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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Ok, I think we have BD’s 2024 show figured out. Like 1998 (Romeo & Juliet / WSS) it is a mash-up. Bonnie and Clyde and Sid and Nancy. Uses music from the musical Bonnie & Clyde (which is a real thing) & the Sex Pistols. Note that the four names are alluding to a four-peat. Glad we figured this out. Good work everyone.
    4 points
  2. I will be right next to you cheering for BAC as well. If another corps is better than BD, I have zero issues showing them love and support. 2018, I cheered SCV all the way across the finish line. Babylon has one of my favorite closers ever. 2016, You best believe I was all aboard the Bloo hype train. And that was a sweet train to be on. 2013, Crown was here in SoCal housing at my kids Alma Mater Vista Murrieta High School. BD was also housing a few miles away from my house as well. Guess what? I went to more Crown rehearsals than BD. I can support my favorite corps (BD), be a Mandarins Dad and fangirl their historic rise..................but also show love to other corps without tearing them down, spreading lies and false narratives because I don't like some scores and placements.
    4 points
  3. Which is a link to Youtube That ballad.
    3 points
  4. One month away from move-ins! Getting more and more excited as the season grows nearer!
    3 points
  5. Had to look up ‘Buddy Rich’ That is the Google of shame for a Drum Corps fan ….😎
    3 points
  6. Yeah. Having to google Buddy Rich. I feel old. And Buddy Rich was of my dad's era. I grew up listening to dad listen to him (then me during high school) on dad's Columbia Record Club LPs. Which he still has.
    2 points
  7. Literally twins. That’s what I was thinking! But I suspect, it’ll be more like The Cutouts where they pick a musician from that era and symbolize them.
    2 points
  8. If they did a flip and made it about a murderous couple, I’d be ecstatic.
    2 points
  9. hell we disagree with each other....you should see the group chat. and for the record, Nick is totally out of touch on his Allentown views.
    2 points
  10. Yes we don't want to jinx it at all.. But i am truly looking forward for that season of pure brawl battle between BD and BAC with Boston coming out on top.
    2 points
  11. I hope BD does something out of the box so people can scratch their heads 😁
    2 points
  12. BAC has their first and last full corps camp this coming weekend, and as of then, we will be only four weeks away from Spring Training in Castleton, Vermont. This year, they will only be up there 17 days, with the rest of pre-season on locations closer to the Boston area. Along with several local performances, many of us are thrilled to have the corps closer to the Hub. Can't wait for the start of the season!!!!
    2 points
  13. Think we posted at the same time. I'm glad they've released the mock-up so I can get record my 'ear worms' to memory.
    1 point
  14. I think the ballad will be one of the great moments in DCI history. Sandi's keyboard arrangements!
    1 point
  15. Troopers dropped the mock up of their entire show on Facebook. 😘
    1 point
  16. Buddy with the eyeroll during the solo! And that tall trumpeter looks a little like Wayne Downey.
    1 point
  17. The ending of the Cadets 87 show was brilliant and very satisfying!
    1 point
  18. I still say missing the crowd reactions during the show is a big letdown. I have gone back and spiced up the bass on all the recordings and they sound much better now. Used to be able to hear the crowd screaming all through the music when there was something particularly cool done on the field.
    1 point
  19. Ye olde “the problem isn’t that something bad happened, the problem is reporting it makes the group look bad”. Shades of when Penn State scandal broke (live in PSU country 🙄)
    1 point
  20. What if you created The Velvet Cadets and parodied past shows? 🙂
    1 point
  21. yeah we had code words to alert all if youngins were around so nothing nasty would be said. same thing for if parents were around. i think in my years in the drumline, the oldest were early 30's down to 15 year olds. we looked after the kids. i mean they saw us do stupid stuff, but we tried to make sure they didn't.
    1 point
  22. I think it would be better to create a new corps that has the cadets vibe. Kinda like a spiritual successor kind of thing instead of taking on the baggage that the organization has.
    1 point
  23. This is me every time I watch that Methods of Madness opening drill. 150 human beings are not supposed to move that effortlessly across the field. No one moves like BD. No one.
    1 point
  24. Yeah.. I am quietly cheering for BAC to beat my fave and take that trophy Lol... I meant that. If i see that they have the show to win it all, i will be cheering loudly, but until then GO BD!
    1 point
  25. Lol i had to look up 'Buddy Rich' ............ it could still work with an out of the box theme show
    1 point
  26. I know. But your F1 driver Verstappen only loses due to mechanical failure. Electronics & props are Drum Corps’ mechanicals.
