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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Blue Devils - perfect setup for the show with the angelic voice and saber tosses - guard staging is wonderful - Big brass hit exposing a full range with superb control - the way the brass runs out and into those boxes is stunnig when you look closely at how they have to orient themselves and still play - sheesh - love the guitar is the front ensemble - trumpets that was TIGHT and effective - I like to call that the Crossmen set and it is visually almost perfect - looks like even BD has 1 or 2 holes in brass - talk about a flowing visual program - OMG that whole percussion feature section is fantastic! Percussion are sounding fantastic and the body work in the brass was very creative. The staging is just sooooo GOOD with BD - Love it with the horns back to back until the first hit in the ballad - soloist was great - THIS BALLAD!!!!! My heart can't handle it!! - That last form really cleaned up. The flugel and trombone soloists are wonderful but the screamer (only 1 tonight) is likely not needed. If anything have him stick to octave work in tandem with brass and not in the open. That will ruin the moment. It's not a Maynard Ferguson chart. - My goodness the front ensemble here is just first rate. Some of the most creative and unique scoring going when it comes to the front ensemble. - Goodness Gracious...GET IT BD! That jazz chart is HOT and the visual is just emphasizing what they are playing so well. - AH...The Mattise Star. So well done, this closer is becoming a real winner in my book. And those silks and the guard performance. JUST WOW! - Blue Devils continue to be masters of the body, legs, control, timing, and staging. Not too mention they have a fabulous music book. They are still the corps to beat, but I was pretty blown away by Boston tonight. What a great year.
    16 points
  2. congress, apparently 😭
    13 points
  3. Every movement of Boston’s show corresponds to a different Boston guy I dated when I lived there. If I didn’t love BAC I would sue.
    12 points
  4. If that's a jab at Mandarins, why? I don't think Mandarins' GE is just from that. Their entire show flows and makes sense. Props are used appropriately, as are PR's. I don't even get what Cadets' props are or feel like they do anything to enhance the show, and I think that's part of their problem. I love their show musically, but it is missing something from a design pov.
    12 points
  5. I’ll never tire of “On the Waterfront” in drum corps. (Pouring one out for SCV while we’re on the subject.)
    11 points
  6. Carolina Crown - fantastic intro, so metered and slow growing - brass is so full of control and the build to the first big hit is perfection - visual program is really cleaning up. from the high cam the intervals look much much better - love those vocal effects they present with some excellent front ensemble writing - brass is really playing one touch book and I find the music very melodic with fantastic builds and development. It's impeccable scoring. - what can you say about Carolina playing Tristan und Isolde in the middle of their program? Perfection, daring, gorgeous? All of the above. So much control. - This brass line is beginning to clean a really good book - again, I think the visual program is cleaning nicely. Most things are really well staged. - like some of the new vocal audio that only cuts in for a few seconds but really works with the majestic nature of Camelot. - Closer still needs the most cleaning but I still have goosebumps from watching it - the whole show is fabulous, top to bottom. How far can it go? I think that is entirely up to Crown and their staff. There is plenty of meat and musicality and nuance to make this thing fly come Finals. Keep cleaning the visual. I heard some new music in spots, mostly just tweaks, but I am in love with this show musically and I don't think visual is that far behind.
