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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2024 in all areas

  1. I remember the day when an alumn of the Cadets said “I should volunteer with the Cadets”. That was the summer of 2006 and the beginning of a long love relationship with the Cadets that lasted close to twenty years. What started out as a week adventure turned into giving my whole summers to the Cadets. So that parents, alumni, staff, and volunteers could follow along with the Cadets I began writing a summer blog which ended up on a Cadets Facebook page highlighting our summer journey each day. My blog had many followers and developed into a large readership where every morning they could see where the corps was and how the competition went the night before. No matter how long the blog was or what time we arrived at our housing site after a long drive, I would always end each blog with “good morning and good night” Irving Fan of the Arts. As I try to write this article, it’s hard to believe The Garfield Cadets, The Holy Name Cadets,The Cadets of Burgen County, The Cadets no longer exist as an active drum corps affiliated with Drum Corps International. As people got to know me spending time with the Cadets every summer, they would ask when did I march Cadets and when did I fall in love with the Cadets. I have never marched as a Cadet but had been a fan of the Cadets even when I marched drum corps in the mid 70s. I don’t regret one minute that I spent with the Cadets. It’s just sad to know the Cadets will never field another dum corps to compete during the summer and that’s just a tough pill to swallow. I have kept my volunteering alive giving my time to another drum corps with lots of history. I was talking with an alumn about his summer plans and he shared the plans of the Cadet alumn to sing the Corps song Holy Name in Allentown and Indy. That sounded like a great idea, and I said I may join them in Allentown to do that. Then when I tried singing Holy Name alone I burst into tears. As an honorary alumn of the Cadets, I can’t imagine how alumni must feel. I think about all the alumn I met over the years volunteering; them sharing their experience with me marching as a Cadet and there were many, especially Scotty and Dave Shaw. With a very heavy heart all I can say is “Holy Name Shall Always Be”! The Cadets will stay alive in my heart forever! Irving Fan of the Arts
    10 points
  2. I have heard the same. Fun fact: one of SCV'S lead trumpets joined BAC last year when they pulled the plug. The guy will be heading to Vermont in a few weeks to prepare for his second (and I think, ageout) season with Boston. I wouldn't presume to speak for him, but the fact that he is returning probably speaks for itself.
    6 points
  3. Can't wait for the 4' tall screamer hitting the wail on Come Sail Away.
    5 points
  4. I foresee a battle of Mandarins, Cavies, and Phantom to prove they should be running with the top dogs.
    5 points
  5. I didn't know that, but it makes total sense that these two giants were born under the same star. The old saying among drum corps veterans of a certain era was that if you never got to play Kenny's "Auld Lang Syne" or Duffy's "Battle Hymn" you got cheated. Mike wrote for all the heavies in the early DCI days: Anaheim ('72 Champs), Blue Stars ('72 runner up), Troopers (perennial contenders), and dozens of the rest. He just about invented the "Sound of DCI". He's been in my personal Hall of Fame for 50+ years. Rest his remarkable soul. Mike Duffy is irreplaceable.
    5 points
  6. I anticipate that BDB will be next to announce their show.
    4 points
  7. The last time we saw BD go consecutive seasons without taking the gold medal was 2006. Facebook was in its 2nd year of existence. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was the #1 Movie. Daniel Powter's song "Bad Day" was #1 on the Billboard Singles Charts. The Motorola Razr was the #1 selling cell phone. And all the men that were just drafted into the NFL, two weeks ago, hadn't even started pre-school yet. Yes someone will step up and have a great year and earn a well-deserved championship taking down the Devils every now and then. But until further notice, no matter how we slice it, or view it, BD is in a tier of their own, then it's a gap, then Bloo/Crown/BAC 2-4.
    4 points
  8. I personally know 3 SCV 23 trumpets that ended up marching Phantom, Crown, and BD, last year and will all age out this year with those corps. SCV will be a less experienced group than the “top tier” groups but with design, they may be able to pull off a great upset. I’ll be rooting hard for them to come back strong in 24
    4 points
  9. 4 points
  10. I agree with you totally with 1-4 being a tier of its own. I was just basing it off his 1-5. But you are correct. And if we are being honest, until someone can step up and beat BD "CONSISTENTLY" they are in a tier of their own.
    4 points
  11. I know. I was being sarcastic to a dopey take on people wanting know what was going on with SCV.
    3 points
  12. But will it be tomorrow or next week?
    3 points
  13. Bingo! I wonder how many potential 23 SCV members who marched elsewhere are coming back to SCV for 24? Follow-on is - How many 2024 SCV members were cut from some other Corps?
    3 points
  14. It took me nearly twenty years, and others longer. Still others never come out. Nothing predicts the length of time it takes for victims to step forward, especially if we're talking about cases in which victims were legal adults but still unable to technically give consent within a glaring power differential. However, that's not the situation at hand. McKenzee is clearly more brave sooner in her life than many of us, but that still may not be enough to influence others. I'd love to be wrong.
    3 points
  15. Mandarins. They have their s**t together, they have the resources, and they have the momentum for 5th this year.
    3 points
  16. Well, if you’re stirring the pot, Madison! 🤷‍♂️😂
    3 points
  17. Bold! I don't see Crown losing to Mandarins, and Phantom Regiment has generated some buzz with their video release through DCI. Glad you have Blue Stars higher. They should bounce back after the design dud last year. The guard and brass were very good, but the design didn't go over well. Blue Devils in first is the norm, so I have to agree that's where they'll be until someone else steps up, which I hope is Bluecoats. Good list!
