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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2023 in Posts

  1. Report is 19 out of 26 baritone vets are back this season…only a small age out group last year
    5 points
  2. we had one of them on once. we couldn't get a word in LOL
    1 point
  3. this made me out loud. i am really hoping this was sarcasm
    1 point
  4. Perhaps they will emulate 1976 & add it in a complete mid-season re-write, finishing 2nd at DCI. Or perhaps not.
    1 point
  5. The joke was we are going from sinner man by Nina Simone, to Unholy by Sam Smith, to despicable me by Pharrell Williams
    1 point
  6. DCAF Best of Boston episode dropped!
    1 point
  7. Imagine the response and GE moment it would make to have a feature that put the whole line on tubas.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, I wonder who'll have the best Off the Line this summer.
    1 point
  9. I interpreted it as they believe Madison will take the spot in top 12 vacated by Cadets demise; not that they will jump to 6th. There will be some shuffling around 1st-12th.
    1 point
  10. Nice to see the continued talent level growth! Also, it is encouraging to see some positive drum corps news in an otherwise bleak off-season this year.
    1 point
  11. Old enough to refer to it as "Exit", not "Ballad".
    1 point
  12. Just wrapping my head around the notion that these beautiful young people are now in their late '60s and early '70s, I can't help but wonder whether their grandchildren are experiencing this level of passion and dedication about any activity, musical or otherwise.
    1 point
  13. Speaking of the Crusaders, Sr. Corps, and in keeping with the spirit of the holiday season, below are " 3 knuckleheads " trumpets at the Crusaders " Jingle Jam " just a couple of years back. Featured is trumpet Mike Pantanella of the Crusaders Sr's. He put this quickly together, and it turned out pretty good, imo... 2nd half Mike can't seem to keep the other 2 in line that want to apparently steal the limelight.....😊
    1 point
  14. Wayne Downey sneaked in an ostinato from Medea as a bridge to the end of BD's 96 closer.
    1 point
  15. Thank you. And ah yes, we're getting into legal maneuvering that is way above my pay grade. I think it comes down to the concern I've always had. If there is no mechanism by which anyone can be held accountable for the past, then no one will be held accountable. There is no justice or relief for the survivors in most cases. AND we are still seeing instances of violations crop up, even with the attention and best intentions of those involved. But I'm not lost on your final sentence. I'm trying to accept this as the way, but it's really difficult... knowing that pretty much all of my abusers are not only still in the field, but are celebrated. This happens all the time according the reports that survivors disclose to me.
    1 point
  16. Nah you didn’t come off as gruff. I just worry I come across as insulting or unclear when texting. Psychologist could have a field day with me on some of my “quirks”. 🤪😆 (Shut up Ream 😆😈)
    1 point
  17. Or do we look at it as an organization (allegedly) ruined a human being’s life 40 years ago. Is the organization accountable?
    1 point
  18. No, not really. An attorney did some due diligence and realized that CAE, effectively, is dead. There's nothing to get, and it's unlikely they'll be back. Sorry for that, Cadets alums. So who can they add to the suit who's still alive, since the original suit named a bunch of dead organizations?....oh yeah! Drum Corps International, who had no real or implied role to play in vetting, hiring, or managing staff at the Garfield Cadets in the 1980s, but is still alive and unlike the Garfield/YEA/CAE Cadets, has a pulse and checking account. At the DCI level, this is a nuisance lawsuit, and they'll likely be bumped from it soon, as well they should.
    1 point
  19. “His journey includes rich achievements, from working with renowned ensembles to pushing the boundaries of musical expression.” Oh. My. God. This AI is awful. Thought it was just the one bio announcement, but nope. Here we are. Seattle, please stop making your organization look like clown shoes.
    1 point
  20. almost as bad was it was known before moveins and nothing was done
    0 points
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