    10 points
  7. Dang...Bluecoats sound Fantastic even with many members missing. This is one great music ensemble.
    9 points
  8. Boston Crusaders - Nice intro. Beautiful and controilled playing in the brass - the visual is a real step up here - this baritone feature is outstanding and one of the best I have heard - guard is doing some amazing tosses, so daring -- and OMG that guy that just did a quad or whatever it was and caught it behind his back one handed -- wow! - visual excellent is high with Boston. Feet, legs, timing all locking in with the music. We will have to see how Bluecoats do in this regard. Only BD perhaps handles this aspect better. Boston just looks and moves so well - percussion sounded great in this movement 3 feature...Pretty sweet. They are really locking in - great tuba solo, and the tuba soli feature is killer - Oh Holy Cow percussion that was insane - Brass and percussion are just scorching earth tonight. So is guard. This corps is on FIRE! Across the board Boston has just about as good caption strength in the performance areas as anyone. What a joy to watch and listen to. - That Flugel solo was pristine, just gorgeous - The dynamic control is this brass line is so top notch, maybe even a pinch more nuanced than Carolina...and that is saying a lot. Not as big of a sound but still incredibly controlled and good. - Oh here we go, new visual prop (I like this tarp); adds some color to this show. - DANG...the crowd is eating this show up. Big ovation! - That was one awesome performance. So strong in all captions and to me the only question about whether they can catch Blue Devils comes down to GE. In brass, percussion and guard they can hang. Even visual proficiency they may be close (though that is BD's forte). All I can say for now is I LOVE THIS SHOW! Even more sold on this tonight.
    9 points
  9. Jojo is and has been so fire all year long. Text book BD.
    8 points
  10. The whale tarp is so corny I love it 😭 Also I know a Brazilian Butt Lift when I see one. I see you Moby Dick. I understand you.
    8 points
  11. With complete respect for Boston's shows of previous years, White Whale has maturity, ambition, clarity, heft, and achievement that surpasses anything I have seen from them. In awe.
    8 points
  12. Why did they censor "GRAIL"?
    8 points
  13. I’m sad that so many people seem down on Cadets because i find their show very fun this year. I’m liking the post-pandemic era for the Cadets. The modernity is there but the history is there too.
    8 points
  14. This ballad is gorgeous. This is the YEAR OF GREAT BALLADS.
    8 points
  15. Oh no, you just pulled the Crown fans into this discussion! 😂
    8 points
  16. I think Mandarins are the best thing since slice bread. Cadets are not it. Phantom, never heard of them after watching the level that the Mandarins presented. Just stop trying cadets and phantom. Let’s go Mandarins!!!!
    8 points
  17. Again I say that everyone in the top 4 has a top 3 show. None deserve “4th.”
    7 points
  18. The french audio dub drum break is so 2012 DADA ####### love it. I don't know how to explain it but I love when BD does 2012 weird. Any time I hear anything from them that gives that vibe I'm so hooked.
    7 points
  19. They have 2 weaknesses. The letters B and D.
    7 points
  20. Crown's ballad for me takes the cake this year.
    7 points
  21. The Cadets - Very powerful and physical body moves at the intro - Huge opening hit in the brass after an excellent percussion intro musically - about 2 or 3 brass holes tonight - Brass can really play - and in tune - props were moved very well heading into the trumpet feature in ballad 1 - ballad is just gorgeous. Focussed with climactic build and real resonance - percussion sounds fantastic. Oh basses...very nice. Bring that out more. - big interval problems in the trumpets especially. May be due to the missing players tonight but plenty to clean with this visual book. - staging and effectiveness with the music is wonderful - ballad 2 is great but when they break out of the first form as the music builds they need to go to a different form at the end. The music is pushing forward so don't go backward visually and bring that form up a smidge and into something different - OH HOLY WOW!!!! The last part of the closer...YES that will be nice. Much better build to end the show. Music even changed a little and I love the field covereage. Not clean at all but that ending could knock the house down. Yes Yes Yes!!!! - Still a few weak moments, mostly just before ballad 2, but in the grand scheme of things the visual intervals and leg work need to be cleaned big time. That will bump up the GE scores on what is already a very compelling and engaging musical show. The closer felt like a real Garfield ending. 🙂
    7 points
  22. Blue Stars - Brass seem much cleaner and more polished now - Nice job Baritones on the ensemble feature - visual program looks so much better when they march the smaller intervals. Seems when they open up the patterns lose some focus - Baritone soloist in the ballad is incredibly good. Just so gorgeous. Love how the trumpets play backfield here underneath the solo. Great effect. - Mello writing is also wonderful, trumpets not yet pushing that theme forward. The range is tough tonight it felt one or two of them were trying to carry the melody and did not have the control. Again I am sure heat is an issue. - Not sure I prefer the prop setup after the ballad - still plenty to clean with the visual program. Closing drill is the most effective visual part of the show...and yes that is how you want to end this production, but they have some visual work to do in earlier sections of the show. - thought the guard was great - musically I enjoy them but only the ballad really stands out. With the other musical moments of the show I get a lot of segmented stuff and perhaps not enough builds and developing lines. - still, this is a fabulous corps and some cleaning should have the crowd loving this show come Finals.