    2 points
  18. Perspective donors do have a right to know
    2 points
  19. : ( RIP McDuff
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Here's some more preseason content! https://www.dci.org/news/the-new-phantom-regiment-sets-course-for-2024-dci-tour
    2 points
  22. Not just consistently...but once. That hasn't happened since 2019....minus two years of no competitions.
    2 points
  23. They certainly weren’t interested in the conversation 11 years ago when we were squawking about Morgan Larson.
    2 points
  24. I think people are seriously underestimating SCV. gonna slot them anywhere from 1-5 if im being honest.
    2 points
  25. 1. Blue Devils 2. Bluecoats 3. Boston Crusaders --- 4. Mandarins 5. Carolina Crown --- 6. Cavaliers 7. Phantom Regiment --- 8. SCV 9. Blue Stars --- 10. Colts 11. Troopers 12. Pacific Crest --- 13. Blue Knights
    2 points
  26. i understand. but the world has changed a lot in the last 6-7 years when it comes to people coming forward. especially in drum corps circles.
    2 points
  27. We know BD/Bloo/Crown/BAC are in the top tier. Now let the fun discussion begin.........who gets the coveted five spot in your top tier?
    2 points
  28. When I first glanced at the headline..I thought it said.....Leave it to Beaver.
    2 points
  29. in May, before any serious video has been released, or even show reps have all been released, i dont discount or count pretty much anyone. i stopped buying off season hype years ago
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. They've already teased it twice, yesterday and three days before. https://www.instagram.com/bluedevilsb/?hl=en
    1 point
  32. I think the finalists will be the same as last season, sub in Vanguard for Cadets, but a bit of movement within each grouping. 1. Bluecoats 2. BD 3. Boston 4. Crown 5. Phantom 6. Mandarins 7. Vanguard 8. Troopers 9. Cavaliers 10. Blue Stars 11. Colts 12. Blue Knights Rationale: - Bluecoats’ design team is great and I’m excited to hear the collaboration with Son Lux. - BD can’t win every year, right? - Boston’s guard is fantastic year after year. If they get the right show, I think they’ll be ahead of Crown. - Crown has left me wanting more from a visual standpoint for a couple years. I know they have a new program coordinator, so maybe we’ll see. - Phantom was excellent last season, and I think they will continue that trajectory - I’m sure Mandarins have the talent and the design to do well, but will it be better than last season with all the hype that surrounded them? I’m not sure. - I’ve heard Vanguard is on the younger side, but their design team is top notch. I’m sure the percussion will be strong though. - Troopers released their audio and it sounds great, but I hope the new guard team can match that energy. Just looking at numbers, they would likely have been up there last year if not for the guard. - Similar to Vanguard, I’ve heard that Cavaliers brass is also young. I’m sure their percussion will be great as well. I’m less confident in their design though. - Blue Stars and Colts are a toss up for me. Blue Stars are in an anniversary year. Colts are advertising for colorguard spots still. That’s literally all I’ve heard about them. - Blue Knights have some new designers who I think will improve on last season, but not quite enough to pass anyone just yet.
    1 point
  33. The think it does change year-by-year, but if we are going off last year, it is clear as day the top tier is the four.
    1 point
  34. But Mandarins entered the season the 10th place corps. It would be interesting to see how many make the top 4 without prior drum corps experience.
    1 point
  35. Exactly my thoughts. I don't see any of these four not making the top 4 and I bet very, very, very few people make any of these corps without previous drum corps experience.
    1 point
  36. That'd be a substantial increase in driving for me. Especially coming home late.
    1 point
  37. A couple of my corps/poker buddies who marched with the Kilts taught us a few of theirs. Oh my. Even with my potty mouth, I was said whoa mama.
    1 point
  38. That’s just a bunch of EBBUBERY
    1 point
  39. Or for that matter 25 years ago (!) when She Who Must Never Be Named was spouting accusations on RAMD. Trying to separate the messenger from the message makes me wonder if there was a factual basis for her statements.
    1 point
  40. It's not a large number but it's larger than you seem to think. There is a strong preference for experienced marchers but it has little to do with talent. Instead it's about comfort. The corps is comfortable with the odds of the candidate actually making it through to finals. Finding great talent is far easier than finding talent that will survive an entire drum corps season. Nothing is worse than investing all the time and energy into filling a spot only to have them leave half-way through spring training because (pick your favorite reason here).
    1 point
  41. I know, I know! 🙋‍♂️
    1 point
  42. Exactly. 2023 Mandarins had quite a few high school kids with no previous DCI Experience.
    1 point
  43. Duffy told me that. That was before Norman passed on. I never met him in person. Jim knew him well because he was in Kilties. He was always very kind to me and he’d often ask what it was like being the one distaff brass player in the Kilties. I said I’d done it before in Norwood Park but it was a little “different” as a forty something woman. He was a classic.
    1 point
  44. I miss the excitement of the planning of getting everything ready for Spring Training, but I will never lose my excitement for this corps!! I just sit in my little corner of the country and cheer them on! 🙂 🙂
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Why would a fan or a prospective donor want to know anything about SCV, who’ve been out of the scene for a year? I guess it’s none of their business then. All curious fans should just go away. What a crappy attitude.
    1 point
  47. I was at camp yesterday and the horn line, front ensemble and battery sounds AMAZING (and LOUD!). They were really hammering just one part of the show and I still have goosebumps. Exciting things are going on in Rockford! SUTA
    1 point
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