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  1. You certainly are something else on here, Reddit and other outlets. I'll give you that! I've been reading your comments for an extended period of time now, and it is clear to me (and probably to others) that it's either "your way or the highway". While the perception may be to most that you are giving "respect" to others who have differing opinions from yours, my OPINION is that you are looking down on those who don't have the same viewpoint as you do. Regardless of your experiences and the experiences of others, the way you come off is "holier than though", as another user put it. You clearly are a wordsmith, and I think that is fantastic! However, you use words and the intricate art of using words to belittle people, without them even realizing it. Honestly, it's not a good look and it contributes to some people taking you seriously and figuring out what your overall agenda is.
    12 points
  2. no you're not ready to understand people don't see things as you do and have questions and their differing viewpoints don't bow down to your wishes. i say that not to start a fight, but it's been quite evident in every single thread on here when anyone has a question or differing viewpoint than yours and what you want. and it has often turned supportive people of your cause off.
    10 points
  3. Respectfully, it’s the holier than thou, “you’re just not educated” stance that is causing the issue. People can have differing opinions. That isn’t an “uneducated” stance. It’s a different opinion. People can certainly question motives or bring up points that don’t align with everyone’s opinions. It doesn’t make either party right or wrong.
    8 points
  4. My personal lived experience with DEI is seeing it used as a cudgel to silence people and enact reverse discrimination. It’s a power play. It drips with Marxist theory of oppressor groups and oppressed groups. This I know in my heart: you will Never build up one group by tearing down another group. Love your neighbor as yourself is the only way. Starting the conversation with - YOU have implicit bias and I am a victim - is doomed to fail. Let’s judge each other by the content of their character. That’s my aspiration. You want to talk about stopping sexual abuse? I’m all in! Like Mello Dude, I see little relation between the two.
    7 points
  5. I wish it were that simple. I think when they are referring to diversity, it isn’t just race. It’s also socioeconomic. I was a blue collar kid who marched with mostly other people like me. That just doesn’t happen anymore. There are no Don Warrens going to the juvenile detention center to fill his color guard. Or Sie Lurye giving kids jobs at his flat lots and recruiting them into RA. I had old guys in RA reunion tell me that they would be in jail if not for Mr. Lurye. A hundred other stories like this one. Plus I marched in some pretty racially diverse drum corps over the years. We’re not doing this on a large scale anymore and it gives me pause.
    7 points
  6. I'm confused, are we talking about equity as inclusion OR are we talking about abuse? For the former unless you get costs down (or have a LOT of scholarships) you are living a pipe dream. Abuse is another matter that we have laws for.
    7 points
  7. Hoo boy. Talk about not being ready for a dialog. But maybe I still have learning to do. Or am not a grizzled veteran. Etc
    6 points
  8. I wished you well in another thread, still do, and you are being extremely unwise to promote any organization - or posting on social media - while a plaintiff in an active civil suit. Attorneys don’t play fair they play to win for their client! 2 of the 3 representing DCI and SOA are very formidable! They (outsourced) will scour the Internet and see your post promoting MASSIN. And in a couple more clicks they will see that besides being a whistle blower for abuse in our activity they are also in favor of “anti-capitalism,” “anti-imperialism,” and “anti-colonialism.” What does that have to do with your case? Nothing, but that’s not the point. The point will be to link and paint you in an unsympathetic manner to a potential juror not aligned with MASSINs political viewpoint. Depending on the district, judge, and attorneys, you may need a unanimous decision to win. Your attorney should have already told you all this. In all honesty, I wonder if you’re being exploited a second time to promote the agenda of others who don’t have your personal best interest in mind - but to promote a cause. I understand this has been an awful experience and you take no joy in it. Who would!? But you must be strategic about it if you want to win.
    5 points
  9. Scott Chandler’s creativity and talent is not of this world. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t moved on from Drum Corps to some type of major producing in Hollywood, Broadway, Television, Sports, etc. Until he does, Blue Devils will continue to dominate.
    4 points
  10. OP, be forewarned: This space still isn't ready for these discussions, so, other than try to support OP in their efforts, I'm probably not going to be countering the fallacies I'm reading here further. Weathered professionals enter into that depth of work and are appropriately compensated for the labor among populations who already demonstrate buyin... I'm not a glutton for punishment in predominantly white, heteronormative spaces anymore, and DCP is very likely just that, given that the drum corps activity has historically been so... and given the likely average age cohort here. OP will likely find more success in other spaces, among the members, families and staff that need them the most. Spaces like this can be auxiliary. It's great to announce here, but catering to this audience could lead to spinning one's wheels rather than focusing on ideal audiences.
