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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2020 in Posts

  1. The biggest overreaction? I wish the country where I'm living had've "overreacted". If they did, then the world wouldn't be going through what it currently is. Instead, things were covered up in an attempt to calm the public. Now we have a global pandemic. Let me give you a tale of two cities where I live - China. Wuhan has a population of 11 million people, with 68,000 cases and 3,000 deaths1 (per the entire province of Hubei). Though, I do highly suspect the deaths and cases are both far greater than what has been reported... as Italy is now approaching 1,000 deaths itself... but lets leave that discussion out. Shanghai - where I live - has a population of 25 million people, with less than 350 cases, and (as far as I know) less than 5 deaths. Wuhan's government initially tried to cover up that this existed. They did so for about a month, at least. This lead to it spreading, and now we see where it's at. Shanghai's government took the exact opposite approach. It basically completely shut down. Everything closed down at the very first sign of a case - all here in the economic center of the world's second largest economy. We've had to close entire districts - millions of people - due to one single case popping up. We've had to shut down everything and push everyone to stay at home for weeks and weeks. No restaurants, no stores, no going outside unless you are buying groceries. You get your temperature scanned before you go into any store, before you are allowed into your apartment community, before you enter your office area, before you enter your office itself. You get work documents that show records from your phone company that prove you've been remaining within a certain area. You get work documents tracking your temperature history over weeks. I can't even walk my dogs without wearing a mask (respirator) of some kind, they simply won't let you back in knowing you went out without one. Some of those things might also be taken as "overreaction", but it has kept my city from turning into what happened in Wuhan (which again, is less than half the size - so you can imagine what could have happened here). For those of you being critical of what these organizations are doing, you need to be THANKFUL that they are stepping up and doing this. That is being proactive. If you start being REACTIVE then that is when things are going to crumble, and quickly. If organizations do not step up as they are right now, then you might very well have to see what I've seen here with cities doing these "overreactions". Don't let it get to that point. Be happy that people are stepping up now before it gets to that point - because I can assure you it's not super fun. Additionally, these precautions are being taken to PREVENT the spread. Not just to keep someone from getting sick at the event, but to keep others that might not even have symptoms from spreading it to others. For those saying "OH but seasonal influenza kills many more people!" Yes, the seasonal flu has killed more people in the US so far this year. If this spreads to the same level that influenza has, then you will not like the numbers coming from it. The seasonal flu has a death rate of .1% (I believe this year it is actually .06%, but I may be wrong with that), and is uncontainable. Coronavirus has had a death rate of 3.4%2 (Just under 15% for those over the age of 80), and is still at a point where it can be contained - though that slips by daily. If these events (WGI, and many other expos and other events) do not step up as they have, then you would be spreading something with that death rate. Yes, it is primarily fatal in those who are older or immunocompromised, but we have seen young doctors dying here in China as well. We have seen young people dying all across the world. The virus can attach and linger on without any symptoms for at least two weeks3 - though it is expected it can survive even longer than two weeks (as a comparison, the seasonal flu has an incubation period of 2 to 4 days4). Going to one of those events, you can have it attach to you and then you walk out and spread it along without having a single clue of doing so. The numbers aren't as high as the seasonal flu, but now you see that it has the potential to be an absolute nightmare if it spreads - and it is much easier to spread than the seasonal flu. Let there be an overreaction so that the US does not become what China was, and what other nations are now becoming. Take the overreactions as a good thing. It's a luxury to look back and say "wow, that wasn't as bad as I expected it to be". Don't go out and panic, don't go and spread fear, but realize that this is absolutely something that needs to be combatted and have proactive measures taken against. It is very real, and hard decisions need to be made. Lastly, no the media is not going crazy with it - as was stated earlier in the thread. They have simply been reporting what is actually happening around the world with it. Sorry if I rambled a bit, but I do get a bit heated reading through this thread and seeing several people wanting to act as if this is not serious. If you fail to be proactive, you're not going to like where things go from here. Sources - So I can't be slapped with the sarcastic comments about suddenly being a specialist: 1: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-03/11/c_138865315.htm (Note: Chinese English state-run news source, take that for what you will) 2: https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19---3-march-2020 (Also read the talks of how it can be contained, which precautions are needed to accomplish) 3: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses 4: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/influenza-(seasonal)
    14 points
  2. Two major differences: H1N1 was an influenza variant. Which meant that some portions of the population already had at least partial immunity, and the extant influenza vaccines and medications had at least some effect on treating the infected. COVID-19 is a novel (meaning "new") coronavirus. It is a mutation so unlike any other coronavirus known to man that no one on the planet has any immune antibodies for it, and there are no vaccines or drugs designed to treat it (yet). COVID-19 is much more contagious. In infectious disease research there is something called an R0 ("R naught") number, that measures/estimates how many new people get sick from contact with an infected person. The R0 rating for the 21st Century H1N1 outbreak was 1.4-1.6. The R0 rating for the "Spanish Flu" H1N1 outbreak of 1918-1919 was 2.5-3.0. The R0 rating for COVID-19 is being estimated at 3.0-4.0 right now. This disease spreads VERY easily and is VERY durable outside the human body (initial research shows COVID-19 viruses surviving for up to 3 hours in air and up to 3 days on certain surfaces). Or to put it another way: if a disease with 10% mortality but a low R0 infects 500,000 people you'll end up with 50,000 dead. But if a disease with only 1% mortality and a high R0 infects 100 million people you end up with 1 million dead. (Side note: the disease with the highest known R0, i.e. the most contagious disease we have discovered, is measles with an R0 value of 18. Followed by pertussis/whooping cough with an R0 of 16. Always get your vaccines, people.)
