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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2024 in all areas

  1. Boston just announced the return of Tom Santino to the brass staff....he was hugely integral in BAC'S launch into the top 12 in 99 and into the upper echelon of finals in the early 21st century. Welcome back, Tom!
    7 points
  2. They’re actually really good at that. Remember Rach Star? I loved that show. A couple of people laughed at me and said it’s cheesy and I said “bring on the cheese”.
    5 points
  3. It’s possible to come back from Chapter 11 (Boy Scouts) if you have money and a plan which the Bankruptcy Court will accept. It’s not possible to come back from Chapter 7 (Garfield) because you have told the court you have no money and no plan to pay debt. It’s like waving a permanent white flag. They may now only operate under very limited circumstances (i.e. keeping the lights on to liquidate assets). Returning to the field is not an option, sadly.
    5 points
  4. As with how the balance of math and beauty is essential to the inner workings of nature, much of the world operates in juxtapositions and blendings of opposites. With this truth in mind, Blue Devils B is proud to present the 2024 production, "Sacred Geometry". Featuring some of the oldest written musical works from human history, the sacred nature of that music is blended with the mathematical musical sounds of modern percussion ensemble literature, art music, and progressive metal. Representing the balance of sacred and secular music, and the value held in art that is both very old and very new, “Sacred Geometry” seeks to explore a variety of these dichotomies and present them through the medium of music, dance, color, and movement. Music Includes: "Ordo Virtutum" - Hildegard von Bingen (1151) "O Magnum Mysterium" - Tomas Luis de Victoria (1570) "Geometry" - Sean Clark and Chavadith Tantavirojin (2024) "Primacy of Number" - Philip Glass (2002) "Stabat Mater" - Jean-Charles Gandrille (2014) "The Laws of Nature" - Sean Clark and Chavadith Tantavirojin (2024) "Once Upon a Castle" - Michael Daughtry (2015) Learn more about BDB’s upcoming summer tour at: https://bluedevils.org/programs/b-corps/seasons/ #bdworld #dci2024
    4 points
  5. Lynyrd Stryvynsky - The Freebird Suite
    4 points
  6. so the Diner scene, but with Samuel L Jackson and Uma Thurman packing?
    3 points
  7. Looks like they're only broadcasting Day 1 of Allentown, so we'll miss Day 2 corps like SCV, Phantom, Blue Stars, Mandarins, Troopers, and bunch of others. (looks Day 2/Aug 3 will be streamed, yay) There's going to be a lot of content this season. 28+ events plus 3 days of DCI Worlds. Some notable early-ish events (imo): Cincinnati, Jul 2: First time Bloo/Crown/BAC go up against each other at the same time at a streamed event. Broken Arrow, Jul 16: First time BD/Bloo/BAC/Crown go up against each other at the same time at a streamed event. Phantom, Mandarins, and Cavies too. Denton, Jul 18: SCV goes up against a bunch of perennial top 6 corps (Bloo, BAC, Crown, Phantom) for the first time on stream in a couple years. Any other flo streaming events you all are looking forward to?
    3 points
  8. I get that. Sadly, there's no getting totally away from that in way too many alternative activities, youth-based or otherwise. We all wish you well, my cyber friend and hope that you'll re-consider.
    3 points
  9. Probably living at home with your parents and still selling girl scout cookies?
    2 points
  10. I also had a choice between band and Boy Scouts. The answer was easy. I was a bad as in lousy Boy Scout. Made it to Tenderfoot but that was probably out of pity. I had a tendency to be out of step in band. Out of step can be corrected, being a lousy Scout could mean getting lost in the wilderness never to be heard from again. I chose band and I made the right choice. Since you marched in a Top 12 finalist, you probably did too!
    2 points
  11. OT: When I was in fourth grade, I got a choice: Band or Girl Scouts but not both. I wonder how different my life would be now if I had chose Girl Scouts?
    2 points
  12. That was always my complaint to my wife who served as a Girl Scout leader. I helped her transport (band truck w/permission) & inventory all of the cookies that most of the profit went to the district office to pay their salaries. Then they wanted her to serve as an area manager that was a volunteer position. She finally said 'nope'. But she loved serving the local troop. Most all of the cookie profit goes up the chain of command.
    2 points
  13. Ah, ok. Those shows are gone from my head for some reason.
    2 points
  14. According to their calendar, yes they're going all the way to Indi
    2 points
  15. I’ll be at the 7/2 show. 48 days away.
    2 points
  16. Next up will be the Blue Devils to announce.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Not sure how true it is or what all goes into the process, but I heard it had to do with getting the rights to play the music. I have no clue how any of this works, just going off what others have said on this forum in the past.
    2 points
  19. Considering the cost of living and housing in the Walnut Creek - Concord area, his salary does not seem out of line at all.
    1 point
  20. good enough that the PIAA moved there. Hershey has become a giant pain to run anything but concerts in.
    1 point
  21. Well, you probably got to have cookies with both organizations, but I would choose instrumental music! 🎵 😁 Both organizations teach wonderful life lessons.
