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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2022 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. Ok, after reading the description and the show music... whew, it's good. Lol, REALLY good. It has a Propaganda like feel....... and I kinda love it. I'm got dang confident beyond anything right now. As a fan back in school, I HOPE I can contribute something to the Green Machine. Come on CAVIES! And I apologize to everyone. Today wasn't a good day for me, but I will always cheer on The Cavaliers! SPLOOIE!
    4 points
  3. No vaccine for flu type diseases is 100%. Some People get the annual flu shots and still get the flu. The difference is if they get sick, they usually don’t get as sick if vaccinated. Know a few who got COVID after vaccination. Of the age 60+ ones all had mild cases and recovered at home. Hope that’s a good sign
    3 points
  4. With a kid in the corps from 2017-2021, I got to see show announcement s that were followed by midi files, tgat were followed by first reads of the charts. The first couple of years I was always confused as to “how is this going to be a show”? I learned that the programming team knows what they’re doing, and with the exception of never figuring out how to exactly end “Madness” in 2018, they’ve been spot on the money. So… I did what I always do. I listened to the tracks yesterday, smiled, and thought “I wonder how they’re going to make a show out of that”? And I’m confident they will. 😁
    3 points
  5. The show idea isn't giving me goosebumps, and I am always disappointed when the list of tunes gets more than five or six. On the other hand, welcome to 2022. I don't know that any show description or theme is something I remember much after seeing the first show. I'll wait for the performance. Maybe I worry just a bit that the Cavies are sometimes on the verge of too cute and too clever. It was freshly done with Propaganda, a bit tedious with On Madness and Creativity. Loved the move away from all that with 2019's On the Wrong Side of the Tracks, which is one of my favorite drum corp shows of all time. The crowd at the end of the ballad – just great.
    3 points
  6. I spent nine years in Japan between Sasebo and Yokosuka 1997-2000, 2002-2005, 2009-2012. Traveled to just about every country in South East Asia while stationed on the ships. The humidity over there is outrageous! Even people from Florida was complaining about the humidity being out of control lol. But nothing AND I MEAN NOTHING compares to the humidity in Djibouti Africa. Spent six months there at Camp Lemmonier. That is next level. It was so bad, the only reason i didn't lay down and die, was because the ground was too hot, so it motivated you to stay upright and keep moving. Not to mention while on watch and/or patrol, you are wearing 40-50 lbs of gear 12-14 hours at a time.
    3 points
  7. Honestly i will take cold/snow over heat/humidity. I am a Cali kid born and raised. I went to boot camp in Great Lakes Illinois from June to August. It wasn't boot camp that almost broke me, it was the humidity! Up to that point i had never been exposed to humidity. I almost died that first week lol.
    3 points
  8. I agree. Themes are definitely Overrated. When I listen to audio I personally don't care about the theme at all. A show can have a theme and not flow well.
    3 points
  9. Our perception of the events of history and our reality make us feel as if minutes, days, and years speed up and slow down. But it’s an illusion. Time remains constant and consistent; steadily slipping through our fingertips while the world develops and changes at an increasingly more rapid pace. Every generation makes its mark on the world, changing the course of history while often echoing the voices of the past. The Cavaliers’ 2022 production “Signs of the Times” will take you on a journey from the early days of the printing press to the modern age of social media, all the while showing how time is endless and repeats itself in mystifying ways. Repertoire Includes: Fugue in G Minor BWV 578 - Johann Sebastian Bach Fly Like an Eagle - Steve Miller Band Way Too Long - Bent Knee Tarkus - Emerson, Lake, and Palmer The Floor is Lava - Bent Knee Concerto No. 10 for Brass Band - Ludovic Neurohr Queer Gods - Bent Knee Being Human - Bent Knee Sign of the Times - Harry Styles • #dci #drumcorps #cavaliers22
    3 points
  10. I'll watch for COVID trends around the shows I attend and will have no problem masking up if I think I should. There's much we can do on our own to stay safe and healthy, without needing others to do the same. I guess that includes not going to a show.
