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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2014 in all areas

  1. Kinda' have to agree, at least as far as Crown's past shows go. Obviously, the theme and music was different, but there were plenty of elements, staging, sets, etc. that I've seen from them in the past. Not that that's bad. A lot of corps have certain 'go-to's that you can pick out from year to year. But it would be a stretch for me to call the show completely original. That award continues to go to BD for me. May not always like the end product, but lately, it's something I've not seen in drum corps before.
    3 points
  2. amazing how people can see the same thing so differently I found last years Crown production the least original winning program in years - every element felt redundant - to me, maybe I've just been following the activity way too long
    3 points
  3. I'm hoping for another original, like in 2013........Don't want to get beatin' down here but Last years' show was so different, from the uniforms, to the narration, the extra movements each individual corps member, everything except their unbelievable brass sound. Their color guard rose to rival that of BD's, and their percussion never gave up, even though it was widely known that was their weakness, though through no fault of the players. Crown has a lot to live up to this season, but I think with the same dedication and I'm hoping originality, they will prove last year wasn't a fluke.Either way, I'll still be screaming along with the rest of the crowd all the way to finals.
    2 points
  4. Why does everything have to be a dichotomy on here? Geesh. Can't there ever be some middle ground? It's so old. The world is not simply black and white; one side or the other side (Despite what Cadets say!). There are millions of shades of gray. I happen to agree with seen-it-all on the specifics of the issue at hand. This new Boston uniform is bad ### and distinctively the Boston Crusaders, complete with the branding on the uniform and the hat. It's a nod to the past, with an eye towards the future. This is the way all corps should innovate their image and it's still a very classy look for the corps. SFZFAN, this uniform change is, in my opinion, the best uniform change of all the finalists so far. Look at some of the other changes we've had: Madison has been in uniform hell since getting away from their '88 - '02 design. Even the current design ( which I would guess are going to change this year) aren't terribly great. I bet they're going to get an updated and more grown up look for this year ( which is their planned "breakout" year to climb back into the elite corps ) which will coincide with their upgraded visual program and more sophisticated Kenton/Ellis show. The post 2009 Cavalier uniform leaves a lot to be desired and I hope they change back to something a little more like the '84 - '09 base design; they could incorporate some Kelly Green of the '83 uniform ( for reference) with the '84 - '09 base design..... Anyway, that was not the best uniform change for this corps, but I understand what they were trying to do. I just really dislike the look. BD changed their uniform around '94 away from the "Dickey", open style jacket, to the current Blue jacket with black collar, and various tweaks and half skirts and whatevers added each year... I haven't cared for many of the changes in their uniforms and I would guess that BD is also getting some new uniforms this year too. I mean they altered this uniform so much last year that they probably need new jackets. Why not go for another design too? Bluecoats' 2013 uniform doesn't look as good as the 2007 - 2012 edition. I would guess they're not happy with the look and want to change too. Let's see. Crown's going to change uniforms to match their show each season and some are going to be good, some are going to be bad... So they have no uniform legacy other than changing (like Star)... Expect another change. SCV has had some good changes and some not-so-good changes, but nothing too horrible. I'd look for them to be different than 2013, so here's another corps that's probably going to have a new changed design. Phantom has had some really bad uniforms years (Khaki '00-'02), but they've mostly found their way with black or white uniforms from around '87 - '99 & 2003 - 2013. I'd guess they're going to get some new jackets this year because of the damage they did to the uniform last year. They may not change the design much, but they're not likely to have one sleeve off the jacket for a Swan Lake themed show.... Expect a new uniform design. Maybe not a new color, but something new.... Blue Knights need the dots back on the entire front of the uniform circa pre 2000... The 2000+ uniforms are pretty generic, but not offensive. They just don't scream "Blue Knights" like the jacket with the dots did... Some people do not like Spirit's new "Star Trek" uniform, but I do... I do see how some people miss the Delta on the front. I wouldn't expect them to change their uniform again, but here's another change... Blue Stars have been going through uniforms designs and "corps image" quite a bit this decade and especially since competing in World Class and making WC finals. I don't think they've quite got their uniform down yet, but the 2013 design is close. Frankly their "blue and grey" color scheme (pre-2013) reminded me more of the old pre-2000 Blue Knights color scheme with white added than something Blue Stars should be wearing. Anyway, my point is that Boston's uniform change this year looks pretty darned good compared to the rest of these changes that we've seen in the last several years from the other corps. I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of uniform changes this year from quite a few other corps. Stay tuned. Same Bat time... Same Bat channel...
    2 points
  5. He means in the second sentence. There is also a missing "be" in the last sentence. I've highlighted both issues below: Good luck with this event!
    1 point
  6. Please Read Before You Post If you *know* who it is.... please wait a while (not everyone is on here all day or even daily for that matter) If there have been no Guesses..........Then give a *challenging* hint. When giving hints on these try to be creative and just dangle the tiniest tidbit. Make people really think / work on it. Then wait it out a while before tossing another tiny vague tidbit... C'mon we've got to make these last a little longer. PLEASE?? Also, any comments made MUST be made in good taste... this is a fun loving thread... not a revenge match. Please spew your venom elsewhere. Please submit any questions and / or pics in their full size (preferably JPG format), with full description - names, Corps, Stadium, Year... etc. to: The *Guess Who* Mailbox Thanx in advance! All that said and out of the way.. Guess Who # 516 ? https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2862/13339935015_b2c06853e0_o.jpg
