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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2024 in all areas

  1. My son and I have been packing him up for the last few days. He can't wait to get there on Saturday. I'm extremely excited for him but sad to see him go. It is going to be a special summer in Crown land, I can feel it. I'll catch up with him in San Antonio and Indy of course. Here we go.....
    10 points
  2. Going into 2023, I said "No way BD tops Moon River and Tank." They did. Coming into 2024, I said "No way BD tops Jojo and Joni Mitchell." Every time I think BD can't top what they previously did, they just say to me...........
    8 points
  3. My daughter, a guard member was told the show announcement will go out 1 day before their 1st comp. She herself didn't know the show after going to April camp. They were only told slick greased hair will be style. She was supposed to be a 2024 cadets age out and lost her finals run with Amp due to severe illness. The kid has been through enough I just wish the best for her in SCV this summer.
    8 points
  4. Welcome to Drum Corps Equity! We are excited to introduce a movement dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equity within the drum corps community. Join us on this journey to create a more supportive and empowering environment for every marcher. A heartfelt thank you to @maasinetwork for the early support and encouragement! This is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting initiatives. Together, we can make a real difference. #DrumCorps #DrumCorpsEquity #InclusionMatters Drum Corp's Equity Account
    7 points
  5. I am obsessing over this closing track from "Poor Things." I cannot WAIT to hear how this is incorporated into the closer. I will be BAWLING my eyes out.
    7 points
  6. A Romantic, A Romantic, A Romantic….
    7 points
  7. Crown can play the phonebook, but can they create a full-package show that goes head-to-head with this potential monster theme BD put together? History suggests not….but Crown took a step in the right direction last year. But seriously, even as a Crown fan, I’m loving this theme from BD again this year. High five to the staff that envisioned it!
    5 points
  8. I was sad when they closed up shop. Louisiana Stars always put on a good show. I remember their season debut at Ft. Wayne in '15. People took notice! It was much like Music City grabbing our attention in '14. Louisiana Stars seemed to be on a similar path as Music City but the pandemic just sort of did them in.
    5 points
  9. #### they’re going to tug at heart strings with Time. Another Founders Trophy comes this way….
    5 points
  10. Blue Devils 2024: The Romantics “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau If Enlightenment was the age of reason, Romanticism was the age of feeling. A reaction to industrialization and the aristocratic social and political norms, Romanticism was marked by an emphasis on nature, individuality, emotion over reason, freedom of form, and an exploration of the unknown. From the late eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century, the revolution of Romanticism was the making of the modern mind. On a landscape of sound, shape, object and art, the 2024 Blue Devils present The Romantics. Elements of Romanticism are engaged through an eclectic soundtrack where past and present collide in dramatic form. The dynamics of motion and texture bring the individual into a living, breathing production as The Romantics celebrates the drum corps medium with intensity and passion. Embracing curiosity, imagination, and the desire to communicate, The Romantics sets course for the sublime. Romanticism gave people spontaneity, the chance to dream, to explore fantasy. The most important aspect, then as in now, concerns the nature of humanity itself: what does it mean to be human. This summer 165 extraordinary performers travel the United States as the Blue Devils bring The Romantics to Drum Corps International’s celebration of excitement and excellence. Eyes of The Romantics… Idealism Individuality Imagination Introspection Inspiration Isolation Immersion Incomprehensible "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” -William Shakespeare, Hamlet Music Includes “ROMANTICS WHISPER” -DAVE GLYDE “AND THE HEAVENS SHALL TREMBLE” -RUSSELL BROWER, MATT UELMEN “FABLE LEGENDS -TITLE THEME"-RUSSELL SHAW “MERRY-GO-ROUND” -JOE HISASHI "SHATTERED PIXEL” -DAVE GLYDE “GAME GIRL” -DAVE GLYDE “TIME” -BILLY PORTER “DISTANCE” -DAVE GLYDE “CAN YOU HEAR THE MUSIC” -LUDWIG GORANSSON “POOR THINGS” - FINALE AND END CREDITS -JERSKIN FENDRIX Arrangements by Dave Glyde
    5 points
  11. Great movie, too. A feminist Frankenstein story. I loved it.
    4 points
  12. Just listened to Poor Things. In the words of Poppycock who is no longer with us on DCP................... "Those naughty little Devils have done it again."
    4 points
  13. Equality of opportunity? Yes. That is why candidates audition for a finite number of spots. Equity is simply quotas and affirmative action revisited. Since this political topic has been allowed on this forum, I will voice my opinion. Censor me if you will.
    4 points
  14. I wished you well in another thread, still do, and you are being extremely unwise to promote any organization - or posting on social media - while a plaintiff in an active civil suit. Attorneys don’t play fair they play to win for their client! 2 of the 3 representing DCI and SOA are very formidable! They (outsourced) will scour the Internet and see your post promoting MASSIN. And in a couple more clicks they will see that besides being a whistle blower for abuse in our activity they are also in favor of “anti-capitalism,” “anti-imperialism,” and “anti-colonialism.” What does that have to do with your case? Nothing, but that’s not the point. The point will be to link and paint you in an unsympathetic manner to a potential juror not aligned with MASSINs political viewpoint. Depending on the district, judge, and attorneys, you may need a unanimous decision to win. Your attorney should have already told you all this. In all honesty, I wonder if you’re being exploited a second time to promote the agenda of others who don’t have your personal best interest in mind - but to promote a cause. I understand this has been an awful experience and you take no joy in it. Who would!? But you must be strategic about it if you want to win.