    2 points
  11. yeah they said that the last few times. oops
    2 points
  12. Only in the South; "It's a Southern Thing"
    2 points
  13. Well aren’t you just a little ray of sunshine 😂.
    2 points
  14. Genesis Show Announcement: https://fb.watch/dlU6ykqRd6/ https://www.facebook.com/genesisdbctx/ Picking up where we left you in 2021, the Creative Team at Genesis presents a whole new chapter in our journey through OZ. A completely original story, exploring the question of what exists Beyond the Yellow Brick Road... a fresh take and a twist on the fate of our beloved DOROTHY. Musical Selections by: Jethro Tull Benjamin Britten Elton John Sara Bareilles Britney Spears and original works by Key Poulan and Mike Huestis
    2 points
  15. We ain’t afraid of no snow!
    2 points
  16. Awesome. They might have my favorite rep this year...
    2 points
  17. That's a long list of tunes and enough to make even Blue Devils' designers blush. "Corps is loose and having fun from what I saw last night. I like the concept. Horn sound is big, full and LOUD. Did not realize that is what the concept would be. I like it. They are ... talented. Met a few New Guys that have 4 more years. Very interesting to me." ...from an alumnus... I think the year is going to be interesting...
    2 points
  18. It was a very last minute development. The venue they have traditionally used in CA was unable to host them. They found this out in March, I believe. They then had to scramble a bit to find a place that had necessary facilities (practice fields/rooms, places to stay, food.) U Wyoming has all they needed AND was willing to host. The dorms are warm, there is an indoor practice facility and a very nice music building. No complaints from my daughter anyway.
    2 points
  19. at least we don't ask you to wear a full face covering mask anymore :)
    1 point
  20. Here's the thing on my mind. We've seen seasonal spikes in the northeast and northwest in the winter when people are driving indoors from the cold. We've seeen seasonal spikes across the south when people are driven indoors from the heat. We've got corps riding in buses for long periods all summer. It's gonna spread. Corps would be smart to see if they can score some paxlovid to minimize what even the mildest cases bring. They'll want a quarantine vehicle if they can, and maybe a whole bus. There'll be some for whom it's a week to two weeks of symptoms though, if not more--thats the long covid percentage. It could pretty much wipe out those kids summer. I suspect we're gonna see a fair few holes in everyone through the season. And perhaps a corps or two missing a show with too many out ala the Cavies a few years back. Corps hopefully have isolation and recovery plans for the tour. I mean it's not like corps haven't been hit by the 'creeping crud' before, but this one will perhaps be a bit harder to contain over the tour. The longer term concern for all these kids are the percentage of long covid effects amongst them. i.e. diminished lung capacity, brain fog, neuropathy, etc. I mean this is a mass disabiing event...or at least a temporary mass disabling event for a fair portion of even young and healthy people.
    1 point
  21. One other loose thought....when the 2019 show announcement came out and I listened to "Cathedral" from "The Road to Perdition", somehow my little brain knew that was going to be a game-changer on the field. And even armed with that expectation as I flew to Fresno for opening night, the very first night ( dirty and all), my mouth was hanging open. And it stayed hanging open...because they beat Blue Devils in brass for the first time in 8 years that night. Moral of this story? Not sure there is one...except maybe that the creative team is hearing "something" when they pick these pieces. And as many times preseason as I've kinda shook my head, I always ended up smiling. 🙂
    1 point
  22. I understand the skepticism because the people we rely on for guidance have done a horrible job, however… In the case of the vaccine, there is overwhelming evidence that it greatly reduces the chance of dying from Covid. For masks it may not be as easy to prove, but it is hard for me to imagine they wouldn’t help. Unless someone proves they don’t work, I’m going to err on the side of caution.
    1 point
  23. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t be here to talk about it.
