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  2. They could have some really cool souvies with this programming.
  3. Sometimes it ends up even because they get you in other ways. Thinking of moving to Ohio in a few years. I dread another move and winter still sucks but the insurance is really expensive here. All of them.
  4. I think my broader point is what is it you’re actually looking from them? You say transparency and communication, what is it you want them to tell you? Do you want to inspect the books and ask for process flows for every process? It’s all pretty clear to me. They had years of poor management. That’s clear. That led to poor processes regarding financial records. An audit pointed this out. That’s clear. The audit stated exactly which amounts they weren’t able to *fully* corroborate. That simply means the evidence they did have didn’t meet a threshold of testing. It doesn’t mean it’s entirely wrong, it means the auditors simply couldn’t prove it above a threshold with specified evidence. If there were *serious* problems an adverse or disclaimer of opinion would have happened. Filing an extension suddenly means they’re going back on all their “promises”? It’s an extension that is normal in the course of business here. The truth of the matter is, if the documentation wasn’t there when it happened and cannot be produced, then the financials can only be as complete as possible and the processes need sured up going forward. You yourself stated you’ve held back from asking questions at the board meetings because you don’t feel they will provide accurate answers. Well not asking at all surely isn’t going to get any answer. I say all of this respectfully, I’m just not getting at where the full doom, gloom, and shame towards the organization exists currently.
  5. sounds like a show Magic would have done back in the late 90s
  6. Eight states—Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming—have no state income tax. New Hampshire taxes only dividends and interest income. Twenty-six states have state income taxes, but they don't tax military retirement benefits: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Eleven states tax military retirement benefits, but only partially. These states include Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Maryland, New Mexico, Oregon, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. The District of Columbia also taxes military benefits partially. Five states tax military retirement pay fully and offer little to no tax benefits for retirement income: California, Montana, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont.
  7. Love a fast-moving, slow-building ballad. Agreed has a visual vibe with brass facing different directions. I could see why they’d be attracted to that selection. I guess we will see soon what they go for.
  8. Today
  9. For me it was health issues with members of the family. We all have priorities in our lives and no one needs clods judging us. Hope next year we can make some shows
  10. Two disclaimers at the beginning: not associated with Boy Scouts of America and blurb of you’re responsible for your own safety. 🤔 Both relatable to issues with corps today
  11. That is two plus an OC showing more than I have. Closest is Salem VA & Annapolis (cancelled), both at 5+ hours. There used to be shows in Chesapeake & Warrenton.
  12. DCI has taken legal position that what they do is schedule shows/manage the tour. Nate is in charge of DCI. As Harry Truman noted, ‘The Buck Stops Here’.
  13. Not every fan has the motive, means and opportunity to travel freely to different show locations amid all the different financial, work, family, health and transportation challenges people face. Curious about this idea. Would the other half of the corps be touring elsewhere at that time?
  14. Just finished listening to it. It's very interesting. It gives me 2019 vibes. The way some of it sounds, makes me visualizing parts of different brass sections playing it facing backfield while other brass sections playing at the same time but facing front field. The reverb would be insane.
  15. So...in theory...a completely new group of people -- let's say, just for argument's sake, a bunch of Suncoast Sound alums -- could start a corps in Garfield, PA (east of Pittsburgh) and call themselves the Garfield Cadets?
  16. I assume this happened to you? I'm so very sorry. There was a time in our activity when rookies were looked after and protected like a younger sibling. Peace and healing to you brave young person.
  17. so, while many have doubts about transparency and financial status....any word on the show?
  18. Hell yeah!!!! Appreciate it bud! Wish we could be there for those days but we are saving our California trip to the 3 northern shows starting with Fresno!
  19. Per the Gwinnett County Courts website 23-C-07392-S1 | HALES VS SPIRIT OF ATLANTA INC et al Jury Trial with Emily J. Brantley as the Judicial officer at 9:00am on 07/15/2024 Gwinnett County Court Portal - YOU MUST MAKE AN ACCOUNT TO LOGIN AND VIEW "On October 06, 2023 a tort - general* case was filed by Hales, Mckenzee, represented by Reynolds, Thomas E, Jr., and Tekie, Isaac, against Does, Drum Corps International Inc, and Spirit Of Atlanta Inc, represented by Braintwain, Jeffrey D, Coles, Matthew S, and Mauer, Tracie Johnson, in the jurisdiction of Gwinnett County, GA. Judge Brantley, Emily J presiding." - Hales Vs Spirit Of Atlanta Inc Et Al Court Records | Trellis.Law My 2021 Whistleblower Story FORMAL POSTING WITH FACTUAL / PUBLIC INFORMATION SHARED Thank you for your support.
  20. USBands has rebounded and grown very nicely. in talking to several directors here they cant believe it's the same organization in all of the good ways
  21. i used to have 5-8 shows in a 2 hour range. now i have one, maybe 2 WC shows..plus several all age shows. i only have 2 of those now. but i do have an OC show now
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