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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Sits in the stands and yells “Vanguard!” At critical moments?
    3 points
  2. I’ll be watching the funeral and the coronation. The music is always magnificent.
    3 points
  3. they've been refining it for a millennium and this particular one has been under planning since 1965 - it's taken very seriously.
    3 points
  4. Huh? Wow I have never seen a worse characterization of Thom Hannum's writing. His books are extremely musical, very sensitive to the rest of the ensemble and are full of large changes in dynamics. In fact it could almost be called deferential to the full ensemble. Playing "loud, loud and louder"? Utterly. Completely. Wrong. Have you ever actually listened to anything he's written? (There are definitely problems with Hannum's writing in today's DCI / WGI environment but playing at FFF for an entire show is not it)
    3 points
  5. It was only months before Charlotte was born. Queens, before then, were the heirs to a throne with no male children. And Elizabeth only became Queen because her uncle abdicated his crown, and it passed to Elizabeth’s father. She was never expected to rule when she was born.
    2 points
  6. Mid 1980s sister was in a High School music group that toured Europe. When they got to London she begged out of the groups sight seeing tour as we have family there. Director not happy “you’ll miss the sights “. Sis was “haven’t seen my family in years”. Director grudgingly approves. So sis and cousin walking and see group looking down the road. Turn out Prince Charles limo was headed that way. So they wait and the limo gets caught in traffic near them and guess who gets out to look things over. 😱 Sis got a nice side pic of the new king… Hope she can find it. And couldn’t wait for tour director to ask if they saw anything interesting. 😈😈😈😈
    2 points
  7. Funeral is monday the 19th. Not this monday.
    2 points
  8. If who you hire adversely impacts recruitment, are they worth hiring?
    2 points
  9. people were guessing - which is what happens before things are announced lol
    2 points
  10. primogeniture was done away with shortly before the birth of Charlotte, who is now 3rd in line, behind George, but ahead of Louis.
    2 points
  11. He's talking about Matt Harloff. Not sure why Craiga is so scared to name names. Not like he's going to find out where Craiga lives...
    2 points
  12. My daughter lives in London, Greenwich to be more precise. She came home to visit us a few weeks back, and flies back tomorrow. When she came here it was Queen Elizabeth and PM Boris Johnson, She flies home to King Charles and PM Liz Truss. I think it is her fault. 😃
    2 points
  13. Funeral Proper will be Monday 19th, I believe at 1100Zulu
    2 points
  14. Terri is correct. Back in May I was in London during the celebration of the Queen's 70th year on the throne. The British and Commonwealth musical units are superb as they will demonstrate, even on this more somber occasion.
    2 points
  15. Maybe - but he's been at this at least for FIFTY years, at Cadets, Star & Crown (etc) > maybe he's ready for his next phase, I've been "at F&B restaurants biz" for about 40 years at a high level, and I'm thinking of my next chapter a lot recently
    2 points
  16. Sorry! I didn’t do it. Blame George. 😂 just kidding.
    2 points
  17. The Brits do this better than anyone else. Almost like a certain Drum Corps from Schaumburg used it for inspiration. 😎
    2 points
  18. George, I agree. Thom Hannum can be arguably considered the father of modern dci percussion. Tom Aungst and Colin McNutt are each a protégé of his. Over the past several years I have become friends with several recent Crown alums. I get the impression that a member of the Crown brass staff has had an outsized amount of influence over pretty everything over the there. If true, that may explain Thom taking his leave.
    2 points
  19. many people in DCI read DCP. then say they don't and say it's a cesspool...then slip up and give an example...and i laugh when they realize they gave themselves away
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Infuriatingly, as it relates to Nick Angelis, many posters saw the writing on the wall as early as March this year as to how this season seemingly played out under his leadership/instruction. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. It certainly doesn’t. Crown’s design is very much in your face with an obnoxious amount of cheese while Mike’s compositions are very subtle and create a soundscape. Hannum’s battery arrangements matched the overall design very well, loud, loud and louder. Hopefully bringing Mike Jackson on is a sign that they will tone things down in general
    2 points
  24. Funny that you place blame on your daughter … my mother recently passed at the age of 98 (it’s OK, 98 years is a good run … she was in hospice). My niece was there when she died. In Oakland County Michigan, a police officer needs to come and verify the death. The cop asked my niece, “So you were the only one here when she died?” She was. I told my niece, “You know what this means … You’re a suspect.”
    1 point
  25. To be fair … it was pretty funny.
    1 point
  26. Still find it funny you got mad at @Jeff Reamjoke but here you are fishing jokes 😅
    1 point
  27. I'll admit when my hunch is wrong... sometimes. That said, I'm really curious to see who does drill for the green team.
    1 point
  28. I see. It's the application of the Medieval right of primogeniture, wherein all titles pass to the eldest son. The only way Harry's offspring get into the line of succession is if William's sons die without male heirs. In theory, this eliminates the female line altogether, but English history has often taken a different view, witness the 2 "Elizabethan Ages", the first under Henry VIII's daughter and the second, concluded mere hours ago. As for the accompanying pageantry, don't touch that remote.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I believe it is because Harry’s kids have now been elevated from great-grandchildren of the last monarch to grandchildren of the new monarch. Williams’ children were greats, also, but also children of the future king, so they are treated differently.
