    2 points
  5. i have said before that lawyers may have to have some say.
    2 points
  6. Well, here you have a guy who was willing to answer, and did answer your question, but not to your satisfaction. If I were in his shoes, I would think there's really nothing he or any BOD member could say that would appease those who claim to be looking for answers. Best thing they can do is learn from their mistakes and not repeat them, and to help people understand they're trying to fix whatever wrongs have been committed.
    2 points
  7. Boards have a fiduciary responsibility to the organizations they are elected to lead. There are a multitude of internal and external restrictions on what and how information is shared generally to the public, as well as confidentiality we are bound to. Both of your bullets above are incorrect. Not for profit BOD's generally have (including Cadets) massive experience on both for-profit and not for profit boards, and I would ask you to look at BOD's out of our little (and shrinking) niche activity and their depth of detailed (or lack their to) communication to the public, and when. Please support whatever corp you can, today. Volunteer, donate, anything but following/starting gossip on a website. If DCI is to survive, we need everyone to be productive, literally like today...or you will end up with no activity to be posting about. I am speaking as a fan/volunteer/teacher/past marching member and not as my current role as BOD member of Cadets. We speak as one voice through our public statements and all of my comments above are in generality and not directly related to Cadets and my 33 years of involvement . Not once have I chose this forum to speak negatively of massive volunteer army's who give unselfishly of days, years, and decades to their org of their choice. And yes, not only do boards volunteer they are generally the largest financial donor pool as well....so consider that as you question BOD's motivation across the activity. Every BOD I guarantee wants their organization to thrive, or why would they do what we all do?
    2 points
  8. OK... I've given this thread 4 pages to get to the point and it has failed to do so. Come back and try again @Richard Lesher when there is actually something factual to report. I'm all for open and challenging discussion but only when there is something to actually discuss. If you are wanting to throw stuff at a wall and see what sticks, DCP is not the place for that.
    2 points
  9. Well, I'm not here to invalidate your or other people's concerns. However, no organization, non-profit or for profit, is perfect, and they deserve to be held accountable. But there comes a point where people need to step back and recognize that, though they may not receive the answers they think they deserve, it does not mean those organizations are not trying to fix their issues (nor does it mean they ARE trying to fix them).
    1 point
  10. The pushback is the fact that a few people have already walked in with their own preconceived notions about what was going on within the organization, and many are requesting answers to questions on which they've already solidly formed their own opinions. What is also rich to me is many of these questions only arise when things take a turn. But when things are unicorns and rainbows, there are crickets, naturally. As for the bolded section, I do not think we differ in that idea. But I also recognize there are legal issues involved and while many of us do have questions, there is only so much information that can be put out there. The only thing I'm saying is we could all learn a little empathy and patience instead of coming out the gate with pitchforks.
    1 point
  11. I think you'd be better off not comparing Vanguard's troubles to Cadets troubles. Each corps has their own issues and ways in which they have to deal with them, but holding all corps under the same fire based on your own experience with one corps is unfair in my opinion.
    1 point
  12. Indeed, the essential work of a nonprofit is balancing transparency with confidentiality. There are mechanisms like Roberts Rules that tip toward the confidential side, and there are simple mechanisms for tipping in the other direction. Like here https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-do-you-balance-transparency-confidentiality-16c So, what is the Cadets' org or board transparency policy? I peeped your website. 2/15 of your directors have nonprofit admin experience (outside of drum corps) and none of your staff do. Kudos on the 2 board directors that do though, genuinely, as they look super qualified. I hope that their expertise in grants and donor stewardship help ease y'all's challenges. I don't see that across the activity though. Most corps board directors (including in Cadets' case) built their careers in entirely different fields with wholly different mechanisms and expectations. Nothing wrong with that, except that they are less familiar with the internal administrative strategies of healthy nonprofits. And transparency is a particularly tricky strategy to employ, and not one you can necessarily learn as well in other fields. I've only attempted to volunteer but continually get doors shut in my face across the activity. I'm getting tired of asking. I can't donate at this time... not unlike much of my age cohort, tyvm. So, any other ideas? The nearest show to me is 6 hours one way, so that's what I'm going to try and do. Otherwise FloMarching and this is about all I have. Feels great though, considering how much I still can't help but love this little niche of ours and have tried to be more involved...👍🏽 So, I've been sequestered here. I've met some incredible people here, some of whom reach out to me about productivity, safeguarding, and fundraising so I'm not exactly unproductive. I also don't think it's fair to pin the challenges of the activity on who you call "gossipers" though. There are so many other causes for the challenges in drum corps that ache for org accountability primarily anyway... no need to go looking for more external enemies and challenges. When alum are treated like threats for bringing up difficult topics that they are experts about, I'd argue that the activity as a whole has already lost its moral/ethical compass. You sound like some Vanguard alum I've met. Seemingly unwavering in their stance that acknowledging serious flaws in the activity is "negative." It's also called toxic positivity and it's not good for nonprofits. That's because: I, and many others, experienced nonprofit mission failure in the drum corps activity. Our voices are just as important as yours and... could actually help construct a healthy, sustainable activity moving forward.
    1 point
  13. Ok well I tried. In the most respectful and neutral way I could. Thanks for the attitude. Your words sunk in, believe me. What’s disappointing is that you can’t tour in 2024. Failures occurred. That’s not an accusation. And you don’t seem willing or able to describe what you are doing to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I wish you well.
