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Phantom Regiment 2024

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7 minutes ago, Mello Dude said:

Star Wars show.  You got the storm troopers already and Darth Vader.  Just have the horn line do a rifle (blaster) toss and miss catching every one.

Instead of screaming SUTA, can everyone yell "PEW! PEW! PEW!" at the company front? Would they have to pay rights to John Williams, Korngold AND Holst? Oh I'm sorry...that was supposed to be my inside my head jab at Williams. 

Edited by Weaklefthand4ever
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On 8/15/2023 at 10:49 PM, PRomoter said:

Any hot takes on placement for 2024? LOL JK

have to get in my obligatory first post. Still riding the COVID bus. I predict next year I will also take vacation to go to Indy, get great seats for semis and finals and come down with hot dog fingers and Euromycitisis. Taking one for the team. 

Honestly.....5th. Could be as high as 4th but it's going to be tough to bump 3 spots. It's going to depend on vet and staff retention really. I think PR's staff is smart enough to really dig into the sheets show by show and compare changes made vs score movement in GE, Content and Execution. I honestly don't know if that's been done much by PR. They've always just been PR doing PR style shows. 

Battery has to get cleaner and the FE is probably ready for a bit tougher content. You can always tell lines that have a ton of folks who have never drummed together. It can take years to get comfortable playing together. Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle but generally not. 

I did notice something that I hadn't really thought about until this year. I had always in my mind, thought of props going more and more towards higher and higher vertical staging. But honestly, BD, Crown and even PR this year, had good solid staging but the props weren't super vertical. They were far more long and horizontal. I dunno...maybe I'm wrong. 

Edited by Weaklefthand4ever
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If you wanted to do Sibelius, could do a general Scandinavian thing. Bring in some Ludwig Goransson or Johann Johansen as well.

If you're me, you title it "Smiles of a Summer Night," and also incorporate the bits of 'A Little Night Music' that aren't Send in the Clowns.

...also I now want a year where as many corps as possible do takes on Sondheim and now I may go sit down and game this out because I'm a dork.

(Offhand: give me Phantom's A Little Night Music, Mandarins' interpretation of Pacific Overtures [that also incorporates Nixon in China]; Troopers' rendition of Assassins; Blue Stars or Blue Devils' version of Follies; Bluecoats' Company; Crown's Sweeney Todd.)

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Hard to predict placements. Phantom might be much better next year and finish out of the top six. The top corps are that good. Right now it is hard to see someone new jumping into the top four conversation next year. The Cavaliers are probably best positioned to do it with their percussion section. I think you have to compete for a caption win before you can challenge anyone in the top four. It will be an exciting season in 2024 and I really do not see any finalist corps this year taking a step back in quality. 

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6 hours ago, DFA1970 said:

I always thought if a corp tried to do a Game of Thrones type show PR would be good at that. 

Revisit Songs from the Winter Palace but call it "The North Remembers".

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On 8/16/2023 at 7:43 AM, jthomas666 said:


On that note there is always the 1712 Oveture

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I’ve said it multiple times in the past…Harmonium.

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1 hour ago, jthomas666 said:

Revisit Songs from the Winter Palace but call it "The North Remembers".

Hey how about "Winters Coming"  Game of thrones?


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I’m ready for another opera. So much to do prop and story wise. Their last medal was Turandot. It was solid and easy to follow. 

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