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Cadets 2016


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Thank you. Luckily the kids are told not to come on DCP because it tends to be Cadet unfriendly. Social media brings out the worse is some people. It actually saddens me because I love drumcorps so much and it's such a small community of people that are into it yet we throw daggers at one another on here. I would never watch a preview show and then decimate it. I try to be constructive and balanced if I don't love it.

Cadet-unfriendly?! Look at the number of threads and posts dedicated to Cadets! If you have this much interest in one corps, you're going to have a certain amount of "negativity." And I think George not only knows this, but is baiting us into it by choosing to be so open about their process.

That's why I am always so careful in my criticisms of Cadets. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like George does, I cheer for the guy, and want his "way" to succeed. But that doesn't mean I think everything he does is perfect or at times even good (and no doubt he would agree). George has SERIOUS street cred in this activity—but I think the past three show concepts leave a lot on the table for a corps as talented and experienced as Cadets. It feels like George is saying, the concept is a throw away, it's just a vehicle for the real show which is playing and marching. And clearly that is not the way DCI is headed. I for one think Cadets could, and should, be up there with BD, Crown and Coats in show concept and "showmanship," but they have to invest in a story or a "message" to get there.

I often wonder if the older school DCI shows would score well today. Shows like Frameworks and The Machine are really more like what George is tending to go for, where the concept is just a box for the members to work in. There is a part of me that still loves to watch those shows, they are largely what got me into DCI, but not having the theme/story/message aspect to a show is a risky move in an era where medalists are scoring in the super high 90s.

Edited by MikeRapp
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I'm taking it many of you have never marched. The staff and other members are a lot more critical of the kids than posters on here. The design is subpar. End of story. I'll gladly stuff my face with crow if they are higher than 5th come finals. Typical Cadet-maniacs - can be critical of everyone else, but God forbid someone is critical of the Cadets. Bye Felicias!

Be prepared to chow down.

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Cadet-unfriendly?! Look at the number of threads and posts dedicated to Cadets! If you have this much interest in one corps, you're going to have a certain amount of "negativity." And I think George not only knows this, but is baiting us into it by choosing to be so open about their process.

That's why I am always so careful in my criticisms of Cadets. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like George does, I cheer for the guy, and want his "way" to succeed. But that doesn't mean I think everything he does is perfect or at times even good (and no doubt he would agree). George has SERIOUS street cred in this activity—but I think the past three show concepts leave a lot on the table for a corps as talented and experienced as Cadets.

My opinion is that you overstate his "cred" and vastly understate the cred of his staff.

But, hey, love his kids and his shows.

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Well, this thread went south pretty freakin quickly. Guess I'll take another long break.

I am a firm believer that opinions are like ###holes, everyone has one, and they don't need to be displayed so fiercely.

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I'm taking it many of you have never marched. The staff and other members are a lot more critical of the kids than posters on here. The design is subpar. End of story. I'll gladly stuff my face with crow if they are higher than 5th come finals. Typical Cadet-maniacs - can be critical of everyone else, but God forbid someone is critical of the Cadets. Bye Felicias!

You're obviously new here, so "welcome".

That being said, you should really read this thread before going off and making statements like the one bolded above. Plenty of criticism from Cadet fans and alumni alike in this almost 450 page thread.

But... based on your 60 some odd contributions, facts and reality don't seem to be considered much before you hit that 'post' button.

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I've always thought of these threads as predominantly fanboy threads. I'm not very negative about any corps, but in these threads, I really try not to do the "I don't like it, therefore it's not good drum corps" thing.

That said, alumni will only go so far with their criticism, so it's interesting to see some spice (even if I think it's not very well defended) from people like henry7184.

Besides, if you're nice to him, maybe he'll be one of the few who sticks around after he's proven....well:


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Ah yes, some seem to have lost their heads.


I know you're being funny, but that's the kind of thing that needs to be added to cake/cupcake/stage, imo. I'm betting that the Cadets will be adding it before too long.

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I've always thought of these threads as predominantly fanboy threads. I'm not very negative about any corps, but in these threads, I really try not to do the "I don't like it, therefore it's not good drum corps" thing.

That said, alumni will only go so far with their criticism, so it's interesting to see some spice (even if I think it's not very well defended) from people like henry7184.

Besides, if you're nice to him, maybe he'll be one of the few who sticks around after he's proven....well:


That shouldn't be done anywhere. Just because you don't like a show doesn't mean that person needs to be a baby and declare the show a disaster. Plenty of people, including Mr. Henry, do not enjoy the Blue Devils, yet they place in the top 2 every year.

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