    7 points
  23. The more often I see the Blue Stars' show, the more I like it.
    7 points
  24. I agree. But this is always the thing with DCI. You will always have those folks (and sometimes they are a small minority) who just don't like something, didn't think it deserved to win, find it joyless, or just don't understand the scoring. Why people feel a need to constantly keep stating the same thing over and over again is usually what causes these arguments to get out of hand. Just say what you think and then leave it alone. Try to state it professionally, but then leave it alone. People will respond and that's cool. You don't have to respond back. You've already made your point. Just let it stand on its own. If you feel you need to defend yourself do so once and keep it focussed on the issue and not anything personal. There are people who like to make shocking comments (or even hateful comments) just to stir the pot and cause argument. I really don't think we get that type on DCP (maybe a little). For the most we just continue to argue and parse words and on and on until the fights break out. Personally I have always found the Blue Devils to be one of the most fascinating organizations out there. I truly enjoy their show this year.
    7 points
  25. Another season, another toxic Madison thread
    7 points
  26. The stadium (Johnny "Red" Floyd Stadium on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University) is one of the best in the country to see and hear a drum corps show. No track, turf field, concrete and aluminum stands surrounding the field that hold sound in without echo or excessive boominess, somewhat steeper pitch to the stands for excellent sightlines - it's hard to beat. Also in the middle of a college campus, so no major highway or train noise. So happy that this has been a staple of the DCI tour nearly every year since 1999 with one of the best single show lineups every year outside of the regionals (similar to NightBEAT). Looking forward to Friday night!
    7 points
  27. It’s a way of keeping the Steve Reich influence alive IMO. That’s why I love it. Bloo brought Steve Reich’s counterpoint pieces to the field in an incredible way and even though they’ve moved on from that, the use of dialogue to inspire musical rhythms is still a covert way of drawing from his work (thinking specifically of “Different Trains,” which turns interviews about WWII into music exactly like Bloo does with the Blake poem this year.) I love it.
    6 points
  28. Man, BD can clean fast. Ending is better, still a little cleaning to go.
    6 points
  29. You HAVE to see them live.
    6 points
  30. ...I've looked at love from both sides now... ...from give and take and still somehow... They're getting close to pulling tears out of me on Flo. I'm gonna be emotional in a few days.
    6 points
  31. Ok, Blue Devils aren't the first to use color of course...but when was the last time they used this much color? It's making them seem so different to me visually this year. I like.
    6 points
  32. I am still perplexed how a top 3 corps has so much trouble nailing a 4 count mello sustain. I think I've heard it in tune once this entire season. The rest of the brass is solid and it's in my top 4 fave shows. But as a mello alum who loved playing rips and sustains, this drives me insane.
    6 points
  33. I know it’s been said before but I’m just so relieved to see Crown layering this year. I firmly believe showing their hand too early was one of the biggest factors that “did them in” last season. I have no idea where this show will finish but it’s so refreshing to see the design team making all the right choices this year!
    6 points
  34. LOL. okay you’re joking but in all honesty she’s a weirdo in ways that surpass time and place IMO. i love her lol
    6 points
  35. It's their best show since at least 2015 if not 2011.
    6 points
  36. What? Whoa. Seriously? I'm not Poppycock. I know one of my big weaknesses is my big mouth, but I'm not that person. I enjoy you all so I hope you don't think I'm some horrible poppy person. I can guarantee I will #### you all off again at some point, but I will always apologize for it.
