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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2024 in all areas

  1. Looks like Mardi Gras to me.
    7 points
  2. I remember the day when an alumn of the Cadets said “I should volunteer with the Cadets”. That was the summer of 2006 and the beginning of a long love relationship with the Cadets that lasted close to twenty years. What started out as a week adventure turned into giving my whole summers to the Cadets. So that parents, alumni, staff, and volunteers could follow along with the Cadets I began writing a summer blog which ended up on a Cadets Facebook page highlighting our summer journey each day. My blog had many followers and developed into a large readership where every morning they could see where the corps was and how the competition went the night before. No matter how long the blog was or what time we arrived at our housing site after a long drive, I would always end each blog with “good morning and good night” Irving Fan of the Arts. As I try to write this article, it’s hard to believe The Garfield Cadets, The Holy Name Cadets,The Cadets of Burgen County, The Cadets no longer exist as an active drum corps affiliated with Drum Corps International. As people got to know me spending time with the Cadets every summer, they would ask when did I march Cadets and when did I fall in love with the Cadets. I have never marched as a Cadet but had been a fan of the Cadets even when I marched drum corps in the mid 70s. I don’t regret one minute that I spent with the Cadets. It’s just sad to know the Cadets will never field another dum corps to compete during the summer and that’s just a tough pill to swallow. I have kept my volunteering alive giving my time to another drum corps with lots of history. I was talking with an alumn about his summer plans and he shared the plans of the Cadet alumn to sing the Corps song Holy Name in Allentown and Indy. That sounded like a great idea, and I said I may join them in Allentown to do that. Then when I tried singing Holy Name alone I burst into tears. As an honorary alumn of the Cadets, I can’t imagine how alumni must feel. I think about all the alumn I met over the years volunteering; them sharing their experience with me marching as a Cadet and there were many, especially Scotty and Dave Shaw. With a very heavy heart all I can say is “Holy Name Shall Always Be”! The Cadets will stay alive in my heart forever! Irving Fan of the Arts
    6 points
  3. PSU had an internal investigation and surprise, surprise it was buried. President of PSU (who resigned) and school security head also involved. Lesson on what happens when the “name” and image takes priority over people’s safety
    5 points
  4. Didn't we see something like this about 13-14 years ago with Penn State, Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky? Paterno was held accountable because he was told about what Sandusky did and he concealed the information or something to that degree.
    5 points
  5. True, partially, but some hurt people recover and help heal other hurt people.
    5 points
  6. Agree. John Does 1-10 as it has been put recently
    4 points
  7. Laissez les bons temps rouler
    4 points
  8. Yeah. Made me think of Louisiana Stars' last show which was a pretty novel take on gris gris stuff.
    3 points
  9. I put some of that responsibility on the bystander effect, enablers, and flying monkeys just as much as the perps. They also help maintain the veil of silence. Perps can't do that in isolation.
    3 points
  10. Thanks. I just went for my annual physical Monday and I asked my PCP about memory lapses. She said it was normal at my age. So much fun, this getting old stuff. It does beat the alternative. 😉
    3 points
  11. It is about the only thing I can recall. I can recall moments from shows twenty years ago. Where did I put my keys? Three weeks and 400 dollars later, I still have no idea.
    3 points
  12. Remember the score line? Hahaha calling Lombard for scores.
    3 points
  13. in May, before any serious video has been released, or even show reps have all been released, i dont discount or count pretty much anyone. i stopped buying off season hype years ago
    3 points
  14. 50th anniversary logo designed by Crossmen alum Colin Hawkins. Looking forward to the 2024 season, as well as the 400+ member Alumni Corps! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1015942400091414&set=a.756800116005645
    2 points
  15. People saw it during their marching years, said nothing, and are now in management. Some don’t commit the actual abuse, but they have seen it before, said nothing then, and say nothing now (except things like George is being George’). You know how in murder cases if you don’t actually commit the act, but drive the getaway car, you can still be charged with murder? Maybe the law has to change to something similar concerning abuse of youths in an organized youth activity.
    2 points
  16. My line is “I’m human… and humans #### up at times”. Just hope the young lady in this suit is able to live her life with all this going on. Read some of the things she posted and responded to in the past and impressed
    2 points
  17. Sad to hear. Had a relative that acted and sounded the way she did at times. Mainly the more you argued with her, the more she was convinced she was right and you were in on any conspiracy. She did have real issues but years later we wonder how much of what she said WAS true.
    2 points
  18. I remember the pre-internet days when all you had was rumors & DCW as a source off-season. Early shows could be interesting- a Corps everyone thought was going to be a powerhouse could show up with 15 brass, or a traditionally small Corps could show up with 60 brass.
    2 points
  19. Full disclosure. Thought JJ was thinking about their 2016 Judas show, hence the bless you child reply. Remember Terri that it's better to be seen than viewed.