    4 points
  11. Mom and Pops can't afford to make neighborhood drum corps anymore. Instruments and rehearsals places are almost impossible to come by. People and small-town companies have stopped opening their pockets. Back in the day you didn't need to have your non-profit, board of directors etc. I don't think everyone has to be a giant world class top 12 finalist, but without the flash and bang, kids aren't going to show up.
    4 points
  12. Tell it to the judge & jury first. Then post here.
    4 points
  13. I think he became their program coordinator in 2006. He was the color guard captain head before that but ever since he became PC he elevated BD to another level. 10 titles since 2007 and if they didn’t win it’s 2nd.
    3 points
  14. Wow. This show could rival Felliniesque.
    3 points
  15. If nothing else, the OP is getting a huge lesson here in how one encounters resistance via gatekeeping when doing advocacy work.
    3 points
  16. I don't have to do anything here aside from following the rules, which I'm actually pretty good at. But fear not, I'm not bent out of shape. I'm standing firmly in the work, as I have worked in it, and my own lived experience which precious few can refute. What's likely perceived as "being bent out of shape" is merely that and nothing more. The "angry woman of color" fallacy is real and present on DCP and in the real world, but it's a fallacy. Telling someone what they are and aren't ready for is not a great way to start a dialogue. You're repeating yourself and this perspective and that's fine. I'm not trying to stop you and couldn't even if I wanted to. I'm merely saying I disagree and sometimes explaining why. I don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me. Not sure how many times I have to say it but: I'm not here to please everyone. I'm here to stand in my truth and let the chips fall. If they fall away from me, fine, I won't go chasing after them. I'm dedicated, but not that dedicated. Moving forward in this thread, if I engage, I'll be clear that I'm not interested in cross talk and won't respond further. My goal is to share outward to interested parties, not grapple or engage with folks who still have learning to do or who are engaging in bad faith. I recommend that OP consider doing the same.
    3 points
  17. sure i do. and i have friends of all sizes, shapes, colors, identities and orientation and i greet them all equally. generally speaking a middle finger LOL except the bass drummer that puked on me in 1991. Him i headlock on sight
    3 points
  18. This is very good advice.
    3 points
  19. I’ve been saying for years the music industry as a whole has “out-credentialized” itself. You must have xyz degree from xyz university to be considered for anything. And you must be able to perform at the top of the top to get in. Mom and pops aren’t out there making neighborhood drum corps anymore and that’s why the activity is slowly dying.
    3 points
  20. Agree. If we want broad representation of various populations within the activity, we gotta make it so all interested individuals can afford to participate. I would suggest that, whether intentional or not, the activity has evolved from ‘get borderline juvenile delinquents off the street’ to a training ground for future band directors (who can afford it), plus kids from relatively affluent who enjoy marching.
    3 points
  21. I want to pass the feedback along to our media team who made the post, where specifically did we go wrong? How can we improve? What wording seems incorrect? I think this is a really important conversation to have. How can we improve in your eyes?
    3 points
  22. i see some comments, and while maybe not supporting the goals, i don't see as hateful or vile, at least so far. IMO part of the problem is the wording of the release by someone engaged in a lawsuit as also pointed out above.
    3 points
  23. If I had to guess, “game girl” will probably be the closest to it — it’s a rearrangement of some music from pokemon.
    3 points
  24. Just listened to Poor Things. In the words of Poppycock who is no longer with us on DCP................... "Those naughty little Devils have done it again."
    3 points
  25. Moved into the PC role in 2003 iirc, but yeah has been with the corps much longer.
    2 points
  26. I didn't imply "uneducated over all," I implied not educated in DEIBJ. There's a huge difference. To engage in basic DEIBJ, curiosity is a better first approach than detraction and bad faith. Also, one can have a less formalized, non-academic education and still show buyin and curiosity, to further my point. And I never said one shouldn't question motives or bring up unaligned points. But this work is best done with basic, respectful buyins in place. This thread doesn't have it overall, as most detractors are not displaying those signals by any stretch of the imagination. I've also never said people are wrong here. I've merely brought up opposing points of view. There's a huge difference. Edit to add: This is a good example of unwanted cross talk, attempting to paint my addition to the discussion as close-minded and holier than thou, which is far from the truth. Some people know more than others about DEIBJ, that's a fact. Plenty of you know more about a lot of things than I do, which is great. If some don't want to accept that, fine, but that doesn't change the facts. It doesn't make me smarter or better overall, and I never claimed as much. It just means I know more about DEIBJ.
