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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2020 in Posts

  1. I got to go to their January camp show and tell this morning, some very interesting and exciting stuff. They seem to be going after a mix of very recognizable music as well as more obscure stuff. Also some very interesting plans for at least one part of their show, something I'm not sure has really been done to the extent they are attempting. They also sound great. Should be a very exciting season!
    5 points
  2. I was one of them.
    3 points
  3. I think that's why "Married with Children" was so popular.
    3 points
  4. When was scoring not subjective? Ticks were also subjective.
    2 points
  5. So first, because I fear the Polizia Temateca, I hope the Cadets come though the struggles created both for and by them (yes, I think at least in some tiny way, there are probably things which could have been prevented by the corps or YEA in regards to finances,) soon and come out for a strong and successful season. Hopefully we get some news soon so we can see where rumor stops and reality begins. There...I'm on topic. Now, as far as snow, the tradition in the south is to buy all the bread and milk from the stores at the first mention of snow. If you think the stories of this are some sort of myth or sailors yarn....it isn't a myth. People really DO actually buy up all of the bread and milk. Why is a question that no one can seem to answer though my suspicion is that I am missing the page from my "Betty Crocker Cookbook" that mom gave me that has the recipe for the rare and uniquely southern "Milk Sandwich." For actual driving in snow, I think it is very well represented by the following skit from SNL: https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/weekend-update-buford-calloway/n45830
    2 points
  6. My experience in the Baltimore-DC area, especially the DC area during snow events... is that folks either drive way too fast, as if there is nothing on the road... tailgating and so forth... or way too slow, as if driving over 10 MPH will cause them to careen down an embankment to a fiery death.
    2 points
  7. We were even cool here in "The South." We wouldn't know what to do with snow or ice. I have a snow shovel in the shed, but I would almost be willing to bet that I am the only one in my neighborhood..and I'm pretty solid with betting.
    2 points
  8. Good luck with that
    2 points
  9. I’m sure all kinds of lawyering going on. If it were doom and gloom they wouldn’t be at camp now
    2 points
  10. So much pontificating on here. Everyone going off their own opinions and their own rumors based on people they CLAIM to know who have inside information, but no one knows for sure WHAT is happening. I would LOVE to know what music Cadets are playing this year.
    2 points
  11. Back in 2002, I kept a decent journal of my experience marching with Crossmen for myself and as a gift for each person who helped contribute to me being able to afford to march. I came across it today and the first entry was January 18, 2002 so I thought I'd post along for the full season this year.... --- (Note: I auditioned for Santa Clara Vanguard back in November.) January 18, 2002 Newark, DE I did attend the December audition camp for the Crossmen. Things were much different there than with SCV. We focused much more on music and much less on visual. We received and played through a part of the opener, Pat Metheny’s “Heat of the Day.” The piece was very challenging, but also very exciting. They didn’t cut anybody at that first camp, but did provide a good amount of feedback to each individual regarding what to work on for the January camp. I personally needed to work on flexibility and endurance more than anything else. I did receive very good markings from the visual staff. Between the December and January camps I worked hard to get the opener up to tempo and to memorize the two YEA tunes. I notice a marked improvement in my own playing, which made the practicing especially worthwhile. Friday night of the January camp, we were given a completely revised opener. The weekend’s mission was to learn that piece and ensemble the entire thing. We worked extremely hard all weekend long and did a ton of playing, but it all paid off on Sunday afternoon. We closed the camp by performing the complete opener as a full corps: battery, pit, and horns. I found it to be an extremely rewarding weekend and the whole thing pumped me up to be a member of the 2002 Crossmen hornline. In fact, on Monday afternoon I received an email from brass caption head Dean Musson inviting me to be a part of the corps. It is unclear whether I will be playing 2nd or 3rd trumpet, but I will be on the field come finals night as a rook-out. I still have a lot to improve upon because I don’t want to let the rest of the corps down, but I’m confident that I can do it. Once exciting prospect is a March 3rd indoor performance at Continental Airlines Arena with The Cadets and supposedly Cabs as well. That should be an exciting night, but we’ve got a lot of work to do before then. Our next camp is February 1-3! (Next posting will be February 3.)
    1 point
  12. Please provide data!
    1 point
  13. Quamel Francis – Visual Choreographer Quamel started marching competitively in 2010 with Excelsior Drum and Bugle Corps. He then went on to join the Hawthorne Caballeros in 2012 and has completed 7 seasons with the corps! His other marching experience includes the Spirit of Stony Brook Marching Band (2013-2017) and the Bluecoats (2016). Quamel has […] View the full article
    1 point
  14. They’ve never had the top talent. They’ve always had the best work ethic
    1 point
  15. Eh at least Al and company had better writing. Or at least the plot kind of changed week to week. Here each page is like the last one over the last few weeks
    1 point
  16. Devil’s dandruff bwahaha
    1 point
  17. I guess when extreme heat is expected, people in the north rush to the stores to buy long-term non-spoilable items they already have plenty of, and then spend the hot days inside savoring their superior intelligence while sipping sour milk and nibbling stale bread.
    1 point
  18. There is something universally appealing about watching the struggles of others. Sometimes it makes your circumstances not seem so bad.
    1 point
  19. It's like watching hockey for the fights, races for the crashes, or figure skating for the falls.
    1 point
  20. When I lived in Baton Rouge, the 2 times (in 4.5 years) the weather gurus FORECAST that it might snow, they closed the roads to everything but emergency traffic/vehicles.