    1 point
  20. Had some posters on the SoA home page claim they were asking corps members about what happened. These were not legal investigators but SoA alumni who did it on their own. To me they sounded like they cared more about clearing SoA than getting the truth. And never did answer the question if they contacted minors without a parent or guardian present.
    1 point
  21. Good points. Regarding the TBD aspect of what you commented on, they have a new CEO at DCI, so I bet that and the difficulty in securing venues and housing play a part too. I know a couple of corps who are having problems securing housing for their own home shows for the host corps... ...and I'm sure part of the reason is related to the main topic in this thread of discussion.
    1 point
  22. OMG I used to call that all the time, LOL.
    1 point
  23. I have several songbooks, should any alumni coming need. I am the ARO for my chapter, and with all the issues that national branch has had, I buy them up when I see them for sale on online book stores so the new members can have a songbook. Always excited to meet Sinfonians, so hope some DCP alumni can make it!
    1 point
  24. Most of the people who never think they are wrong seem to think they’re perfect or almost perfect. I had someone once tell me that he was almost perfect. I’m far from perfect and so is mostly everyone else. We’re giving her too much playtime. She probably likes it.
    1 point
  25. Then there was the guy who (I joined middle of this mess) who claimed some corps did some wrong things at some time to some people. And why doesn’t someone (else) tell the authorities. Some RAMDers told him to report if he had details but he kept pushing it on others. A great study on how NOT to handle allegations.
    1 point
  26. I'd argue it was their last great show.
    1 point
  27. Perspective donors do have a right to know
    1 point
  28. Fans have a strange way of wanting to learn anything and everything they can about their favorites. Why would you not understand that?
    1 point
  29. That’s just a bunch of EBBUBERY
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Rookie doesn’t mean what it used to mean. They come in ready to roll nowadays.
    1 point
  32. Yes, that was ill-advised and a stupid thing to do, but extrapolating that to a “toxic culture” for the MM is a stretch.
    1 point
  33. No one will come forward about him. All we hear are the stories and there are a lot of them. I had Cavies alumni that I had marched with elsewhere tell me when I asked why he was going to SCV. But, I’m sure the survivors are fearful of being ostracized and shunned. This was all covered in the Nadolny article on what happened to the young woman who was groomed and assaulted by Mike Stevens. She was a pariah. So that’s why, in a nutshell. People want their drum corps, collateral damage be ######.
    1 point
  34. A quick check of Reddit drumcorps reveals what she wants. This is from Kenzee - I do not want the activity eradicated. I want this activity corrected. People deserve safety. Performers are forking over thousands of dollars to experience abuse and mistreatment. It’s unacceptable. This is and always will be about making enough noise to make sure others are protected so this stuff stops happening. It’s about making sure the people who are supposed to protect performers, actually protect their performers. It’s about holding those accountable. This isn’t enjoyable for me. This isn’t fun. This is incredibly traumatic. This has taken me ample time to gain the courage to do. It’s disgusting no one followed their own policies or protected me when I was 16. It’s time to force a change. It’s disgusting how many people went unprotected. It’s shameful how many people are ostracized for speaking up. Prior performers, current performers, and future performers deserve more.
    1 point
  35. they may write it, but Lauren runs it
    1 point
  36. Yeah, some kid on reddit recently also posted that Boston was a new corps who started with unlimited money. When I informed him that BAC was founded in 1940 with no money and ran on a shoestring for 75 years, (most of which taught by an all volunteer alumni staff) until they tripled the size of their BOD in 2015, he had no knowledge of it. Btw, this also means that the Boston Crusaders are now the oldest top 12 drum corps in DCI.
    1 point
  37. We were taught to say “You have a very nice drum corps this year. “
    1 point
  38. hi! quick point of order.... i'm the dominant ######## here. Please allow me to be that guy. i have 22 years of practice here at it. thanks! and to be technical, anymore, philly is Jersey West
    1 point
  39. No one shut down anything you’ve said. Questioned your contrived assertions certainly. It is obvious you know little of what you profess to know. But continue to be glib and insult other posters opinions, calling them toxic and emotionally feeble, because you’re “strong”. You can be tolerated or ignored easily enough. Ignored may be the consensus choice.
    1 point
  40. This is because they are the new, more transparent SCV.
    1 point
  41. I read the reference to SCV having a strong “brand” as meaning they are capable of good staff retention (which seems to be the case) and robust recruitment. I agree that if these and strong show design and execution lead to strong performances, that would be the only valid basis for strong placement.
    1 point
  42. Just got confirmation. Agape will be the 2024 ballad for Mandarins.
    1 point
  43. Safe travels to everyone headed to Sactown for the Mandarins first full corps camp. The time to validate and plant that flag as a legit top five corps starts today. Let's get after it Mandarins!
    1 point
  44. I haven't heard anything so far. My son has been very hush-hush. All he told me was that Sinnerman is only the beginning. Mandarins have their first full ensemble this weekend.
    1 point
  45. Mandarins might take the award for “ballad that makes me cry” this year….
    1 point
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