    1 point
  22. A playlist for your listening enjoyment.....
    1 point
  23. if it's a school program, odds are the school will be ok with it. outsiders...even a fundraiser for a school program....well outside of football or basketball probably not so much. and just thinking of around here...logisitcally.....CV would probably be the only facility that could do it. Yes schools use Hershey, but it's not their stadium. and with CV, you're right up against 11/Carlisle Pike which means on ticked off trucker jamming the horn could ruin a ballad. and if they hadn't gotten turf to host the PIAA stuff they wouldn't do it. Dover was great for the Open Class show last year and this coming year, but you want big gins there you need about 30 more rows of bleacher
    1 point
  24. Star chose to leave. Cadets had to. therein lies the difference. it sucks that they are gone, but it's clear that any type of rebirth using any of the iconic name or marketing/legacy terms just opens up all the cans of worms again
    1 point
  25. agreed. dci has screwed some stuff up, but not everything is their fault.
    1 point
  26. it's going to depend on the school. but in many cases, liability is a major concern.......not just the scandals, but in general. its a very litigious world out there now. plus in the summer, it can require more staff on site, which means more staffing costs...and in many cases, more part of the building having Ac etc
    1 point
  27. Almost definitely a show based on Romantic art, particularly focusing on melodrama and nature. It's all very important lol.
    1 point
  28. That makes sense. Glad to hear it. I'll edit my op.
    1 point
  29. Here's the link to the article about the news craiga just posted. https://bostoncrusaders.org/2024/05/tom-santino/ And welcome home, Tommy!!
    1 point
  30. I was thinking the same thing when i read the description of this show.
    1 point
  31. 2024 DCI Streaming Schedule August 2 - 3 | DCI Eastern Classic The schedule clearly says August 2 - 3
    1 point
  32. Jim, This was a general beef I have and not directed at any one individual. I know your bona fides and respect your experience and POV. I do remember the Red Carpet Circuit (Pittsburg Rockets...et al.). Back then it was one of many umbrella organizations facilitating drum corps. Now we are down to one. Circle the wagons. Frank
    1 point
  33. Still don't understand why all these corps have to be so pretentious and wait so long to announce their shows.
    1 point
  34. Uh yeah I’m not totally up on what is going on today… THAT’S WHY I ASKED… Referred to what happened in the 70s because shows were lost then due to issues outside of the organizations control. And mainly because the person I responded to was around then and might get the connection. As ironlips said problems scheduling shows today is outside of DCI (aka the organizations) control. IOW “nothing new under the sun” and history repeats. Don’t know why bringing that up is a problem. So how far back am I allowed to go in a discussion 🙄
    1 point
  35. I just came to delete my account but had to take one last look. The same nasty ###### who think they know everything about everything are still here making the honest, nice people sorry they ever came here. I hope drum corps survives but will only if they change the way they do things. Sexual harassment and rape will continue as long as they allow some Final Awards given to the corps each summer to continue to be named after some of the biggest sexual perverts the activity has seen.
    1 point
  36. Not just fife....when I joined BAC in 1980, it was 1, 2, Open, Closed....because I had been a rifle in school. Forty four years ago!
    1 point
  37. Thank you to all drum corps Moms for your time, monies, patience, & sacrifice that you've made supporting your kids participating in school band & drum corps programs. I never saw this shout-out video from 2014 so I thought I would share something positive. This is a tough one for me losing my Mom a couple of months ago. I could never repay her (and Dad) for the sacrifices that they made for me. Have a great day!❤️
    1 point
  38. There is always hope a corps that folds it will return. In 2012, it was no secret Glassmen would probably not return in 2013. I also recall after the DCI Parade that year folks from Glassmen trying to recruit new members. I’m sure they hoped new recruits would mean new revenue and new life. When I spoke with people from Cadets last summer, they were optimistic and dedicated and did not divulge inside information, but I could sense all was not well. It was more reading between the lines and a gut feeling. I’ve seen academically strong Catholic schools close before due to financial issues so I to some extent know the signs. I was more surprised about the lawsuit than news they would not return. Regarding Cadets, I think it’s more than just the memories, great shows, and innovation. It’s also more than the fact they survived agains the odds. They date back to the Great Depression. They’re irreplaceable. It’s more than just a loss of a corps, it’s a piece of our identity. When Star left the field there were mixed feelings so it’s not the same at least to me. For me, the last time I remember losing such an iconic corps was when 27th and Bridgemen stopped competing.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. If it were up to the band directors to allow for the use of the school facilities, perhaps. But that's not who calls the shots. I suspect a fair few band directors have to expend their energy just to get their own band time in the facilities.
    1 point
  41. You weren't being harsh. I just remember "BOOM!" being used on the Madison thread the year they did the Mexican wrestler...or superhero...show.
    1 point
  42. I have never had any luck tying Chandler’s images to the shows.
    1 point
  43. BD will do this.... and win. ☺️
    1 point
  44. I’m in. All in. Jazz show
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. https://www.facebook.com/CrossmenDBC/videos/1557986595131281/ The Crossmen are thrilled to announce their 2024 production: Lush Life. "Lush Life" Billy Strayhorn "My Favorite Things" Richard Rodgers / Oscar Hammerstein II "So What" Miles Davis "Round Midnight" Thelonius Monk "Night in Tunisia" Dizzy Gillespie "Blues in the Night" Harold Arlen / Johnny Mercer "La Creation Du Monde" Darius Milhaud Original Music by Drew Shanefield / Ray Ulibarri / Juan Arreguin
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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