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2018 Tour Premiere

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5 hours ago, CrownBariDad said:

The DrumScorps app is my goto for scores and recaps. Love the color coding on the captions for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

it doesnt give judges names. hence why i checked out dci.org. and not everyone is a nerd like us and know about it ( i found out to look at DCI's site because a friend texted me #####ing about it LOL)

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4 hours ago, DrumScorps said:

There’s an app for that :)

posted from the DrumScorps app

add judges names.

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so Blue Stars design team:


you've bought a house. you're now building a house. It's time to get a mortgage. That is a show unto itself. Call me for ideas, I'm cheap.


PS: I can give you a show thats R or PG-13. Your call. 

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4 minutes ago, Jeff Ream said:

so Blue Stars design team:


you've bought a house. you're now building a house. It's time to get a mortgage. That is a show unto itself. Call me for ideas, I'm cheap.


PS: I can give you a show thats R or PG-13. Your call. 

Do a deconstruction type show tearing down the house via Animal House...oh wait....

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The Money Pit. 

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Saw a couple videos online so far....

Bluecoats - This is going to take a lot of viewings but already an improvement  over last year without that boat anchor of a ballad.  Such much cool stuff going and still won while getting spanked in percussion.   Off night?

Phantom -  Sounds like part Texas BOA band wanting to be a drum corps and part real drum corps.  Flow of the show improves as it goes on.  Single biggest take from this video....you need someone who can clean drill.  I know its first show out but that is a glaring difference between them and the next tier up.

Crown - Wow on the opening statement but energy never quite gets back to that level.  Way more utilization and integration of percussion than the past few years.  As quirky and weird as their 2017 show was the music grabbed my attention and forced me to pay attention.  I will need to listen to some of the source material but as of now this has the feel of an expected and generic Crown show.  Great brass and percussion but so far nothing remarkable or unremarkable....

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1 minute ago, Sideways said:


Crown - Wow on the opening statement but energy never quite gets back to that level.  Way more utilization and integration of percussion than the past few years.  As quirky and weird as their 2017 show was the music grabbed my attention and forced me to pay attention.  I will need to listen to some of the source material but as of now this has the feel of an expected and generic Crown show.  Great brass and percussion but so far nothing remarkable or unremarkable....

I loved Crown last year, including the closer. It was as  different as can be, but it was to me an amazing number, esp after watching a video of the original.

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I was sitting next to an older lady in the theater last night..  We did not know eachother, but during the evening we spoke a bit.  She had 2 children who had marched with different corps, and she herself had marched with the Troopers.  She was very excited to see what the 'Coats had come up with this year,  her expectations were high!  After the show, I asked her what she thought (I loved it, although I could do with less vocals).  She then made an observation that took me by surprise....   she said: "I HATED IT,  I never expected them to sell out.  it's as if they decided if they couldn't beat the Dev's with their own style, then they'd put a Dev's style show on the field"   She was genuinely upset.   

I put a lot of thought into this, and I wonder if the stacks of white chairs, the jazzy character of the show, and/or some of the guard design was giving her that impression?  I mean, there are similarities..   I don't agree with her that it's an attempt to adopt the Dev's style and "sell out".  I just thought it was a good display of what the 'Coats current aesthetic is.    I didn't see the similarity she saw..   

I'm curious if anyone else got that impression?  


Edited by mellojay84
Realized I had left something out.
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13 hours ago, Newseditor44 said:

So much Crown hate, I love it!

I normally LOVE the Bluecoats, but I absolutely can’t get into this show on first viewing. The colors, the program, none of it grabbed me at all. Wife felt the same way. Extremely disappointed but hoping it grows on me.

As for overall feelings, last season I walked away from the preview show really excited about the upcoming season. Tonight, I’m questioning if I event want to drop the cash on going to the shows. 

You know you have arrived when hate is spewed...lol...it's very much a part of the game

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Just now, mellojay84 said:

I was sitting next to an older lady in the theater last night..  We did not know eachother, but during the evening we spoke a bit.  She had 2 children who had marched with different corps, and she herself had marched with the Troopers.  She was very excited to see what the 'Coats had come up with this year,  her expectations were high!  After the show, I asked her what she thought (I loved it, although I could do with less vocals).  She then made an observation that took me by surprise....   she said: "I HATED IT,  I never expected them to sell out.  it's as if they decided if they couldn't beat the Dev's with their own style, then they'd put a Dev's style show on the field"   She was genuinely upset.   

I put a lot of thought into this, and I wonder if the stacks of white chairs, the jazzy character of the show, and/or some of the guard design was giving her that impression?  I mean, there are similarities..   I don't agree with her that it's an attempt to adopt the Dev's style and "sell out".  I just thought it was a good display of what the 'Coats current aesthetic is.    I didn't see the similarity she saw..   

I'm curious if anyone else got that impression?  


She could very well be talking about the music itself... If she is not a fan of that gritty, bluesy, swaggering jazz style (which is absolutely the Blue Devils, through and through).  The Bluecoats have always done a little bit of that, but most of their more successful shows have hinged on fairly happy, uplifting type grooves.  This style is a bit more on the nose with respect to its deep digging grit.  Her criticism may not have been merely about the visuals... etc.

I (like you) loved it... and am happy to see them (if not just anyone) putting more of that style on the field.  It's loads of fun to me and you, but maybe not for this lady... especially if she doesn't like the Blue Devils (that would be a shame) to begin with.

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