    1 point
  21. Have been in Washington DC and northern VA during some storms. My motto “me driving in this doesn’t worry me, it’s the other people driving in it” really applies. Other week there was a terrible chain accident on I-64 near Williamsburg, VA of few dozen cars. Years back they put sand on the highway and I almost wiped out on the sand going around a curve. Had to be close to the same location
    1 point
  22. Who else comes here just to see the dust ups? Guilty as charged.
    1 point
  23. You presume the Cadets are drawing from the same pool of talent as the top six. They’re not!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Interesting. I have never read the <corps> <year> title to mean the thread is only supposed be about the <year> show. I have always thought it was for anything relevant to <corps> as commented on in the <year> timeframe.
    1 point
  26. Interesting attempt problem is the 0T stuff in this thread has been going on for months 😠
    1 point
  27. Practice for wet props
    1 point
  28. Maybe they take turn working weekends. Be patient grasshopper.
    1 point
  29. If they use props hopefully they look better than anything that could be slapped together from Home Depot. He is a great addition to the corps. I’m looking forward to what PR brings to the field this Summer.
    1 point
  30. Hey moderators can you reel this thing in a little bit? Honestly everything and the kitchen sink is being discussed in this thread and has zero to do with the upcoming season. Do your jobs please!
    1 point
  31. Yeah they’re like kids in a candy store they can’t help themselves. have zero professionalism, clue and just want toys And are going drive this activity right to the poorhouse! The only fun part of this is when they push things too far and are all standing around looking each other wondering why the activity doesn’t exist anymore
    1 point
  32. This may be controversial, but I firmly believe the score received by a Corps should be based only on what is performed on the field any given evening - not the Corps name, brand, instructors, or past successes (or failures for that matter).
    1 point
  33. I don’t get mad about ok boomer. I just chuckle. 😝
    1 point
  34. Nor the ineptitude of the board and admin on many fronts, over many years.
    1 point
  35. Ok I can see where I was unclear as CG is new to DCI as they were a DCA corps. And my understanding is they are going thru the DCI new corps process. As for fall/spring checking I could see checking the books and management before spring and then check membership numbers when it is realistic to do that. That would/could take care of “your numbers are good but found a management piece missing” ( which might have been taken care of found earlier). Sounds like everything is checked in Spring. Question I have is: for current corps how does DCI know the corps meet the number members requirement? FYI: think there was a question on CGs approval time that I posted. Got that info from a post of DCA forum about CG switching to DCI. And there were question about their schedule being posted but no one knew the answer
    1 point
  36. Sorry to have to nitpick, but Carolina Gold is not a new corps. Why does that matter? Because if they were, their ENTIRE SCHEDULE would be redacted from DCI.org until May/June, and even posting a tentative schedule publicly ON THEIR OWN WEBSITE, to give prospective members any idea what they have planned, would be frowned upon. Existing units in SoundSport are also treated as "new corps" (except for Phenom, a 112-member program run by a DCI member corps). So Carolina Gold is getting better treatment in recognition of being an existing corps. Sorry to have to nitpick, but Carolina Gold is applying for open-class, not world-class. To be fair, DCI performs evaluations on "new corps" in the spring to verify they are on track financially, and to verify they really have the membership level commensurate with the competitive class they are entering. It is not as effective to evaluate corps in the fall, as history shows many cases of corps folding in May, June or after starting tour, when all was well back in November. Now, to be fair in the other direction: - "New corps" are not the only corps that should be singled out for evaluation. - Specifically, the practice of redacting tour schedules is where I have to side with JimF-LowBari. More about that below. If we can stick to the point (because honestly, I do not see the crossed-out melodrama in what JimF-LowBari posted): Of course, the key to success is gaining access. And to be clear, at the level where corps are entering OC, we are speaking about access to shows. If you are denied access to shows, how can you succeed? With that in mind, think how it looks if you are denied access to the published show schedule. The recruiting situation is tangibly harmed by DCI.org redacting a tour schedule. If I am a kid looking to march OC, scanning my options, I do not even see prospective OC corps. They are not even in the list of OC corps. How do you find a corps whose schedule fits yours if their schedules are redacted? Why would you commit a year of commuting to camps and paying thousands of dollars to a corps when it is not clear if they are going to DCI Championships, or even getting into OC? And what is the case in favor of redacting this information?
    1 point
  37. Was thinking of responding but see the “outright fabrications” and “daggers thrown” part of the post and no idea who you are talking about. The responses I’ve been getting since the weekend are concerning for reasons I am not getting into. FYI not going to respond anymore as not feeding into this.
    1 point
  38. All I’m saying is waiting a few weeks until the season starts to approve a corps makes it harder on corps. Also I can’t see a good reason to wait that long. Never said anything about DCI having to be better or criticizing their process, etc. I just commented/disagreed on one item and never meant it to cover a wide range. Now we’re clear
    1 point
  39. Never said nefarious. I’m saying DCI waiting until a few weeks before start of the season to say yes or no makes it harder on a corps and for no good reason that I can tell. What the heck that has to do with your response defending DCI I have no idea.
    1 point
  40. Good for Jim. I think this is a great move, he and Nancy have been spreading themselves thin trying to run the opps for the corps and manage the entire program. I think this will actually help Crown in the long run and allow them to bring someone in that can help with the day to day stuff.
    1 point
  41. There was nothing wrong with your post. I wish the Cadets the best and I hope their troubles are behind them. .
    1 point
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