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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2024 in all areas

  1. Strict 2024 production discussion only. Staff, admin and all other discussions should have their own threads. (I apologize to the community for not understanding/following that in the past and am opening this thread in that vein. I will follow it here to a T.) That said: camp and show reveal slated for this weekend IIRC. Felicidades to the members! The drum corps world is very happy to have you back and I wish you a safe and happy summer!
    5 points
  2. With due respect, The site already has a community guidelines section... that pretty much covers the "rules" of the site... I should know as I have been on the DCP admin team since the site was less than three months old. I was kinda party in actually WRITING said guidelines. If you want a thread discussing 2024, Vanguard, then I am pretty certain that the 2024 staff is relevant to the topic. I feel comfortable speaking for the admin team on this that we are not particularly interested in enforcing arbitrary rules set on individual threads that sit outside the community guidelines.... and besides, there is already a 2024 Vanguard thread. Closing this thread as a duplicate.
    5 points
  3. Blue Devils Instagram stories playing this beautiful piece over their promo camp video for the weekend starting tomorrow. INTERESTING! 👀
    4 points
  4. If Agape is their ballad this year, there's a good chance I'll find myself in tears as well. 🥹
    3 points
  5. My dad's set was a marine pearl slingerland kit from the 1950s. He had it down in the garage when i was a kid for awhile, it spent a lot of time in the attic. We got it down and set it up again for him after retirement but then they wanted to use that for a spare bedroom again and it went back to the attic. When it came time for him to sell the house and move after mom died. He was ready sell it and his older brother had a neighbor who was a drummer and learned he also collected kits. The guy was ecstatic to see dad's drums...complete with most of the calfskin heads intact. I think only the snare had been replaced by a synthetic head. The thing was in pretty good shape and the guy lovingly restored it then had dad over to see it and play on it one last time.
    3 points
  6. We did the Peace Sign all of my years, 70, 71 and 72. In 70 it was the most controversial. We did it coming out of concert to The Peace Sign playing White Rabbit. The VFW admin was against it. At Nats though, we got a huge positive response from the audience. The flashes going off by photographers were blinding when we were charging the front in the form.
    2 points
  7. The CEO said in the last open board meeting that they'd announce with rep at this weekend's camp. Edit: Guess I misheard... looks like it'll be the May camp. My bad.
    2 points
  8. Link to page with more details: https://www.community-fundraiser.com/virtual-fundraiser/events/promotions/d89065aa-a978-11f5-59a4-e211956f19dc/en/landing?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0vliw4Qw1ifHTEtov2pdUP8htieHBeuhQ2kttNUIqmg7idB_YyBuEY9Gw_aem_AabwnxOHsjqhwcnA3t147_8Z9ECHySfcihCh0h7ZR3Wi0ZFlve8vG_TdoMHcL_8x1Zl7pif3lN7Wn29zOlCVH5_o
    2 points
  9. double posted for some reason. If i remember, ill scan the picture of him at his set from his high school era jazz combo next time i visit this summer
    2 points
  10. I haven't heard anything so far. My son has been very hush-hush. All he told me was that Sinnerman is only the beginning. Mandarins have their first full ensemble this weekend.
    2 points
  11. Which is a link to Youtube That ballad.
    2 points
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mandarins end up finishing in 5th place, this year. The Blue Devils, Bluecoats, Carolina Crown, and the Boston Crusaders will have 1-4; but the Mandarins definitely have the momentum and resources to claim the 5th spot in the top tier.
    2 points
  13. Time to get the hype train going for 2024!
    1 point
  14. I noticed that too though I've never known BD to preview show music this early on. So who knows if this will actually be in the show or not. Mandarins may also be playing this piece this year. Either way, it's a beautiful piece!
    1 point
  15. Great, so we can discuss 2024 staff. Good to know. Thanks. https://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?/topic/179447-vanguard-2024/&do=findComment&comment=4041603
    1 point
  16. SCV 2024 Staff & Admin link below. I'm not good with strict rules 🤷🏻‍♂️ https://www.scvanguard.org/vanguard-staff/ Should be a good production and now home to a LOT of Cadets this season!
