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  2. I won’t worry about the meat of a new show after Chandler retires. Glide, Meehan, et al will always produce top level sound. I will worry about the small details that always set BD apart from everyone. The movement “flourishes”. The minute details in the uniforms that tie each member so fully to the themes. I don’t know how much of that is Scott and how much is others.
  3. Great to point that out. I wonder when he says I have this idea for a show. Glide , Meehan and Johnson plan out the music selection? They are best of the best.
  4. Today
  5. And furthermore, if the Corps stands still to play closer just to meet timing requirements, then the GE/Visual score should take a hit. I don’t expect all the nuance & execution of an August performance. But BITD we had the bones in place each June. Yes execution was sketchy and we added stuff as the season progressed. But, if we did it, then today’s members can do it.
  6. DCI needs to enforce minimum time requirements from the start of the season. I suggest 1 point penalty for every 15 seconds (or fraction thereof) under 10 min World Class or 8.5 min Open Class. Fans are paying to see a complete show, not just opener and ballad. Absolutely zero excuses after 4-7 weeks of ST to show up unprepared.
  7. I may be in the minority, but I would take Arkansas over New York every time.
  8. Jim didn’t like Saudi Arabia much. They couldn’t leave the temporary base and they had walls built around it like a fortress. He was in the reserves then and got called up to help set up a communications center.
  9. Only in Vermont would a cat receive an honorary doctorate! 🐱🎓🙂
  10. I was talking with someone a few years back who made the rounds with various Massachusetts corps who claimed that as the early DCI years progressed, Boston Crusaders, 27th, probably North Star and Defenders recruited heavily from the CYO bands. They already knew how to march, the drummers had not picked up bad habits, and the wind musicians in most cases could read music.
  11. I follow NPR on Instagram, and look what popped up in my feed tonight: https://www.vermontpublic.org/local-news/2024-05-15/max-the-cat-honorary-doctorate-vermont-state-university-castleton Not directly related to the Boston Crusaders, but it is Boston Crusaders adjacent. A cat is receiving an honorary doctorate from Vermont State University in Castleton, VT, which I believe is where BAC holds their Spring Training. Apparently the cat is a beloved part of the campus community. So I guess the question is, and I think there are some people on here that can answer this: Have the Boston Crusaders ever met Max the VSU Campus Cat?
  12. @arabica I think you missed a couple of pieces from the BD repertoire. Hope your grandma is doing better.
  13. That song always makes me misty as I associate it with JFK's funeral. Beautiful! Long live Drum Corps.
  14. now the playing field came down to one choice....surivival.
  15. i think we all have concerns...some legit, some cable news conspiracy level. but going as it was going, it wouldn't have lasted much longer. talking to a few people tied to corps, they were stunned at how much more PR they got from DCI last summer and fall than they had from DCA itself for years. it wasn't that long ago at Hempfield HS we all sat in cars or restaurants checking for any kind of weather update....and the DCA PR person was in the press box. at least at the Black Knight Inn ( RIP) we found out when a corps staff member came in and said "ok it's on" and the place cleared out. never once saw anything on social media from the various DCA accounts.
  16. well as move ins begin 6/7 weeks before the first show, how long til corps start begging for money then come out without the shows done?
  17. All they have to do to ensure this is perform well.
  18. Word on the street is the first Crown brass block of the summer just leveled part of the Gardner Webb stadium.
  19. Almost no one was told. They hired someone four weeks ago from google in New York and told him he had to move to Arkansas or lose his job.
  20. I hope your grandma is doing better! Thanks for being the maintainence person for this annual thread! It's always super handy reference.
  21. Way to go, Dre!!! Love this!! You raised a great one, Chief!!!
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