    4 points
  15. And with the show announcement, I have officially come out of DCP hibernation. So excited for this show! Definitely a lot of symphonic and dramatic themes and glad to see some Joe Hisaishi, video game OSTs, and Billy Porter in there. I’m particularly excited about the Billy Porter because BD’s ballads for the past few years have been my absolute favorites. I wonder what their front ensemble instrumentation is going to be this year. With this theme, I wouldn’t be mad if a violin made its way back in. BD Family Day can’t come soon enough!
    4 points
  16. He salutes better than some of my Sailors did LMAO.
    4 points
  17. Please don’t let it be that…😂
    4 points
  18. BD just threw their name in the hat. It's part of their 2024 rep. Maybe both BD and Crown can slay this.
    4 points
  19. Her flag vid assignment in early April was to "hopelessly devoted to you" lol but kids are hoping for something really edgy like a mix of 2018-19.
    4 points
  20. That takes the fun out of it. I want odds on what butcherings we get.
    4 points
  21. I hope he has a wonderful summer! Best wishes to him and enjoy watching him, Dad. It goes by quickly.
    4 points
  22. I don’t know. All I remember is docking pierside and everyone got to skeedattle on shore leave while we had to stay onboard to shutdown the reactors and bring on shore power. USN navy nuke
    3 points
  23. @Chief Guns Do you remember this ? Lol Owls moving castle. So it's on the rep after all.
    3 points
  24. Yes, if crown do it, they are going kill it, amazing brass! Take nothing from BD, they always deliver, with that sound my gosh. The fans win!
    3 points
  25. Yes, I have found that piece very intriguing since I first heard it, along with the story as to how the composer was doubting whether the orchestra could actually play it because of the tricky tempo changes. Was glad to hear that the orchestra rose to the occasion, and am equally happy to hear it being used in this year’s BD production, however way it will be used. Normally I try and stay away from the repertoire of different corps, preferring to hear it first as it is delivered in the program and then later delving into the pieces post-season. However I might make an exception for this year.
    3 points
  26. And so maybe we'll hear two corps play it this year.
    3 points
  27. This is gonna be up there with Agape for ballad favorites.
    3 points
  28. I really enjoyed this show when I saw it at OC Finals. The soloist at the one minute mark, I was sitting next to his mom and dad. Awesome people.
    3 points
  29. Ok that teaser with a voice reading Byron's poem was totally Bloo having Blake's Garden of Love read. That doesn't mean BD is going to have the narration woven through the show of course, but it just reinforces that feeling the BD and Bloo teams have been watching and learning from each other. Which is a good thing in my view.
    3 points
  30. Or Louisiana Stars?
    3 points
  31. Yeap. It's been like that consistently for me too... I don't know what to say Lol... Did you hear the Oppenheimer piece. My gosh it's bonkers, this rep is insane. Funny thing is that over on crown thread. Someone was mentioning this exact piece for crown to do this year. To my shocking surprise here goes BD presentingt heir REp, low and behold there is the piece... I was like Uhhhhhhh!!!! shock but freaking happy. take a listen " Can you hear the music "
    3 points
  32. You won't be able to hear all the source music from the list, there is one GLARING omission that I can see, unless they've axed it from the repertoire.
    3 points
  33. And so it begins............... Bluuuuuuue Smoke!
    3 points
  34. And the quest for the four-peat officially begins.......... DO IT UP DEVILS!
    3 points
  35. 3 points
  36. Well the guessing over my brother LOL PRESENTING BD 2024 SHOW
    3 points
  37. You mean it's more complicated than black or white? 🫠 Say it ain't so!
    3 points
  38. I totally agree that majority of priests or scoutmasters or others at the top are not p-files but it's the covering up of the ones doing the molesting....THAT is the main thing. It's always the covering up. That to me is as big of a crime and those doing it.
    3 points
  39. When I lived in south Louisiana it almost always referred to as ‘the quarter’. Someone calling it the French Quarter or Vieux Carre was the sure sign that the person talking was a tourist.
    3 points
  40. ok we can make a bingo game of this perhaps. What are the odds we'll get a VY-EE-U-Ex CAR!
    3 points
  41. this is where you are (yet again) wrong. everyone on here WANTS SCV HEALTHY AND GOOD! We do however refuse to be baffled by the ######## spewed
    3 points
  42. Sort of, but with less disgust. Many of us here are stakeholders both in Vanguard and the activity as a whole. All of us care about it. You don't have to care about it the same way I do. In fact, that we do so in different ways is actually a good thing. https://www.liveabout.com/stakeholder-2502118 I'm positive they agree with you. Good work. A great way to regard alumni. Nice personal jab. You claimed something false and I pointed that out. My legal name and rep are attached to this account. Anything positive you'd like to say about my corps to change the topic?
    3 points
  43. Still listening.. will tell ya shortly lol
    2 points
  44. They are tapping into the DIABLO fanbase
    2 points
  45. I said before i think the Romantics leak was intentional and a red herring. I also said i believe this IS the last of the trilogy described previously about the pale blue dot. BLUE being the operative word.
    2 points
  46. Wow! Bro you might be on to something!
    2 points
  47. However I can be a support for this effort, I will. Congratulations on this step and I wish you strength and stamina in supporting other vulnerable populations in the marching world!
    2 points
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