    1 point
  27. How about playing a 7+ minute Buddy Rich song that has a drum solo in the middle? oh - wait a minute edit - this was way out of the box in 1976
    1 point
  28. I think that might be my favorite. This undying save the corps mission and to hell with the collateral damage.
    1 point
  29. I think this season tour schedule looks good for a late season surge. In 22 we did ATL then did Huntington WV that Monday then we had 3 or 4 days in Newark Ohio where it was not 100 degrees, and a lot was accomplished improving the show before Allentown (we added the Chevron for one thing). For the rest of the season scores went up and we moved up a few spots from Atlanta until Finals. Last year 2023 we did ATL, then Huntington on that Mon (Which I thought was the best show of the season, though I may be biased since most of the time I saw it from the 10 or 20 yard line and that day the sponsor invited me up to where the judges were on the 50) . Then we went to a spot in PA which was a good practice for 1 day then we went up to Boston. There was an incident with one of the staff busses (no injuries) but it seemed to get everything out of sync. One good thing was that a lot of the members had time after PR performed and were able to come back and watch Boston do their home show which I think is a neat thing. However the show did not improve as much as our competitors shows improved from Huntington until finals. Some people say the show didn't have room to grow after ATL but I am sure the lost practice times going up to Boston did not help the scores. Anyway for 23 after ATL the Huntington show is on a Wens and that gives PR 3 or 4 days to beef up their show where it will be cooler (not in Texas) with fresh mountain air before Huntington Then going to Allentown I think we will have a pretty nice practice facility there. Hopefully they will not be plagued with rain that last week and the Corps will be at its absolute best going into finals. I have a lot of faith in the design team and I think that they will be doing great things with the show design and continue PRs climb aback to the top echelon of DCI
    1 point
  30. and i want them to do just all of those.. Yup
    1 point
  31. Boston isn’t winning year after year running the same playbook, but I digress. BDs current run is like the Cavies using original music and crazy drill in the 2000s, and people were eventually ready for a change. Lots of people are ready to see BD bring something new to the table. They are great enough to take a risk, imo.
    1 point
  32. pretty easy to pick out 3 or 50 conventions that every other top corps uses every year. i could do it for boston and bloo, but i'm an adult. i'd love to see the top 3 from last year all change things up. the formulas have gotten alittle stale to me even though i've liked the products.
    1 point
  33. I liked their show last year, and I’m sure they’ll do something great this year too. That said, I’m def ready to see them shakeup their formula. Maybe they’ll experiment with not using a bunch of rolling props that become a stage, a running follow-the-leader entrance, and costume rip-aways this year.
    1 point
  34. If they earned the higher score, absolutely. If not, you won't see me here crying and saying the judges are paid off, and bringing up instances from the 1920s etc, when said judge scored my corps lower than another corps in a competition. They earn it, congrats. If not, go work harder.
    1 point
  35. the Jojo's meledy was good but good lord, Tank! the year before was supreme. I still think a Seatbelts + Stan Kenton show would be amazing for this BD team to work with while they're on this idiom.
    1 point
  36. Brother I am just joking, poking fun at the people who cry inflation every June. Just jokes.
    1 point
  37. Yes. absurdity.. I don't what gets into us social media Drum Corps fans. Its seems like every preseason starting almost without fail on April 1st we're .. Constantly Risking Absurdity .😉
    1 point
  38. Every second of 1987 Appalachian Spring. That show plus SCV’s Russian Christmas Music (in the same year), especially the low brass at 2:26, hooked me on drum & bugle corps.
    1 point
  39. Heard this tune at a wind ensemble concert today. Great Colombian tune for the Scouts.
    1 point
  40. After a top 5 finish, perhaps? Okay, top 8.
    1 point
  41. Just downloaded marchingmusicdowloads copy of last year’s shows. I’m always kinda bummed at the newer recordings, pretty much since Flo got involved. The audio doesn’t do a good job recreating the thick, round sound and lower bass, like from the concert bass, bass line and electronics. You can barely hear the crowd even when the corps stop playing. The recordings feel like an afterthought and fall flat in my opinion. I have a rather high end audio system that normally blows you out of the room, but not when playing DCI recordings these days.
    1 point
  42. Loved the show right there & right then. That ballad!
    1 point
  43. Somebody could have a LOT of fun with this one....and I can imagine getting the crowd into it big time.
    1 point
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