    9 points
  3. If we are all going to die, why do we need so much toilet paper?
    8 points
  4. "BREAKING: The World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract Covid-19. Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released. To be clear, WHO let the dogs out."
    7 points
  5. Ah yes! The old tried, true, and tested "lets have a virus strain jump species, cross oceans, kill people, and impact literally every organization and nation so that we can justify lower scores for how we blow air through metal, slam wood on things, and work up that good-good sweat while running (accompanied by the ever classic spinning pretty colors)" excuse. I'll never forget the time that Blue Stars used that same excuse in 1908. True story, but don't look it up. tl;dr - Get a grip. Seriously. You need to get your priorities checked if you're upset over this.
    7 points
  6. I’m not sure I want to know where your experience with urinal pucks comes from.
    4 points
  7. In the '70s we had visitors come to our school who made us eat a lemon-flavored paste to show where plaque existed on our teeth. The areas with plaque would turn yellow. To this day I cannot tolerate anything lemon flavored. I was scared for life. That and the clown incident, but I won't go into that...
    4 points
  8. Thanks to the frequency of mentions of the World Health Organization on this thread, I just got an ad for a Who tribute band.
    4 points
  9. I wouldn’t want a man to have no emotional support at all from his own industry, so I hope Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson get a chance to visit and personally shake his hand.
    4 points
  10. While this topic is highly appropriate, let’s keep to how it interferes with drum corps and not delve into the political spectrum
    4 points
  11. normally you are entertaining, even if extreme in a Waldorff and Statler kind of way. this IMo reeks of...many things. none smell good
    4 points
  12. At least, we’re keeping our sense of humor. Go us!
    3 points
  13. Oh NO!! The dreaded PPP! Public Perception Problem! Good God, NO! Please! Rather, I sense an opportunity for drum corps being the only activity that kept its head during a time of panic and provides soothing and happy entertainment for a country just itching to get out of the house.
    3 points
  14. I hate jello since my colonoscopy. And I could only eat green jello. Green ####### jello for twelve hours. And that colon blow that tastes like a urinal puck smells. But with a hint of lemon.
    3 points
  15. Why build rockets that can go to Mars when we can all just take massive doses of LSD and go to Mars while laying down? We were warned for many years that an event like this could happen. What we weren't warned about was the commentary.
    3 points
  16. I wish I was in the toilet paper business. I’d be rolling in a Walter White stack of cash.
    3 points
  17. Very good. You may now take one step forward. You will be made aware of when you may move again.
    3 points
  18. We are all going to die from this. DCI is not going to survive. Individual corps are going to go bankrupt. This is inevitable. Better go stock up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer. There. Does that makes all the naysayers happier now? I’m falling in line with doom and gloom predictions.
    3 points
  19. It's almost becoming surreal. Like we are living in a movie.
    3 points
  20. That may be but at this point there’s so much uncertainty we felt we should just get him home.
    3 points
  21. Six years for me. I still flip the bird to my employer every time I drive by.
    2 points
  22. We often forget about our providers safety. Thanks for all that you do to keep the rest of us well and best wishes while riding out this storm! Actually all the storms you face daily!
    2 points
  23. So far, we’re all staying the course. But I’m wondering how it’s going to play out in the long run. It’s a little concerning not fully knowing the transmission characteristics while also hoping that masks and such protect us while working inside people’s mouths. I have colleague friends who are really playing it down. But I’m not so sure about that.
    2 points
  24. No. My dentist is a young hottie.
    2 points
  25. Was going to finally get out on my own when I got back from doing admin stuff again. Will probably do that sooner. Get my first place. Have been working to and have lost weight the last year and a few months, will get to keep doing that. And focus on some clients I have during the fall for marching band. Play video games. Read some books. Be big sad.
    2 points
  26. Just got an email from my dentist regarding all this.... blah blah blah... bottom line I DON’T have to cancel my appt 😖
    2 points
  27. Well, they’re the owners. The directors and myself got to do the fun stuff. I was amazed at what pigs women could be in bathrooms. A real eye opener.
    2 points
  28. Just remember to skate to where the urinal puck is going, not where it has been.
    2 points
  29. Emmet Kelly AS It!
    2 points
  30. Terri, I really think you should write warning labels for pharmaceutical companies! I laughed out loud reading your post.