    1 point
  7. With their brass staff this year, I fully expect this to be absolutely disgustingly amazing.
    1 point
  8. Since 27th and North Star have already been mentioned, two of my favorites, I'd like to offer the following: Old School: PR 1979, Saint Seans Symphony #3 Mid School (if there is such a phrase) Madison 1999 "Jesus Christ, Superstar" talk about sheer power! New School: Crown 2013
    1 point
  9. Regarding the budget and woodwinds, one of the arguments regarding the allowing of B-flat brass instruments centered on durability and that they were meant for indoor use which would mean higher maintenance costs, a comment that always arises in the Key of G/B-flat debate, but I have heard some involved claim that maintenance costs have not increased. Keep in mind these are casual debates without facts and figures, but don't most corps replace instruments annually, or at least those in WC? Also, when it comes to cost, the woodwinds most likely to be used: clarinets, saxophones, and flutes cost less than most brass instruments. As anyone involved in elementary education that has music programs, the popularity of flutes and clarinets is in many cases price. It's much easier to convince a skeptical parent to invest in a clarinet or flue than a more costly instrument. Oboes and bassoons are more costly, and a bass clarinet is probably somewhat pricey, and while I've seen an occasional oboe and bass clarinet, I've never seen marching bassoons, marching buffoons maybe (I couldn't keep in step, so I know there were a few of these), but not marching bassoons. If the number of marchers increases from 150, then there would be cost issues, but if the number remains the same, it may be less costly. Now I know a broken woodwind can be expensive to repair. I tried to copy a move I saw at the 1976 CYO Nationals (a move by the Muchachos if memory serves me correctly). I was enthralled with what I saw, and knew I could do it. As I attempted the move in the privacy of my backyard, the clarinet slipped out of my hand, went flying in the air, and hit the stone wall. So I know clarinet repairs were expensive in the 70's and would be more so now, but it would have been worse if it had been a trumpet, and like I said, there are marching buffoons. I am not someone who wants to see woodwinds in drum corps, but cost and maintenance will probably not make a difference as far as a rule change is concerned.
    1 point
  10. Sorry folks! Lots going on. Hope all is well with all my Guess Whoers! I'll try and find some new features as soon as I can. Take care! HUGS!!!
    1 point
  11. So in you're zeal to ensure that the activity steers clear of going down the slippery slope of eventual (if incremental) depravity, you're in favor of creating some sort of organization-wide regulations and/or watch dog entity to actually police the content of what designers put on the field, which some would argue is nothing more than a slippery slope to all-out censorship. Hey, it might only be incremental, but you never know where that kind of thing could lead.
    1 point
  12. "Requiring people to adhere to the personal responsability of engaging in the freedom..."What does this even mean? It's a personal responsability not a social/religious responsability. Everyone has a subjective idea on what this is and if you want to regulate what people think is "personal responsability" then you are asking for their to be a thought police or a theocratic society which defines what consensual adults do. Freedom means that even that "organization" can do a demonstration down a street and have it be legal. It also means Westboro baptist church can hold disgusting signs and picket a soldiers funeral. That's the horrible but beautiful picture of freedom and no amount of hoping for more "personal responsability" in these cases will change this. Because if you changed their ability to do this you change what is actually free.
    1 point
  13. My first thought was corinthians and the number 8. 88 keys on a piano, 8 bytes in a bit. Looking for Paramount on Fan Network. Found Black Gold and they were awesome. I viewed 35 on FN so far and liked FeniX Dynamic Casa Grande Les Eclipses Delazure Somerville Black Watch Carmel O3 University of Southern Florida Brynes Opus 10 Solitaire Black Gold Claudia Taylor. Gotta a lot more viewing to do Later edit: 8 bits in a byte lol compassionate mind must be taking over analytical lately Linda :)
    1 point
  14. See here's what I don't get about the people complaining that drum corps has become nerdy and bando with all the recent changes... This, while awesome, is sooooooo nerdy it hurts.
    1 point
  15. Some of the rankings in here are fairly suspect... 2002 Cavaliers is a 2 seed? 2005 Cadets is a 5 seed, really? No 92 Blue Devils? Troopers 2013 is really in consideration for top 64 shows of all time? Just a few examples but this bracket seems very off.
    1 point
  16. The last two announced pieces "When I am Laid in Earth" by Henry Purcell and "A Walk on the Water" by Stephen Melillo could be pretty big hits. I especially think "A Walk on the Water" could translate well to the field if arranged correctly. "When I am Laid in Earth" or "Dido's Lament" could be a very good ballad. "Chamber Symphony Opus 110" by Dmitri Shostakovich and "La Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saëns could get BORING if the arrangement isn't done just right. They're good pieces by great composers, but they're both pretty long. I could see the best parts of them translating ok to the field as background music for some story telling moments. I don't think the guys are best known for "story telling". "Role playing", yes. Also, I'm hoping that they can choose an "immortal" character other than a vampire (if that's where they're going with this show title and font choice). We've had two other vampire shows this last several years. Anyway, I'm a little nervous after hearing this music choice, the sources music, and the show theme. There are a LOT of vets in the corps though, so I have a good feeling about this corps. I believe that the brass is going to play at a higher quality this year than the past couple of years... I believe that the percussion will play at a very high quality again. The guard will be at a high quality. I think this show's success will come down to the musical arrangements and show design. The members will be older and more used to the current system, and I'm sure they're going to bring it this year!
    1 point
  17. Going back old skool....27th Lancer's "Crown Imperial", any year they played it.
    1 point
  18. The first 30 seconds of North Star's 1979 show has always been drum corps nirvana to me.
    1 point
  19. Doomsday... There's something to look forward to...
    1 point
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