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Phantom Regiment 2024

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A few consolidated thoughts in anticipation of 2024...

Despite the tremendous improvements in competence with a show that I liked a lot, general issues that I had with the 2022 Regiment show:
- The props were lame
- The story (i.e., why we're doing what we're doing) was muddled
- The closer seemed slapped on and didn't fit

I think they took care of all of these issues in 2023. Props were off the charts, used well, moved well. What I was seeing and hearing made sense relative to the program. And the music and pacing was perfect.

If I had a wish list for 2024, it would be:
- Somehow splitting the difference between "what music GE judges want" and "the Regiment of 10-15 years ago" with regard to music design
- I'd love to hear some more "classical" music but not to the detriment of creativity
- A couple big drill moves 
- Keep improving the guard - I noticed the Regiment guard for the first time in years, and I hope they can take on more difficulty/exposure
- If the Rennicks become available and they were to consider involvement with Regiment, I hope it's only in a consulting role - let the Rennick proteges continue to lead
- Don't listen to me

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My biggest critiques for this past year...I call it an after-action report...

Props could have been upgraded and displayed some color near the end of the season.

Less body movement and more playing. Or at the very least come up with something new and different. (Like individual props that will add to G.E.

Better use of Drill moves for impact. Example: The Park and Blow in the front could've had the Brass rotate right, and then rotate back.  It's a small touch but would add to G.E. with little effort.  I think every part of any show needs to be thought out a little more.

I didn't think the helmets or the (Tails) on the uniforms added anything to the show and did more to muddy the cleanliness of the drill. 

Just some thoughts on what I would do to improve the shows moving forward.

I consider this year as a leap year for Phantom and want to see them climb the ladder.



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1 hour ago, kdaddy said:

A few consolidated thoughts in anticipation of 2024...

Despite the tremendous improvements in competence with a show that I liked a lot, general issues that I had with the 2022 Regiment show:
- The props were lame
- The story (i.e., why we're doing what we're doing) was muddled
- The closer seemed slapped on and didn't fit

I think they took care of all of these issues in 2023. Props were off the charts, used well, moved well. What I was seeing and hearing made sense relative to the program. And the music and pacing was perfect.

If I had a wish list for 2024, it would be:
- Somehow splitting the difference between "what music GE judges want" and "the Regiment of 10-15 years ago" with regard to music design
- I'd love to hear some more "classical" music but not to the detriment of creativity
- A couple big drill moves 
- Keep improving the guard - I noticed the Regiment guard for the first time in years, and I hope they can take on more difficulty/exposure
- If the Rennicks become available and they were to consider involvement with Regiment, I hope it's only in a consulting role - let the Rennick proteges continue to lead
- Don't listen to me

I’ll stick with “Don’t listen to me”😁

Edited by Sutasaurus
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I had to tell y’all about my wife the other morning. We were getting ready for work and she said, “I finally understand you and DCI; it’s your ‘football.’ Lots of guys love football and live and die by how well their team performs. They know all the stats, the inside information and secretly want to be considered a ‘special’ fan. They never miss a game and are sure the refs are against them when they lose. And, no matter how frustrated their spouse is over the maniacal, endless discussion of every aspect of their team, like a cocaine habit, they just can’t help it; they are addicted. DCI is your football. I get it now!”

I think she’s onto something. 

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I'll second the "kudos and keep going" for the guard!  

I remember seeing the show early on via Flo and remarking "I can't recall the last time my eye has been drawn to paying attention to what the Phantom guard is doing in a positive way."  

It just grew and grew too.   Hopefully it gets them auditions and they can keep building on it!

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3 hours ago, Phantombari1 said:

Props could have been upgraded and displayed some color near the end of the season.

Now that the imaginary NDA has expired, I saw something in Huntington that alluded to this very subject. Let's just say that I probably saw a test of phabric for the props that didn't work, or probably wouldn't work in time.

Either way, it didn't happen so we could only imagine what it could have become because I saw only a few minutes of brainstorming with one test phabric...

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3 hours ago, PRomoter said:

I had to tell y’all about my wife the other morning. We were getting ready for work and she said, “I finally understand you and DCI; it’s your ‘football.’ Lots of guys love football and live and die by how well their team performs. They know all the stats, the inside information and secretly want to be considered a ‘special’ fan. They never miss a game and are sure the refs are against them when they lose. And, no matter how frustrated their spouse is over the maniacal, endless discussion of every aspect of their team, like a cocaine habit, they just can’t help it; they are addicted. DCI is your football. I get it now!”

I think she’s onto something. 

Your better half is a keeper!

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1 hour ago, Sutasaurus said:

Your better half is a keeper!

Ain't that the truth. If the Ayatollah was half as accommodating, I'd be a much happier camper.

"WTF are you watching? THAT? Again? What about the lawn??" 

"Relax, honey bunch, I'll get to it right after Finals night. (or a week after that or so)" 


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7 hours ago, PRomoter said:

I had to tell y’all about my wife the other morning. We were getting ready for work and she said, “I finally understand you and DCI; it’s your ‘football.’ Lots of guys love football and live and die by how well their team performs. They know all the stats, the inside information and secretly want to be considered a ‘special’ fan. They never miss a game and are sure the refs are against them when they lose. And, no matter how frustrated their spouse is over the maniacal, endless discussion of every aspect of their team, like a cocaine habit, they just can’t help it; they are addicted. DCI is your football. I get it now!”

I think she’s onto something. 

Absolutely true. I think you also have former mm's whose passion is driven by the experiences and memories of their own performances. It gets in your blood somehow. Drum corps is special. The music, to me, is not about notes. It's about the emotion that those notes invoke. Drill is not about movement alone. It's about filling space where nothing was previously. It's all in some ways, a test of the senses that we have through evolution but then goes beyond that. 

I think you also have fans who feel that same tug and pull. I think of passionate fans without the marching experience and always think of them as mm's who just never got a chance to march. All the characteristics of an MM exist, but the stars simply didn't align. The way the activity makes them feel is just as passionate and committed to excellence.

Just a thought

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2 hours ago, OldSnareDrummer said:

Ain't that the truth. If the Ayatollah was half as accommodating, I'd be a much happier camper.

"WTF are you watching? THAT? Again? What about the lawn??" 

"Relax, honey bunch, I'll get to it right after Finals night. (or a week after that or so)" 


Ha! The litmus test begins. Mine is more like

"I hear you're watching show "x" again. Are you expecting something to change from yesterday when you watched it?"

"No baby....not me. You. You named them by name. You knew the music. You even know where they're from and how they finished. Two weeks ago, you didn't know anything about them. The show didn't change....but you did. That's what sharing music is about."

Sometimes we have to teach people to appreciate things by our own appreciation of those things.

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