    1 point
  31. People actually thought Gaines was heading back to Cavies, huh?
    1 point
  32. It has been non stop since the second she passed... As an American living in the UK, this has been amazing to witness. I have lived here 21 years and now hold dual citizenship. I do consider myself to be a staunch Royalist. The fact that the United Kingdom has a non political head of state is unique in the world. Queen Elizabeth was queen for seven decades. She saw 15 prime ministers with Winston Churchill being her first. The pomp and circumstance that surrounded her ascension to the throne whilst covered by TV, much is still a mystery as it wouldnt have been video recorded. What we will see overr the next several days will be nothing short of amazing, but for those who remember Dianas funeral or that of Prince Philip recently will have witnessed but a small taste of what is to come for Her Majesty's funeral. So where we are at now is that the Queen will now lie in state in Edinburgh for a day before she is flown to London where she will lie in state in Westminster Abbey. Whilst lying in state we will witness the Vigil of Princes. We will see Prince William, Prince Edward, Prince Andrew and I believe Prince Harry guarding her body. Today King Charles III has been officially proclaimed King by the Privy Council and that proclomation will occur in every town and village over the next few days. I will be going to my town's town hall tomorrow at 3:00 to witness our proclomation ceremony. Other things that have happened are the heirs to the throne have now progressed up the lasser a bit. Prince William is no longer the Duke of Cambridge, he is now the Prince of Wales and his wife has been asked to take and has accepted the title Princess of Wales. The last Princess of Wales in the UK was Diana. Further changes also surround Harrys kids as they are now officially a prince and princess... Regardless of what Meghan thought, their lack of title had NOTHING to do woth them being of mixed race and everything to do with the George V Conventions.
    1 point
  33. So, corps should start working in their 2079 show now!
    1 point
  34. I'm going to start a thread on this topic; the staff merry-go-round doesn't need to go off on a tangent.
    1 point
  35. I expect to hear Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Britten among others and it will be glorious. They know how to do a send off right.
    1 point
  36. I'm sorry to burst this bubble but the vast majority of my experiences in drum corps have been bitterly isolating. Including to this day.
    1 point
  37. The teaching staff was not the problem at Crown. Hannum's charts are just not what DCI judges are looking for these days. My guess is that the incoming percussion writer(s) want to bring "their team" with them. Like it or not that sometimes means the previous team is let go. Sucks because not only were Travis and his team very good teachers, they are also great guys who were well liked by everyone (staff and members alike).
    1 point
  38. Hope it wasn’t a mistake. Compared to the caption heads and arrangers in corps ahead of Crown, Travis is young. Someday, I expect he will be the next Rennick or McNutt. I hope he gets that chance.
    1 point
  39. SAME! This is hilarious
    1 point
  40. BAC Battery to present at PASIC in November! On September 9, 2022, in News We are proud to announce that the BACBattery will be performing at the Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC) this year! Our entire battery will travel to Indianapolis in November to perform excerpts from our 2022 production, “Paradise Lost” alongside Director of Percussion Colin McNutt. PASIC is one of the world’s largest percussion conventions, showcasing performing artists, ensembles, and industry advancements from around the world. This year’s convention takes place from November 9th-12th at the Indianapolis Convention Center. Our performance will be on Saturday, November 12th at 1 pm in the Sagamore Ballroom and is open to all PASIC attendees. We will also be streaming live on our Facebook page for those who wish to view from home. Please stay tuned for more information on how to tune in. Previously, the BACPercussion performed at PASIC in 2018 with their presentation “Day in the Life of a DCI Percussion Section”. The battery and front ensemble, along with caption heads Colin McNutt and Iain Moyer, demonstrated the technique, exercises, and repertoire performed on our 2018 tour. https://bostoncrusaders.org/2022/09/battery-pasic/
    1 point
  41. I would submit that BAC is already in that top percussion bubble, since they beat every other corps in percussion at various points in the season....including late season.
    1 point
  42. Crossmen are already in line for 2024. In 2034, Cadets are to once again compete under the “Holy Name Cadets” banner. But due to the CONTINUING ****** in Cadetland, despite the fact that GH gone, the corps alumni in this corps are far more elitist & separated than 80+ years of alumni should ever be.
    1 point
  43. Dude come on. Inferno, compared to RHRN…is HIGH brow! It’s every bit as serious as Boston this year. And it was the same subject matter! As far as narration…whatever. I mean why not say shows shouldn’t have props? It’s a unique art form that is open ended. Almost every single show now as some form of narration. Including RHRN.
    1 point
  44. Some of it was also due to the differences in the organizations. The girl scouts do not operate or engage in the kinds of things the BSoA do. This caused many young ladies, who desired a more rigorous curriculum, to push BSoA to open their doors. These were girls that did not want to just sell cookies among other things. So yes, boys cannot join GSoA but why would they, the curriculum for BSoA is far more rigorous and more in line with why people joint scouting orgs.
    1 point
  45. As best I know, Boy Scouts went co-ed to combat declining membership, not due to threatening lawsuits related to gender discrimination.
    1 point
  46. How difficult is it just to be a decent person? Drum corps is about unity and harmony, not isolating singular members.
    0 points
  47. Looking forward to seeing new names on actual touring staff. That will be a huge indicator on lessons learned. Especially since so many design/caption leader roles remain unchanged.
    0 points
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