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Even as late as 1999: Crossmen and SCV doing Blue Shades (both pretty faithful arrangements but Crossmen did a bit more of it).

Oh yeah... I had forgotten about that one.
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A Periscope of the Crossmen's rehearsal:


EDIT: It appears that it would be no longer available. I got all the way up through the beginning part of the "Summer" movement before it crashed.

Edited by Cadevilina Crown
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I'll go ahead and give my 2 cents on what I saw and heard from the Periscope.

I agree with what BlueStainGlass said. Music sounds SO much fun to play. No matter how the Xmen do this season, I can see myself listening to the music a lot when the audio CDs come out. Quite catchy, and a great take on the Four Seasons!

Visually, what happened? The brass and percussion MMs do a nice job execution-wise, but the drill and overall visual design just isn't on the same level as the music side. I have no idea about props... Maybe they aren't ready yet? Colorguard doesn't really add anything to the visual package besides color. Maybe that will change when I see it all in context, but it feels as if they're just background dancers.

Also, the fact that this seasons-themed show is called "Continuum" kinda bugs me. When I heard that title, I thought we would be seeing something along the lines of SCV 2006. Not that it makes the show bad, but you get the idea.

It's early in the season, so I will keep an open mind to all the possibilities and growth for this corps. All the best, Crossmen!

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A Periscope of the Crossmen's rehearsal:https://twitter.com/corpsscopes/status/741811486364991488

EDIT: It appears that it would be no longer available. I got all the way up through the beginning part of the "Summer" movement before it crashed.

Any idea where they're rehearsing? I happened to swing by the Blossom athletic center around 8:30 and they weren't there. (I thought it was where they always were during spring training.)
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Any idea where they're rehearsing? I happened to swing by the Blossom athletic center around 8:30 and they weren't there. (I thought it was where they always were during spring training.)

They're currently at Heroes Stadium on Wurzbach Parkway.
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Interestingly, both Madison ('83-83) and (Garfield) Cadets (1978) played "Strawberry Soup." But everyone hypes Madison memories. (pun intended.)

Ditto with "Pieces of Dreams" (Garfield) Cadets('76,'77,'78, '81) and Madison (1979 only) but Madison gets the memories.

Don't forget 'Ice Castles.'

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