    1 point
  14. My kids Alma Mater, Vista Murrieta High School here in Murrieta CA, their bass drummer just marched #6 Bass for Crown this past summer. I would have to ask my son as he is still tapped into the band, but I think Vista Murrieta had a few kids march at the WC level this past summer. Mandarins had some high school kids as well.
    1 point
  15. Can you explain what you good folks on the BOD did wrong such that you can’t tour in 2024, and what corrective actions you are taking to prevent reoccurrence of this? Thank you.
    1 point
  16. Bills may have come in late. But they shouldn’t be unexpected. Makes me wonder ‘who bought what, put it on credit card (or said send us a bill), & didn’t tell anyone (or at least didn’t tell the right people)’?
    1 point
  17. I had a similar experience......1968.....I was almost 11 years old...........I was going with my father somewhere.....He backs out of the driveway, and starts down the street...."Hey Dad, why is Mr. W.... lying down in his front lawn?"....My Dad backed up to see him lying face down, and the lawn mower was still running.....very hot August day, and he wass elderly......I began to help my dad administer CPR, then he continued while I ran into the man's house (which was awkward, because his wife was sitting there, and I didn't want her to know what was going on outside.....I did manage to make the quick call, but it seemed to take forever for the ambulance arrive. I also ran to get a man who lived next door to come over, which helped big time, because at that moment his wife came out, saw him, and was understandably hysterical. We kept trying until the ambulance folks arrived. Sadly, Mr. W didn't make it (frankly, I think he was gone by the time we discovered him, as he had no pulse and was not breathing), but I can look back and say that my Dad and I tried as hard as we could to save him....it was tough on my Dad, and tough on me as a 10 year old. At least 35 years later I performed the heimlich manuever on a 12 year old student who was choking at the start of a class (hard candy...that he wasn't supposed to have....went down the wrong way and was stuck in his windpipe), and thank God I was successful..........So glad that you jumped in there and SUCCEEDED!!!! God Bless you............
    1 point
  18. Every corps situation is different. Every level of performer is different. And some corps use that extra time in one place to make connections to their local community. it ain’t much but it’s a step in the right direction. Would we all prefer they figure out how to re-cultivate some shows that no longer exist. Of course. but I don’t think being in the home town area (as long as it is the actual home town area) for 6 weeks is a bad thing. I think some of it may be necessary if this activity ever wants to have some grass roots again. Get that corps out playing appearances at minor league ball games, playing firemen’s parades, and fair opening days. Let them offer some clinics for students in the local area, and combine those with some concerts in the park.
    1 point
  19. And listen... ...that's not even to go so far as to accuse them of doing anything nefarious with money donated. (Far from it. That's literally the worst case scenario.) We just want to know that they can communicate a thoughtful plan. Something that should be simple. If this were effectively communicated, I would donate my expertise (in lieu of money that I don't have, like most of my millennial-aged cohort) readily.
    1 point
  20. And that's part of the problem: re nobody knowing what they're talking about except insiders. It's simply not how transparency should work in a healthy nonprofit who has painstakingly built trust with a diverse constellation of stakeholders and donors. Everybody within that constellation should know what they're talking about... because it's been thoughtfully crafted and communicated by insiders. Why not do this? It's how it's supposed to work.
    1 point
  21. My kid did; he started at 13 and aged out in ‘21.
    1 point
  22. BITD military musicians secondary job was stretcher bearers. WW1 changed that. And to bring this back to Drum Corps - DC became popular post WW1 when veterans organizations, like VFW marched in parades. Each post would have a few drums & bugles to keep the marching vets in step. Competitions between VFW posts followed.
    1 point
  23. Where I worked they had annual fund drive (won’t say the name) under an umbrella organization. Then word got out how much our donations went to the umbrella groups overhead…. Why use GoFundMe and not have all the $$$ go to the Cadets or any other group.
    1 point
  24. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Too many people come off like things should be perfect and forget that, just like with a Presidency, things implemented today can take years to actually show up. Stop spouting off like you know every in-and-out that comes out of Cadets. Some people choose to donate directly to the corps instead of the GoFundMe link.
    1 point
  25. Hey Jimmy. Thanks for asking about us! After the initial “approval” we found we have a lot of financial and administrative work to do to make that transition successfully. We know we have an interested membership base and conversations are being had in the background regarding reviving the corps and what it will take and also the viability of such an endeavor at this time. We do not have a definite timeline just yet. Now, with DCI All Age, there is even more interest from former members to potentially come and make a go (back) in that direction. Whichever form we eventually take, DCI Open or DCI All Age, rest assured, we want to do this right and set ourselves up for success, not just for one season, but for many seasons to come. Again, thanks Jimmy for the inquiry! We hope to see you on the 50 soon!
    1 point
  26. I do not know CPR, But when I was DM at Boston the first thing med staff did during rehearsal was pull us aside and explain how to use the AED we carried literally everywhere and made sure one of us knew CPR. Very very thankful that it never came to that, but that AED was carried with us everywhere we went and was always near a podium or on our person.
    1 point
  27. What a heroic story and yes, in this age of corps safety focus is very applicable. I did my initial training many years ago when I started coaching youth hockey. Now my employer offers regular refresher courses each year. It's free, it's easy, it's not in any way a waste of your time. Do it.
    1 point
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