    2 points
  31. I say we name the Fighting Illini NCAA champions because they were cheated out of it in 2005. Let’s do it.
    2 points
  32. Libraries are also community cultural centers. A lot more happens in them than checking out a book via the Dewey Decimal System.
    2 points
  33. Gov Wolfe said no gatherings over 250 people, so we just need the coutroom to stay at 249
    2 points
  34. Such a immature thing to do. He's not a child.
    2 points
  35. Saw an article that earlier Gobert was joking around or something by touching mics at a press conference when asked about coronavirus. As someone else posted karma can bite deep
    2 points
  36. They need to get his sorry ### out to LA to stand trial there.
    2 points
  37. Maybe the G7 will be all that is left after all?
    2 points
  38. The fear that a lot of industries and organizations have is that after this virus situation is gone, will things all return to the way they were? For example, I know a teacher who is concerned and worried that if students go to virtual learning while everything is on lockdown during the virus, perhaps some people might think that that is the future of education and we may not need brick and mortar schools and teachers. You could literally have thousands of students at home on I pads being taught by one person. Anyway, it's interesting to think about things like this at least for me.
    2 points
  39. Coronavirus update: March 12, 2020 Drum Corps International is continuing to monitor the impact of COVID-19 across the country. Specifically, we are following the quickly evolving developments at all levels as well as the ongoing determinations by local and national public health officials. We are also receiving tremendous assistance from our extended network of career healthcare professionals working through the Marching Music Health, Wellness & Safety Project. Our top priority remains the health and safety of everyone in the DCI community. DCI will continue to adhere to all national directives and incorporate the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, public health authorities, and physicians to ensure the safety of our performers, staff, volunteers, partners, audience members, and everyone associated with DCI’s nationwide operational structure. With so many schools and events affected at this point, we understand that many in the DCI community are concerned about the 2020 Summer Tour, which begins three months from now. While there have already been some disruptions to rehearsal camps for the individual corps this month depending on their geographic locations, there will likely be more impact on spring activities. However, at this point, we are continuing to plan for a 2020 DCI Summer Tour. We share in the disappointment of all those at WGI-Sport of the Arts on the decision to cancel the 2020 WGI World Championships and other scheduled events. We understand that the decision was extremely difficult, and we salute the thousands of passionate performers, instructors, and administrators around the world who devote their winter months to elevating their standards of excellence. As the situation unfolds over the coming days and weeks, we will continue to work with corps administrators, tour event partners, stadium managers, and hundreds of housing site hosts from coast to coast to assess all available information and make necessary adjustments. We will continue to provide updates at DCI.org and through our social media chan
    2 points
  40. Every Saturday night this summer FLO should broadcast the top 12 from a certain year playing the shows from 12th place to 1st place. We can all get on DCP and talk about the shows and whatever fodder comes up. FLO should also be sure to make the stream crappy at times so we can feel like its really happening live!
    2 points
  41. There’s a scene in the movie “Das Boot” where the submarine has been hit with mines and is taking on water and is sinking and all is chaos. And there’s a reporter on board who really has no job duties and can only watch. He climbs into his bunk, pulls the covers over his head, and closes his eyes. I kinda feel like that guy right now. I just want to wake up in about July and have this be over.
    2 points
  42. I would have to stay positive & think yes they can survive this crisis. I think they would have to utilize their line of credit as well as any financial relief via government low interest loans & other incentives to help with operating expenses, payroll, etc. Again, just me trying to say positive. I can't imagine my summer without drum corps performances. Totally selfish I know on my part, but I have plans to attend Detroit, Mid-West, ATL, & finals week in Indy. 😢
    2 points
  43. If that happens I would imagine all but maybe 3 or 4 corps would fold. DCI would be no more.
    2 points
  44. amazed DCA can survive getting 1000 paid at finals as is
    2 points
  45. There’s still charges pending in CA and the feds are investigating him for interstate sex trafficking. I hope his health improves so he can rot in jail that much longer.
    2 points
  46. It’s kind of difficult. Reading this thread is less than encouraging. Forget about the nightly news. I posted one positive thing about cases slowing down in China and it was shot to ####.
    2 points
  47. This media-fueled hysteria is the biggest overreaction to anything I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. The reaction is just way out of line from anything we’ve seen before. This sucks and I’m beyond depressed with all this talk.
    2 points
  48. So easy to say when you've gotten yours. It's interesting, I've done/taught marching band which taught me to make things work when things go wrong, but I guess doing drum corps will teach me to just give up and accept adversity. And you're right, rather than marching the year I could with respect to other obligations and when I could afford it, I should have ignored responsibilities and spent money I didn't have to march years ago! $5000 is nothing. I don't necessarily think your pilot story is equivalent but I appreciate the patronizing tone. You don't have to tell me that life doesn't go how you plan, that's pretty obvious. Sorry you gave up on your dream.
    2 points
  49. You might want to take a gander at the guidelines. 🙂
    2 points
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