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Carolina Crown 2016

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Didn't they have a screamer that got the girl at the end of Danzon in 2010?

I believe you are correct.

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Cool moment at the end when the bad guy is surrounded by rifles and the entire horn line forms a rifle shape pointed toward the bad guy as well. And after the last note is played, the brass line lays down their horns just like the rifles did previously. This show is coming together at the right time. This is one killer ending that shows mercy at the same time!

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How did Crown fall off the front page? Fans need to be talking up this show. Can I just have a show of hands also of the people who dislike the new ending, yet have only seen it online? If you've seen it live and don't like it then I'll just disagree. Why do folks still want to see revenge? Crown is trying to make a statement here. That you can be relentless in your pursuit yet show compassion and love and be will to throw down your guns and forgive. This ending is brilliant in its profound simplicity.

Edited by auldschool
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Because Relentless doesn't exactly mean "put down your gun"...plus almost every Western film ever made ended with the bad guy getting shot. It's building all this up to just be like "eh, I'm tired. I'll just take you to jail and go home. Maybe I'll eat some chips and watch some Netflix. Maybe I'll just go to bed. Who knows?"...

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How did Crown fall off the front page? Fans need to be talking up this show. Can I just have a show of hands also of the people who dislike the new ending, yet have only seen it online? If you've seen it live and don't like it then I'll just disagree. Why do folks still want to see revenge? Crown is trying to make a statement here. That you can be relentless in your pursuit yet show compassion and love and be will to throw down your guns and forgive. This ending is brilliant in its profound simplicity.

I haven't seen it live and am waiting until I do to pass a final judgement. With that being said, people want a fulfilling end to the show. I don't think the old ending was good enough either, but most see the new ending as a step down. So far, I agree with that. Regardless of the final outcome of the story, Crown needs to sell it and I believe most viewers aren't feeling it is meeting its maximum potential.

Personally, my biggest complaint is the music, which just feels a little unnatural and a little forced.

Edited by MidWAmericanArts
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How did Crown fall off the front page? Fans need to be talking up this show. Can I just have a show of hands also of the people who dislike the new ending, yet have only seen it online? If you've seen it live and don't like it then I'll just disagree. Why do folks still want to see revenge? Crown is trying to make a statement here. That you can be relentless in your pursuit yet show compassion and love and be will to throw down your guns and forgive. This ending is brilliant in its profound simplicity.

Oh, for goodness sake, YES! You can only appreciate most by seeing this live. Having the full spectrum of the field and feeling the sound penetrate your soul makes the world of difference. To anyone that doesn't "feel it", or think the music isn't absolutely incredible, I can only hope you are moved by what's happening with this show before it becomes too late.

Get this show between now and next Saturday. After that, all you'll be able to do if hit "play" and talk about how you were there when they played this show.

Edited by drumcorpsfever
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a couple details I've noticed from watching Allentown hi cam -

during the chorale number, there seems to be a replay of the initial scene where the bad guy kills the old feller --

Old feller leaves the stagecoach and goes to the grave marker in a white poncho -- (he's a ghost)

then during the build up to to the end of the ballad where the young feller makes it across the stools of doom and is visiting with the ghost of the old feller, a guard member tosses a rifle 17 yards from the 40 yardline to the to the old feller who catches it very nicely on the 23!!! The old feller gives the rifle to the young feller.

Closer proceeds to final confrontation between the young feller and the bad guy --- there's a fist fight between the 2 characters outside the stagecoach --

the corps forms a rifle form pointing at the stagecoach --

Then in a somewhat anticlimactic ending, random guard girl comes out of the stagecoach and prevents young feller from revenging old feller's murder. Young feller throws away his rifle, bad guy is bundled into the stagecoach.

Corps plays a few long very loud chords and grounds their instruments.

The end.

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a couple details I've noticed from watching Allentown hi cam -

during the chorale number, there seems to be a replay of the initial scene where the bad guy kills the old feller --

Old feller leaves the stagecoach and goes to the grave marker in a white poncho -- (he's a ghost)

then during the build up to to the end of the ballad where the young feller makes it across the stools of doom and is visiting with the ghost of the old feller, a guard member tosses a rifle 17 yards from the 40 yardline to the to the old feller who catches it very nicely on the 23!!! The old feller gives the rifle to the young feller.

Closer proceeds to final confrontation between the young feller and the bad guy --- there's a fist fight between the 2 characters outside the stagecoach --

the corps forms a rifle form pointing at the stagecoach --

Then in a somewhat anticlimactic ending, random guard girl comes out of the stagecoach and prevents young feller from revenging old feller's murder. Young feller throws away his rifle, bad guy is bundled into the stagecoach.

Corps plays a few long very loud chords and grounds their instruments.

The end.

LOL! Stools of doom! Now this is the first synopsis I can actually get behind! Thank you!

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a couple details I've noticed from watching Allentown hi cam -

during the chorale number, there seems to be a replay of the initial scene where the bad guy kills the old feller --

Old feller leaves the stagecoach and goes to the grave marker in a white poncho -- (he's a ghost)

then during the build up to to the end of the ballad where the young feller makes it across the stools of doom and is visiting with the ghost of the old feller, a guard member tosses a rifle 17 yards from the 40 yardline to the to the old feller who catches it very nicely on the 23!!! The old feller gives the rifle to the young feller.

Closer proceeds to final confrontation between the young feller and the bad guy --- there's a fist fight between the 2 characters outside the stagecoach --

the corps forms a rifle form pointing at the stagecoach --

Then in a somewhat anticlimactic ending, random guard girl comes out of the stagecoach and prevents young feller from revenging old feller's murder. Young feller throws away his rifle, bad guy is bundled into the stagecoach.

Corps plays a few long very loud chords and grounds their instruments.

The end.

Wow Ted...yep that's pretty much it...I am amazed...BD fans are on their thread jumping up and down about their show. Here it's like...meh. Even Cadets fans are talking about how they're gonna turn things around. Where are the Crown fans today? Disappointed...

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