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2017 Uniform Thread

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7 hours ago, corps8294 said:

BD, Crown, and Bloo are probably all laughing and patting each other on the back while saying, "look what we started."

I bet they are doing no such thing.  I know staff at two of the three corps. 
No doubt,  your comment only reflect on you. .

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2 hours ago, LabMaster said:

What of the uni progression is BD responsible for.  I see Crown really leading the way to what is starting to happen followed by Bloo last year, making the big leap.  I just didn't see BD as making a huge departure from the status quo.  BD to me has been evolving their particular uni year to year.

Half-Skirts, or whatever they're calling them. You can see it in PC's uniform, Academy's, Mandarins, et cetera uniforms. Very influential. 

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3 minutes ago, jjeffeory said:

Half-Skirts, or whatever they're calling them. You can see it in PC's uniform, Academy's, Mandarins, et cetera uniforms. Very influential. 

Drop-capes is the term I've heard.

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3 hours ago, Fan of the Arts said:

I'm just going to do what I do every summer; watch good drum corps.  Why people think that our activity of drum corps is excluded from change is beyond me.  You want to go back to the days where everyone wore khaki pants and white tee shirts?  I am all for the costumes; some I will like more than others.  I'm sure I'll be able to tell Boston from Cadets from Crown from Blue Devils from Blue Coats.  Have a great summer everyone you'll be hearing from me.  Look for my blog!

Fan of the Arts


3 hours ago, Ghost said:

For me, I draw the line with the non percussion instruments that are on the field.


3 hours ago, LabMaster said:

What does that mean?

It's a reply to the second sentence above from Fan of the Arts.  For the most part I've accepted the changes for brass, use of synthesizers, uniforms, etc. but when (not if) woodwinds are added, I'll send everyone my best regards.

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1 hour ago, Cappybara said:

There's already a separate thread for that 

Inquiring minds wanted to know and you answered the call.

Thank you very much.

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Interestingly, as far as the non-positive comments about Boston's uniforms go, very few seem to have been directed at the type of uniform, or materials, or the presence of thematic content.  So the posts telling everyone to get over it because the times-have-been-a-changin' are rather misplaced.  The bulk of posters seem to be accepting of the new materials and the increased attention to theme - they just object to the actual aesthetics of the particular design and whether or not they actually reflect the theme in the way that the video spiel proclaims.

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14 minutes ago, Eleran said:

Interestingly, as far as the non-positive comments about Boston's uniforms go, very few seem to have been directed at the type of uniform, or materials, or the presence of thematic content.  So the posts telling everyone to get over it because the times-have-been-a-changin' are rather misplaced.  The bulk of posters seem to be accepting of the new materials and the increased attention to theme - they just object to the actual aesthetics of the particular design and whether or not they actually reflect the theme in the way that the video spiel proclaims.

I think this applies to me. I liked 2016 Bluecoats costumes. They aligned well with the show. The whole package, that's what matters to me.

I am also open to corps trying new things, including changing their look. (Cavaliers did it pretty well; here's hoping the Scouts manage it, too.)

And while I really will reserve judgment for BAC once I see how everything works together with their show, my initial impression is a yuk. I didn't see the Coats look before seeing their show last year; I wonder if I might have said yuk to them if I'd seen just some photos and brief video of those white wetsuits.

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1 hour ago, Eleran said:

Interestingly, as far as the non-positive comments about Boston's uniforms go, very few seem to have been directed at the type of uniform, or materials, or the presence of thematic content.  So the posts telling everyone to get over it because the times-have-been-a-changin' are rather misplaced.  The bulk of posters seem to be accepting of the new materials and the increased attention to theme - they just object to the actual aesthetics of the particular design and whether or not they actually reflect the theme in the way that the video spiel proclaims.

This. I'm not actually opposed to the design. I would just prefer solid, non-patterned pants and a bolder red on the upper body. The brownish-red they are using just looks washed-out when paired with the gray. I have no problem with the usage of gray or the vertical white hanging sash-thingy whatever you want to call it on the chest.

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2 hours ago, Eleran said:

Interestingly, as far as the non-positive comments about Boston's uniforms go, very few seem to have been directed at the type of uniform, or materials, or the presence of thematic content.  So the posts telling everyone to get over it because the times-have-been-a-changin' are rather misplaced.  The bulk of posters seem to be accepting of the new materials and the increased attention to theme - they just object to the actual aesthetics of the particular design and whether or not they actually reflect the theme in the way that the video spiel proclaims.

I might have been in the "get over it" camp but not quite for the reasons described.  I was referring to comments about the uniforms/costume "not being Boston".  "The traditional units were better".  Comments from posters who were opposed to the change because it was such a departure from Boston.  I even read one comment the declared Waldo dead.  They need to find a way to get past their disdain.  Boston has been saying all along they are building to the future.  They did a poll months ago testing the waters for how fans, alumni, friend or anyone felt about the existing unit and possible changes to any aspect of it; style, color, and so on.  It's easy to say they shouldn't have been surprised but I will admit once we all saw what they have how could you not be.  No matter what, it's progressive.  It completes the program theme and it shows they are sticking to their plan.  All the best to them.  I am getting a good feeling about the whole package.

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5 hours ago, barigirl78 said:

Dictionary definitions:

Uniform:  the distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or body or by children attending certain schools.


1.a style of dress, including accessories and hairdos, especially that peculiar to a nation, region, group, or historical period.
2.dress or garb characteristic of another period, place, person, etc., as worn on the stage or at balls.
3. fashion of dress appropriate to a particular occasion or season:
dancing costume; winter costume.
4.a set of garments, especially women's garments, selected for wear at a single time; outfit; ensemble.

i've talked about this before, and honestly, i don't care what you call the garments that marching bands wear. costume, uniform, onesie, pajamas, whatever

but if your local police department started wearing what bloo's horns and percussion wore last year, what comments would it most likely elicit?

1) Why did the police change their uniform?

2) Why did the police start wearing a costume?

it would be #2, and you'd sound like a nutball if you tried correcting anybody who said it, no matter how right you think a dictionary makes you.

it all depends on context, whether we're talking about cops, military members, drum corps members, or anything else where a bunch of people all wear the same thing. 



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