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  2. We need a DD appreciation holiday. Y’all are the real heroes. 🍻🥂
  3. Snuck up on ya. 😉 I’m everyone’s official designated driver.
  4. Today
  5. lol. A bunch of drinks at an all day pool party. I wasn’t too bad bc I kept drinking water. But yea, it definitely hit me when I got home. Glad my partner was driving. Ha.
  6. We finally get to hear a little snippet of show music being sung at the end of the first weekly update. 👀
  7. I agree..............and the results that day will always be questioned because of this being allowed. Also, this little fact (ie the judge and his son) was largely hidden/brushed under the rug after the show..............even scarier is to this day, I do not know of a rule which would prohibit it from happening again.
  8. that assignment never should have been accepted or made
  9. Crown released a week 1 recap video on FB just now. Guard member describes putting “the prop together” as a really cool moment. We shall see what has been constructed for this year.
  10. Costed? I'm hoping you cut and pasted that from somewhere... I was in college. That would have been the summer got my first pair of glasses. And had all four wisdom teeth out. I also had my first [legal] drink. Which was not at my fancy dinner out with the family for my birthday, I didn't feel like drinking that night. Mom was like, "it's your 21st birthday, don't you want to celebrate?" But rather a strawberry daiquiri I got at a street fest in town. Mom was aghast. I was like, "What, I get ONE DAY in my entire life when I'm allowed to drink?"
  11. I think so, probably Neo making trouble for Agent Smith and his clones.😁
  12. Where were all of you in August 1991, the last time we saw BD finish 5th? I was getting ready to start 8th grade the following month in September. The Founders of Facebook were all in elementary school. Gallon of gas cost $1.14 Gallon of milk cost $1.05 #1 Movie in America was "Terminator 2 Judgement Day" #1 Song in America was "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You" by Bryan Adams And the 106 men that make up both the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs rosters that played in the Super Bowl a few months ago.....................98 of those men weren't even born yet, to include the two starting QBs Patrick Mahomes and Brock Purdy LMAO. BDs dominance is simply unmatched.
  13. Thinking of Johnny Carson’s Carnak the magnificent. “The envelopes have been sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funks and Wagnells porch”
  14. I had Rocky's a bit in Madison, but preferred Glass Nickel in Madison for my pizza...
  15. Did the guys do a memorial day parade in Adrian today? I saw some video of them playing through an arrangement of the corps song that was kinda in the form of a march.
  16. Ereeeewwww! Time to make your own pizza! I do! A couple of frozen bread dough loaves , a can of San Marzano whole tomatoes, some onion and fontina cheese, sausage/mushrooms some mozzarella and fresh basil and you are good to go! we don’t need no stinking’ pizza ovens! Buon appetito!
  17. In the case of the latter, they'd be found in a VHS box containing the classic "Up In Smoke".
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