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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Well, let's hope this year's staff doesn't gather in Indy for a group photo while flipping everyone off. That was 16 months ago, and had nothing to do with GR.
    5 points
  2. It was powderful!
    4 points
  3. Yes, that was ill-advised and a stupid thing to do, but extrapolating that to a “toxic culture” for the MM is a stretch.
    3 points
  4. Crazy to think, but Clara is a grown woman now. Jeez we are getting old lol.
    2 points
  5. No one will come forward about him. All we hear are the stories and there are a lot of them. I had Cavies alumni that I had marched with elsewhere tell me when I asked why he was going to SCV. But, I’m sure the survivors are fearful of being ostracized and shunned. This was all covered in the Nadolny article on what happened to the young woman who was groomed and assaulted by Mike Stevens. She was a pariah. So that’s why, in a nutshell. People want their drum corps, collateral damage be ######.
    2 points
  6. Same as Cadets, it means the case is closed/dismissed for the time being. It's also important to note that the case was dismissed without prejudice, which means it could be refiled at a later time against the other defendants. One other thing to note is that the John Does 1-10 were placeholders for people that may have been identified during discovery as being liable or having some responsibility in the case. It's a pretty common tactic in civil suits where names may have been forgotten or exact organizational structure wasn't known to the plaintiff.
    2 points
  7. Wake me when it comes close to the amount of hours victims have toiled with their adverse outcomes of abuse in DCI corps. Or just even one corps. Or just even one victim.
    1 point
  8. I miss the excitement of the planning of getting everything ready for Spring Training, but I will never lose my excitement for this corps!! I just sit in my little corner of the country and cheer them on! 🙂 🙂
    1 point
  9. Allow me to clarify. What I've posted was dated between Nov 16-Dec 6 2023. Since that time there have been many listed "events" on the case, including summons, certificates of service, certificates of service of discovery, complaints and amended complaints with jury demands, answers with jury demands, state court jury demand - 12 jurors, answers to amended complaints, and even a "consent order- case MGT dates/deadline" ... and more. The latest of these was a certificate of service of discovery on 3/1/2024. Nothing since that date. McKenzee has left breadcrumbs in this thread and on reddit as to how to access this public information... that's why I didn't include the above. It's easy to access. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  10. 1.Blue Devils 2.Bluecoats 3.Crown 4.Vanguard 5.BAC 6.Cavaliers 7.Mandarins 8.Phantom 9.Colts 10.Blue Stars 11.Blue Knights 12.Trooper
    1 point
  11. I know zero about the culture inside SCV, other than what I read here on dcp.
    1 point
  12. Yeah, I'm not sleeping on the Mandarins either. They are definitely on the rise. JW is THE stud!
    1 point
  13. Started off strong but finished well in the back of the pack (e.g., 2023).
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Chief, bass drummer with the initials AST aged out from BD 2022, having marched BAC the prior year. She went to BD because her significant other had aged out in 2021 and wanted to be on staff in 2022, but BAC management wouldn't allow that. She is a wonderful drummer and a super all around person.
    1 point
  16. Scott Chandler Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/C6jvaTCvsOE/?hl=en
    1 point
  17. Fair enough. I’m not sleeping on Mandarins, though, and will be watching to see if they can keep strengthening their performance captions.
    1 point
  18. Like everyone who says that THIS hornline is unbeatable because of lot videos. Everyone sounds unbeatable in lot videos.
    1 point
  19. Got it. I’ll ask my friend who told me this where they saw it Thank you for checking
    1 point
  20. I've been told many many many horrible things by alumni. I have none about JF by a survivor, and no known connections to one. Anyone I know who's marched those years doesn't bring it up and I don't ask. That info has to be divulged completely voluntarily for it to be ethical. If how McKenzee, I, Terri and others I know have been regarded is the standard in this activity, then I don't blame them for staying in the shadows.
    1 point
  21. The settlement hearing scheduled for 4/18 was cancelled, as was the jury trial set for 6/3. The case status is currently showing "closed" with a disposition of "dismissed on account of bankruptcy". From my limited understanding, this doesn't necessarily mean the case is over. The plaintiff can file an application with the bankruptcy court seeking permission for the civil case to continue. If bankruptcy court gives permission, the current disposition can be vacated and the civil case can continue as soon as court proceedings can be scheduled.
    1 point
  22. Glad to see/hear they are sticking with their most recent show roots, production rather - I stand corrected. Very exciting musical selections. Now that Cadets are no more, Bloo now gets my fandom and my financial support. I don't think Drum Corps has been pushed this far by anyone other than the Cadets back then. Just based on clips of their camps, the experiences they are creating for members/potential members, as they did in December with Dave Vives, blows my mind and I'm all about it! In case anyone missed this gem:
    1 point
  23. Actually Boston is the second oldest in dci, the Madison Scouts were formed in 1938 😊
    1 point
  24. How does the money get dispersed? What percentage of funds goes directly to marching members? How are marching members chosen? What are the administrative cost percentages? What percentage goes to the student? Does the money go directly to the corps they are marching in, or to the student? What happens if the student decides not to march after funds have been dispersed to them? Is there a liaison from your group to the corps that have members receiving money? If the money goes directly to the student, how would donors know an impact is being made? If I were to donate, how do I as a stakeholder get updated? When I donate directly to a corps, I'm added to a communication list, does something similar exist for the 1934Foundation (see above question about administrative costs)? How do you distinguish between need-based support and support that might otherwise go to someone else in need? Who defines that? ^10 reasons to be hesitant, off the top of my head. I agree it's great in theory, but there's a lot of questions that are not addressed on the website (at least not that I could see).
    1 point
  25. OK I AM SORRY I DONT CAPITALIZE ANYTHING PTSD from the RAMD days and certain people that used caps
    1 point
  26. Why would a fan or a prospective donor want to know anything about SCV, who’ve been out of the scene for a year? I guess it’s none of their business then. All curious fans should just go away. What a crappy attitude.
    1 point
  27. Madison Scouts --- Show Tilted, ''Mosaic" https://www.instagram.com/p/C6UBG3Js4KO/?hl=en
    1 point
  28. Start out playing Agape and then all of a sudden … da da dada da da da…
    1 point
  29. they had me at hello
    1 point
  30. Shout out to the Troopers for making preseason show content announcements and building excitement for the season. Tim Snyder announced the other day that they have found a vocalist that sounds nearly exactly like Johnny Cash to sing “House of the Rising Sun”. Brilliant. Look it up on YouTube. So sad and soulful. Troop are quickly becoming my favorite corps. Just get the guard on point and 😘
    1 point
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