    1 point
  24. All pandemic burn themselves out. Including the scary ones like plague (Black Death).
    1 point
  25. True, just went away on its own for unknown reasons. And the “unknown” is the scariest part. Reread “The Great Influenza” by Barry when this started, guess time to re-read.
    1 point
  26. For various reasons I mask when I can’t social distance from others. With my luck I could go to a place that is COVID free and then sit next to out of towners carrying it.
    1 point
  27. That's about right. It's pretty much like that right now in Texas.
    1 point
  28. Oh I'm always excited for a Cavies show. I'm sure they will be fantastic! It's just music I don't generally listen to. I'm sure Michael Martin is going to knock it out of the park.
    1 point
  29. Whatever it is, just make it as upbeat and entertaining as Between the Lines. That blend of classical piano and Latin was awesome. Pure Madison.
    1 point
  30. I'll weigh in on the "Awakening" show. I thought I was "stoned" the entire show smoking the "devil's lettuce". I liked the music but the theme & guard uniform (statue) were just stupid. Really hard to watch & what's the term? "Cheesy"?
    1 point
  31. No problem in the South; the virus will get a taste of our 105-115 heat index & simply implode or return to the North? 😷
    1 point
  32. Biologically speaking, it makes sense for the virus to mutate to be less likely to cause serious symptoms & signs for an infected host (human). If you are a parasite & kill your host, it is analogous to killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Better to keep host alive so as to be able to propagate yourself.
    1 point
  33. I'm not sure if I can get into Bent Knee though.... but I get the reference lol!!!!! It's just not style. Then again I'm the guy that jams out to Holst or Beethoven..... and folk groups like Mumford and Sons. I also recommend Nathaniel Rateliff and the Nightsweats (yep that's the actual name). But never the less, TO DARE IS TO DO! COME ON CAVIES!!!!!!
    1 point
  34. Been following PA with an app since this started. Problem with peaking and coming back down is there will be another peak some time in the future. The chart showing cases since last March looks like a freaking roller coaster.
    1 point
  35. Be thankful they opted not to use Downtown.
    1 point
  36. Definitely a concern. Fortunately, it appears most states have peaked or are peaking now. Fingers crossed that cases will be well on the decline before corps head out on the road.
    1 point
  37. Cough cough Stoned Awakening Awakening Stoned whatever that was cough cough
    1 point
  38. And it probably has a huge rock fireplace like every other lodge in Wyoming. 😁🔥
    1 point
  39. I have no idea if true, but I heard BD has access to University of Wyoming Indoor Practice Facility. If so, the snow won't slow them down one bit.
    1 point
  40. Thanks. Now that song is stuck in my old person’s head. 😂
    1 point
  41. What? No Petula Clark! No Petula = no bueno.
    1 point
  42. Does the word Blue in the title equal championship??? https://generaleffectmedia.substack.com/p/the-blue-devils-and-their-blue-titles?s=w
    1 point
  43. I don’t know. Some of the stuff they do visually looks pretty tough to me. How about a diagonal brassline front going backwards? Just because they make it look effortless doesn’t mean it’s not hard.
    1 point
  44. The buy-in from Jeff is absolutely inspiring. Makes me wanna get in the car and drive down to GWebb right here ... right now!
    1 point
  45. First-time poster but long-time lurker [since '03]: I know how important this topic is each year and it seems the previous posters are a bit strapped for time this season, so I wanted to get it out there and will continue to update as we get new information. Thanks @Liahona, @mingusmonk and @NewSkool for keeping this going all these years! 🙂
    1 point
  46. I believe there were 700+ drum corps in the Nort America in the '60's and '70's. Heck, Illinois alone had about 50.
    1 point
  47. Phantom Regiment is excited to announce that Dr. Kate Ferguson has been named director of Phantom Regiment Academy. Ferguson, who has been in music education for nearly 25 years, is director of athletic bands at Youngstown State University in Ohio. She will continue in that role while leading Phantom Regiment Academy. Read the rest of […]View the full article
    1 point
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