    6 points
  37. Maybe I'm not understanding the issue. I'm sure many think it was a shame that a show like BD 2012 won over a crowd favorite in Crown 2012 but still acknowledge that based off performance levels, BD deserved the win. It's just a different way of stating a preference for the type of shows one enjoys
    6 points
  38. My son called late yesterday and said that the changes, which they started learning right after San Antonio, will be unveiled tonight (Friday). He wouldn't give much away only to say the ending has been overhauled and the new drill will remind everyone of "classic" Cadets. He is extremely excited about it. I got my popcorn ready...
    6 points
  39. Seven of the top eight here at this show. I understand why the Mandarins won't be at this show as it's based off last year's placements, but if there was a time that DCI COULD add a corps to a specific show..............this would be it!
    6 points
  40. 5 points
  41. I can do my predictions now. 1. BD 2. I don't know 3. I don't know 4. I don't know 5. Regiment 6. Cadets 7. Stars 8. Music City I think I hit the nail on the head tonight.
    5 points
  42. Wow Boston. That is really selling now. The guard feature around Ishmael on the raft after the whale wrecks the ship is intense. They are selling every individual character.
    5 points
  43. They need to break apart the boat as the tarp is passing over, not before. Ruins the effect.
    5 points
  44. He totally botched that throw. But..that's sort of the thing...hah
    5 points
  45. Phantom Regiment - Love the tarps layout - big opening brass hit - very full sound - the year of the great baritone soloist continues with Phantom as well, and trombone too, very aggessive - not sure I like the body moves when they run to the front. They lose some control in brass - this second movement is classic phantom. The chords, the sound, the power - maybe too many body moves in position where the forms become somewhat stagnant in the 3rd movement - percussion did a nice job in that section though. Good writing. Needs cleaned. - Love the use of piano here as they lead into the ballad. The effect of the brass and battery just disappearing into the white tarps is excellent - Nice dynamic contrast as they lead into the big hit. Visually this part of the show is very strong. Clean, easy to focus on what matters, very effective - props moved so effectively as they go into movement 5 by the guard - love those silks, love the company front that eventually wings out. The music is fantastic here. - Tubas sound amazing at the end. - This is one fun show. Not much to complain about. Phantom has definitely brought a fun and engaging show to the field this summer. - To me they may have Cadets beat by 1 point or more tonight. Phantom's visual is much cleaner and easier to read. The show is more polished. This was really the perfect vehicle for Phantom this year.
    5 points
  46. Some observations on Crown following what I just saw: Musically and visually improved. Nice drill showing Excalibur. Voice overs clearer in the beginning of show - not sure if it’s Flo or something they did. Added some voice and the beginning is okay. HOWEVER, the voice over at the start of the ballad is the biggest buzz killer of the season. HATE the voice over before that absolute gorgeous ballad. Okay I said it. I’ll move on. Costuming of Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot (I think those are the characters) makes it easier to see what’s going on. The big round top ping pong table is gone in favor of the knight pizzas. I like this so much better. The 2 halves are gone for good? I always thought it didn’t do much for the design and actually got in the way. Hope it stays gone. A number of other things with music changes all sounded like Improvements and was fun to hear the differences as they performed. Overall, really enjoyed Crown. Still more they’ll do over the last 2 weeks. Beautiful show!
    5 points
  47. Throw the baby .. that was crazy. I don’t care what the judges say .. CrownBrass is the only line that can do THAT!! We’re gonna see the 👑 set tmrw or NB. It would be doubly epic for it to be a C2C set.
    5 points
  48. It will be interesting. I'm not sure they can keep up with PR and Mandarins in GE, but musically they are so strong.
    5 points
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