    1 point
  17. At 07:33 I'm going to ascend from my seat directly into heaven. . . . or straight to hell, as the case may be.
    1 point
  18. Troopers are in the conversation
    1 point
  19. Is it too late to add Spanish Fantasy to our wish list?
    1 point
  20. Mandarins might take the award for “ballad that makes me cry” this year….
    1 point
  21. Aww.. How sweet, 76 reunion. I'm Jealous Lol
    1 point
  22. Same here. The highlight of Legend was the cymbals kneeling in front of the snares with the soles of their shoes spelling out West Is Best.
    1 point
  23. A perfect lead-in to what I felt was a good contribution to this fabulous thread:
    1 point
  24. talked to a friend today who still kinda follows drum corps, but isn' up on everything. he asked about Phantom and asked "if they are killing anyone this year"
    1 point
  25. The ending of the Cadets 87 show was brilliant and very satisfying!
    1 point
  26. Especially after 2022. The ballad was magical.
    1 point
  27. Yeah, saying that DCI knew the end was coming and "gave" Cadets the 5th place finish was conspiracy theory, clueless, and just plain stupid. The Cadets came in 5th because they were better than everyone beneath them, including this woman's beloved Regiment. They deserved their placement, and I say this as a Boston supporter.
    1 point
  28. Enjoyed the podcast as well and even got a few laughs from it. 1) Nikki's comment about DCI "giving" The Cadets 5th place last year because they new this was coming. - Yeah, ok. 😅 2) the ballad from 2023 - the comment about only realizing how good it was after recently hearing it added to a clip from Kung Fu Panda - where were you all season last year? I do love the Kung Fu Panda mash up tho...
    1 point
  29. I love that. Jim said a few kids were curious about the old days when he was volunteering and he was more than happy to answer their questions.
    1 point
  30. That is so correct! Back in 2022 when my son was with Gold, we housed some of the kids at our home. It was DCI MANIA round the clock! Shows from all eras were being watched. Alot of these kids are definitely well aware of the past and have a ton of respect for those who paved the way for them. Walking into my living room and seeing 16-18 year olds watching 1982 Blue Devils, brought a tear to my eye lol.
    1 point
  31. BUMP! Really looking forward to what Mandarins have in store this summer! My son has 2 HS buddies that will be on the field with Mandarins this summer and I'm excited to follow their first summer with the corp. They've been at our home a few times recently with my son catching up, watching DCI performances and eating up all of my food (🤣). I stay out of their way, but love to hear them talk shop from a distance. Some of us "dinosaurs" tend to think that they don't appreciate the corps and shows of old, but you'd be surprised. They respect and appreciate where the activity came from and how it has evolved. They spend hours watching and listening to performances from the 80's and 90's which tickles my heart because those eras spawned the bug that bit me. They are great kids and I'm excited for them to join the Mandarins family this summer!
    1 point
  32. Katie Hopkins has been at SCV for at least 5 years now, teaches WGI Guards, and high schools guards too. I don't know her personally, but I understand from those that do she's a quality individual. Based on her body of work, and until there is more substantive evidence other than a Reddit post, she should be allowed to make a living despite the sins of her father. To do otherwise is gross and illegal under state of California employment law. For concerns on her training maybe ask Gio Bastante. I assume you know her.
    1 point
  33. "That's what she said (or asked)." Sorry; reverted back to my college days... 😇
    1 point
  34. He did. After the Cadets announcement, he decided to put all of his eggs into one basket for auditions. He really wanted to work under Matt Harloff and be a part of the Crown brass line. He worked extremely hard leading up to the first camp and was given a lead mello contract soon after. He's really enjoyed the camps so far and we're all exited for him and the coming season. Here we go again, Chief!
    1 point
  35. Mandarins had a brass camp this past weekend. My son didn't give away any details of what they have so far, but this is what I took away from the conversation........... To anyone thinking the Mandarins were a cute little story and one hit wonder that will fall back to earth in 2024.............prepare to be highly upset Saturday Night, August 10th.
    1 point
  36. He has two more years. His age out year is 2025.
    1 point
  37. Yea that's the next step for the Mandarins. Going from the word "Feeder" to the words "Destination and Retention." A show like Sinnerman can help make that happen.
    1 point
  38. Some people just couldn't stand the idea that their precious corps was in a battle with a former D2/3 champion. They better get used to it cuz I don't think the Mandarins are going anywhere. 😁
    1 point
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