    2 points
  27. Size of our baritone section was sometimes determined by who was in jail or not.
    2 points
  28. funny...on at least two occasions my director almost landed me IN jail LOL.
    2 points
  29. since you acknowledge people are going to be turned off, you have to then accept it and not get bent out of shape if they voice their opinions.
    2 points
  30. I agree. We’re not going back. Hey, I still go and I’m going to a lot of shows this year.
    2 points
  31. It used to be for kids who couldn’t afford to be in school band or there was no band program available to them if they could afford to buy their own instruments. I was an anomaly in that my parents struggled to find a way for me to be in the school band. And it was hard for them. I don’t expect anything to change because you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube no matter how noble your motives may be. I just think the original intent of saving at risk kids has veered way off the tracks,
    2 points
  32. ........something's off here.
    2 points
  33. sadly you have utopian goals for a world and its people not being capable of meeting those goals
    2 points
  34. Equality of opportunity? Yes. That is why candidates audition for a finite number of spots. Equity is simply quotas and affirmative action revisited. Since this political topic has been allowed on this forum, I will voice my opinion. Censor me if you will.
    2 points
  35. 🤷🏽‍♀️This thread is going about as well as the other did. Erasure and closure likely incoming. My apologies to @anomaly, but hopefully you're getting a sense of how these things can go in the wild.
    1 point
  36. well we weren't at an official corps event. cause Lord knows that bachelor party wasn't a fundraiser for the corps.
    1 point
  37. Bluecoats, Mandarins, and Blue Devils have all announced. This needs an update.
    1 point
  38. I understand I am in a lawsuit. However, I will be the first to inform the judge and the jurors... This activity is in need dire need of change. I will not be intimidated by this lawsuit. Nor will I be silenced. People are being mistreated constantly. Part of forming this group was coming together as students/leaders in the activity and facilitating the hard conversations. Putting public pressure on the individuals or groups who are failing their members. Trying to clean this activity up. From the start, I have only ever wanted to make a change. The ambassadors standing beside me are current student leaders in this activity. Each ambassador will have a focus point that they want to pursue. For example, mine will be raising awareness on member misconduct, sharing resources, and advocating for member safety. We recognize this may not bring immediate change, but we are hoping it can lead to some kind of change. We need to start somewhere. If not now, then when? I will not be complicit in the unsafe and unjust behaviors within this activity. If we want it to get better, we have to start somewhere. I will never regret speaking up. Now is not the time to be silent. There will never be a time to remain silent. If you have any questions regarding Drum Corps Equity, please feel free to respond and ask them. Thank you
    1 point
  39. I'm obsessed with it too 😭 What an emotional wreck this will cause from "can you hear the music" transition to POOR THINGS” - FINALE AND END CREDITS POOR THINGSE ND END CREDITS
    1 point
  40. Going into 2023, I said "No way BD tops Moon River and Tank." They did. Coming into 2024, I said "No way BD tops Jojo and Joni Mitchell." Every time I think BD can't top what they previously did, they just say to me...........
    1 point
  41. I don’t know. All I remember is docking pierside and everyone got to skeedattle on shore leave while we had to stay onboard to shutdown the reactors and bring on shore power. USN navy nuke
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. BD just threw their name in the hat. It's part of their 2024 rep. Maybe both BD and Crown can slay this.
    1 point
  44. A Romantic, A Romantic, A Romantic….
    1 point
  45. Don’t blame me (21+ years USAF) for your poor life choices.
    1 point
  46. Hoping the percussion had a safe travel and first day of move ins. The Season is upon us 😁
    1 point
  47. Considering the cost of living and housing in the Walnut Creek - Concord area, his salary does not seem out of line at all.
    1 point
  48. Dare I say one of the greatest movies of all time... Edit to add: I never watch movies in theaters more than once, and I watched this one three times in theater and many times since.
    1 point
  49. 1 point
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